Want to fix the debt problem? We need to print more money!

Making more jobs isn't "lol", it's the whole ball game.

My point is that you can't fix the deficit you can only make it worse in the short term. That is just the reality of recessions. We haven't ever had a positive result from spending cuts during a recession.

Given that why not address the most important pressing issue we have right now, unemployment. That problem needs to be fixed first or else it's impossible to fix any of the other problems. The best way we have to do that is with government spending programs, so that's what we need to do, spend. I know that's not what you want to hear but it's the only option with a chance of success.

Reducing spending right now will only lead to further unemployment, which leads to less revenue, which leads to bigger deficits. So why cut spending when the result of that is likely going to be a worse economy and even more deficits? Isn't the point of spending cuts to reduce deficits? If the result of a spending cut will be more deficits, then why bother doing that at all?

why will this never happen? its called fear, straight fucking fear. the world economy
has matured with the years, and unfortunately the history lessons we are looking at saying "well make sure that never happens again," are from a long time ago when country's money was not as invested into other country's. its a new age and i wont object to some change. taxs cuts wont work, republicans are actually back tracking on that subject. but
obama is too peaceful and lied to america saying he'd "shake things up" well he hasnt. you CAN print money without going
overboard. do it and see whats happens, if it fails we just back off. as long as we didnt print an insane amount, we would
be fine. i used to be scared of rollercoasters, than i went on one and didnt die. it was pretty sweet
the government could also try putting glasses on and not allowing billions to slip through their own funded programs. they dont need to cut everything because they cant keep track of their own books. while that wont equal 15 trillion, its better than cuttinf thousands of jobs.
then what does the us consumer do? do you make enough money to pay for american made tools, toys, swingsets, shoes?

This is ridiculous, I am just saying that if we want anything to be different it is prudent to separate from corporate control, the Federal Reserve is a corporation that is only focused on those that support and give to them.
we need to go back to the gold and silver standard, which is our country's real wealth. When the smoke clears and all is said and done precious resources are what really matters. And what is really stupid is we import those resources, instead of using what we got here in America.
Gold is a precious metal we need for building not wearing or keeping hostage for wealth.. i give this thread up, go ahead Dan, continue to spread propaganda.