Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

Hey this is page 101!

Still too drunk to trust myself with holding my bong. Damnit! I so badly want to smoke...
Wow 1002 posts, damn we all like to wake n bake, lol :mrgreen: I am keeping the buzz going all day, cause there is lots of snow gonna need shoveling. :mrgreen::peace:
got so drunk last night it was ridulous. ..i felt like shit this morning. but after a few long bong rips. im feeling awesome.... WAKE N BAKE!!!! nothing better. thank god for this thread
personally i like to reward myself after a long day at the office with a nice smelly blunt. cough cough...late
When I worked as a paint/drywall guy I waked and baked every day. Now the job I have I have to go in early every morning and deal with people face to face so no chance of even taking one hit in the mornings. I do get Thursdays off, so every Thursday morning I'll be joining everyone in the o'so missed wake and bake.:blsmoke:
Wake n Bake all I got me some shoveling to do today, 50 centimetres (1.6 feet) of snow cam down last night. Isn't this March? lol:mrgreen::peace:
Highest Greetings from Costa Rica....!

7:15 AM .... A good cup of Costa's great coffee and a couple of hits of a nice Colombian Sativa!

Fuck Yeah!!!!