Help with my lighting and cycle


my seedling is starting to get its first leaves and i was wondering how many watts of light is ideal for my plant? i currently have 150w aprox. 8 inches above my plant.
is that sufficient for now? and should i be on 24/0, what should my hours be.
don't go posting acronyms for all this stuff please, i only know what a few things stand for

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
150w of what exactly?? cfls? thats about bare minimum you want....u may even want to upgrade when it comes time to flower...

WOO!!! 1,000 posts...


box said compact reveal bulb 150 watts/1600lumens full spectrum so i figured that it gave the correct light since it said "full spectrum" but,
eh, you never know these days


Well-Known Member
You want the bulb to be 6500k (kelvin) it should say on the box and yes 150w is enough for one plant, but more is always better...


actual i assume, i will check, i mean this shit is bright as hell. i cant open the door without getting blinded by the light it puts off


so im guessing i have 5k kelvin reading that guide, it says thats good for veg, but i need more like 2k-2600 for flowering. true?


alright i have 2 cfl's i found. there both 10w it says on the side of the bulb, im guessing i should just stick with full spectrum since its 150?


Well-Known Member
No, Incandescent is bad, you don't wanna grow with it, it puts off more energy in the form of heat than light...If you'[re growing cheapy, get all CFL's, 23 actual watts or higher, I like the 26 and 42 watt bulbs...Also it's easier to identify the kelvin rating on CFL's, it's usually on the packaging somewhere...