Chemdog Busted???????


Well-Known Member
Heard this at an event last night from a pretty reliable source, was wondering if anyone has heard anything. Rumor is he IRS/DEA grabbed him in Mass this week and his projects have been confiscated.

Hoping it's not true, anyone?
Didn't know it was a real person, I have only smoked the strain. That's why I clicked the post... Hope all ends well.

word on the street if you had any connections with Chemdog, you should be watching your back. im not saying the man went narc, but you have to ask yourself how he was released with only a $1000 bond? i feel extremely bad for the women caught with him i highly doubt she even got off so easily, she was only 23 also. they dont even mention her at all sadly.

i mean he has over 9 pounds, proof he was selling and a firearm only to get a measly bond release of only $1000, something really is not right there not at all. its been said he is actually working with authorities, its be suspected before but now after seeing this im really starting to wonder if he actually is working with them.
yes he was busted that is Chemdog in the flesh, but for those who strictly care about his seeds more than why he was released so easily, youll be happy to know he got out immediately with a $1000 bond.

to me sounds very fishy, also they dont even mention what happened to the girl with him, so its possible he gave all the information he could to save his ass while screwing everyone else in the process.

this is just suspicion but i think everyone can agree it doesnt sound right a $1000 bond for some very heavy charges, especially a firearm that was unlicensed...
if that was here i wouldve been charged with 15 years in prison and a $50,000 dollar bond just for the herb charges alone excluding the intent to sell and the unlicensed firearm.. id be in prison for life. yet he gets off with a $1000 bail.
doesnt anyone else watch sons of anarchy, what if the feds knew who he was talking to and dealing with before busting him, then they busted him and let him go intentionally to make it look like a gnark, then they can check out the other people they are watching to see how they change their associations/ with chemdog.

or he could have just rolled over on everyone, but if he did wouldnt they want it to look like he didnt?

one way to catch fish is setup a net, then beat the hell out of the water and catch all the fish that make a run for it.
i dont see how that would change anything, if the feds knew they were looking for people he was talking to, what difference would it make for them to arrest him and let him go just to stir up emotions with his high end friends? if they knew who they were looking for before hand they wouldve just went straight for them, arresting him to make him seem like a narc just seems completely pointless.

the only thing that would do is prevent people from not talking to him as much anymore which doesnt make it any easier for them to find the big players.

i dont know how good it is to judge how the feds actually work based off of a TV show on Fox, just in my opinion..
if that was here i wouldve been charged with 15 years in prison and a $50,000 dollar bond just for the herb charges alone excluding the intent to sell and the unlicensed firearm.. id be in prison for life. yet he gets off with a $1000 bail.
he was arrested in the new york, its decriminalized but not legal especially cultivation, but this could be one reason bail was low, does anybody know what their laws on cultivation are.
where im from bond is usually 10% - 15 % of your bail, so a $1000 bond could be upwards of $10,000 bail.
also 9 lbs is not what you would call a commercial crop, in reality its not that much, especially for a seasoned breader like Chemdog
the firearm was also found in his home not on his person or in his stash (makes a huge difference here), but it also states he did not have the proper paperwork to own it, must be a NY law. you dont need any licence to own a firearm where i am from.


Possession 25 g or less (first offense) civil citation none $100 25 g or less (second offense) civil citation none $200 25 g or less (3rd offense) misdemeanor 5 days and/or fine $250 25 g to 2 oz* misdemeanor 3 months $500 2 to 8 oz class A misdemeanor 1 year and/or fine $1,000 8 to 16 oz (first felony) class E felony 1-4 years and/or fine,
if second offense- 3-4 years (mandatory ½ jail sentence) $5,000 16 oz to 10 lbs (first felony) class D felony 1 - 15 years and/or fine,
if 2nd offense mandatory ½ jail sentence $5,000 More than 10 lbs (first felony) class C felony 1 - 15 years and/or fine,
if 2nd offense mandatory ½ jail sentence $5,000 *Includes any amount in public where marijuana is burning or open to public view. Sale or Cultivation 2 oz or less gift class B misdemeanor 3 months and/or fine $500 24 g sale class A misdemeanor 1 year and/or fine $1,000 25 g to 4 oz (first felony) class E felony
1 - 4 years,
if second felony 3-4 years (mandatory ½ jail sentence)​
$5,000 4 to 16 oz (first felony) class D felony
1-7 years
(probation if no prior felony)​
$5,000 16 oz to 10 lbs (first felony) class C felony 1-5 years and/or fine,
if second felony 4-7 years (mandatory ½ jail sentence)
$5,000 10 lbs or more (first felony) class C felony 1-15 years and/or fine
if second felony 6-15 years (mandatory ½ jail sentence)
Sale to a minor (first felony) class D felony 1 - 7 years $5,000 Miscellaneous (paraphernalia, license suspensions, drug tax stamps, etc...) Paraphernalia possession (must be dirty paraphernalia) misdemeanor 1 year $1,000 Details
Possession of 25 grams or less of marijuana is punishable by a fine of $100 for the first offense. For the second offense, the penalty increases to a $200 fine and for subsequent offenses the fine increases to $250 and a maximum of 15 days in jail time may be imposed.

Possession of greater than 25 grams or possession of any amount in public where the marijuana is burning or open to public view, is a class B misdemeanor and is punishable by up to three months in jail and a fine up to $500.
For possession of greater than two ounces, the penalty increases to a possible one year in jail and a fine up to $1,000.
Possession of greater than eight ounces increases the penalties to a possible one to one and a half years in prison and a fine up to $5,000. The penalties for possession of greater than 16 ounces are 1-15 years in prison and a fine up to $5,000. For possession of any amount greater than 10 pounds, the penalty is 1-15 years in prison and a fine up to $5,000.
Delivery or manufacture of two ounces or less of marijuana for no remuneration is punishable by up to three months in jail and a fine up to $500. For delivery or manufacture of 25 grams or less, the penalty is up to one year in jail and a fine up to $1,000. For amounts greater than 25 grams, the penalty increases to one to one and a half years in jail and a fine up to $5,000. Delivery or manufacture of greater than four ounces is punishable by one to two and a half years in prison and a fine up to $5,000. For any amount greater than 16 ounces, the penalty increases to one to five and a half years in prison and a fine up to $5,000.
Any sale or delivery to a minor is punishable by 1-7 years in prison and a fine up to $5,000.
Possession or sale of paraphernalia is punishable by up to one year in jail or a fine up to $1,000.
Decriminalization: The state has decriminalized marijuana to some degree. Typically, decriminalization means no prison time or criminal record for first-time possession of a small amount for personal consumption. The conduct is treated like a minor traffic violation.
Also see Federal Laws

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he was arrested in the new york, its decriminalized but not legal especially cultivation, but this could be one reason bail was low, does anybody know what their laws on cultivation are.
where im from bond is usually 10% - 15 % of your bail, so a $1000 bond could be upwards of $10,000 bail.
also 9 lbs is not what you would call a commercial crop, in reality its not that much, especially for a seasoned breader like Chemdog
the firearm was also found in his home not on his person or in his stash (makes a huge difference here), but it also states he did not have the proper paperwork to own it, must be a NY law. you dont need any licence to own a firearm where i am from.

he wasn't busted in new york, but rather mass. from the couple of articles that i've read..
and i don't really think that chemdog was any sort of breeder either tbh, have you ever bought chemdog seeds? and i don't mean the genetics either, but rather from a company called chemdog.. not trying to say that he didn't fall into some of the best fire ever with his infamous 13 bagseeds and all, it's jut that i don't know if i'd call chemdog a breeder per se if that makes any sort of sense..
and man, anyone thrown off by his pix? lol, nothing personal, but sometimes you get an idea of what someone will lookl ike, and when i saw him, i'd never put his pix and the name chemdog together, lol..
he wasn't busted in new york, but rather mass. from the couple of articles that i've read..
and i don't really think that chemdog was any sort of breeder either tbh, have you ever bought chemdog seeds? and i don't mean the genetics either, but rather from a company called chemdog.. not trying to say that he didn't fall into some of the best fire ever with his infamous 13 bagseeds and all, it's jut that i don't know if i'd call chemdog a breeder per se if that makes any sort of sense..
and man, anyone thrown off by his pix? lol, nothing personal, but sometimes you get an idea of what someone will lookl ike, and when i saw him, i'd never put his pix and the name chemdog together, lol..
i guess you have a point, but what would you call him, i know that he dosn't represent his own company, but i also know if you walk into any dispensary in california your likely to find a strain that has been crossed in some way to a plant whos roots can be traced back to one of his original cuttings, so i put him in the breeder catagory.
this is something i read which was pretty interesting, if it is mostly true (which i would beleive) theen this guys is a level above a breeder. whatever that is.
Chemdog IS a strain grown in Montana, sold in Colorado for years, purchased by a person in Massachusetts, during the time when the chemdog was in Mass, the chemdog in Montana and CO stopped flowing due to leo and was left alone with the "Chemdog" (person) in Mass, There were 12 original beans, two originals males. The first female became Chemdog '91, there were chemA and chemB phenos and then in 2000 chem sister and Chem D were grown out and loved by many, The leftover seeds were brought back to CO to be grown out and now account for four more phenotypes. There are also many other hybrids including Geisel, Snodog, bubblechem among others. The SOURDIESEL is actually a sensi seeds 1986 Super Skunk grown out in VA for a while, brought to Mass. and a herm flowered this skunk and these accidental seeds were grown out in Albany and NYC and renamed the SourDiesel. (ps- Diesel is 91 Chemdog just renamed) Og Kush is Chemdog renamed when it made its way to the west coast.
Dunno why a breeder of that stature wouldn't move to Cali or even Amsterdam, name recognition alone would get him hired onto half the seed companies.

word on the street if you had any connections with Chemdog, you should be watching your back. im not saying the man went narc, but you have to ask yourself how he was released with only a $1000 bond? i feel extremely bad for the women caught with him i highly doubt she even got off so easily, she was only 23 also. they dont even mention her at all sadly.

i mean he has over 9 pounds, proof he was selling and a firearm only to get a measly bond release of only $1000, something really is not right there not at all. its been said he is actually working with authorities, its be suspected before but now after seeing this im really starting to wonder if he actually is working with them.

Please be very careful with that sort of rumor. A friend of mine was murdered because of a similar one many years ago.
This is why gossip KILLS! here you have MOfu's giving opinions on shit they have no idea about,not one of you was there during the bust nor were you arrested with this man or know any of the Particulars of the case as of yet..I have watched with my own eyes people get fucked off because of rumors that later was found to be untrue and the majority of the time it was for being labeled a snitch in one way or another. Already you have every tom dick and harry on here telling the whole story fpr him well if they are watching this thread to help them with a case then they wouldnt have to go far to get some shaddy ass evidence at all there are real snitch's and bitch's on here telling it all about what they dont know now who are the real RATS...Thats what give this sight its sometimes bad name gossip and idle chatter that has no substance grow the fuck up and let whoever got pinched defend himself without jumping to you own conclusions...
This is why gossip KILLS! here you have MOfu's giving opinions on shit they have no idea about,not one of you was there during the bust nor were you arrested with this man or know any of the Particulars of the case as of yet..I have watched with my own eyes people get fucked off because of rumors that later was found to be untrue and the majority of the time it was for being labeled a snitch in one way or another. Already you have every tom dick and harry on here telling the whole story fpr him well if they are watching this thread to help them with a case then they wouldnt have to go far to get some shaddy ass evidence at all there are real snitch's and bitch's on here telling it all about what they dont know now who are the real RATS...Thats what give this sight its sometimes bad name gossip and idle chatter that has no substance grow the fuck up and let whoever got pinched defend himself without jumping to you own conclusions...

amen bro they condemned him worse then the courts will