Chemdog Busted???????

amen bro they condemned him worse then the courts will

Right on man this shit is contaguios! Its like the story of the four guys that got caught in the bank and managed to exscape throught the back door everyone went there own way and foundgreat hidding spots to tie them over except this one guy who chose to hide behind the telephone pole and give up. As soon as he was captured the first thing he said was Come on out guys (WE) are caught as he walked near each of there hiding spots..Go figure! Peace
Right on man this shit is contaguios! Its like the story of the four guys that got caught in the bank and managed to exscape throught the back door everyone went there own way and foundgreat hidding spots to tie them over except this one guy who chose to hide behind the telephone pole and give up. As soon as he was captured the first thing he said was Come on out guys (WE) are caught as he walked near each of there hiding spots..Go figure! Peace

i would have had to come out swinging on his ass
I hope not. He's a pretty damn good breeder.

bag seed genetics? more power to the man but didnt he find the seeds in a random bag of super chronic, i mean i may be stupid but good breeder who found his genetics by accident?

id say a good breeder is someone who travels to find their genetics and bring it back, but then again i dont know much about breeding

and isnt good bud grown the same way as good breeding, control of climate and intake of nutrients? i dont know about the rest of you but ive been doing great form the begining without and websites(didnt have internet then) or help from books or friends . . . but ok
u can take a shit seed and make it different due to conditions
found a seed in a bag or traveled across the world to find it still the same in the end right
u can take a shit seed and make it different due to conditions
found a seed in a bag or traveled across the world to find it still the same in the end right

i notice you give credit to seed and not the sower

now if you make that seed . . . . . thats what i call a breeder, i guess he just a lucky man who can breed with the best SD one of my all time favorits
doesnt anyone else watch sons of anarchy, what if the feds knew who he was talking to and dealing with before busting him, then they busted him and let him go intentionally to make it look like a gnark, then they can check out the other people they are watching to see how they change their associations/ with chemdog.

or he could have just rolled over on everyone, but if he did wouldnt they want it to look like he didnt?

one way to catch fish is setup a net, then beat the hell out of the water and catch all the fish that make a run for it.

Maybe they want him to turn narc so they advertise his bail so that others will think he has turned when he hasn't.
Maybe they want him to turn narc so they advertise his bail so that others will think he has turned when he hasn't.

awnaw they wont u to keep in business to raise lawyer money so they just tail u and wire tap ans since he was already bust judge will sign warrant then they will go after others
well this is an interesting case. there are a few reasons why he was living in western mass. for one that is a very liberal and hippy area with a bunch of liberal arts schools. Massachusetts has some very lenient laws when it comes to pot. and there are a lot of old hippies that have lived there for a while and have been growing for a while.

one thing i noticed is that this guy was caught with only 97 plants (under 100 limit which feds ususally go after) and he only had nine pounds, which may seem like a lot but for the caliber bust it was that is not really a lot. i mean they must have been watching this guy for a while and probably have wanted to bust for a while and needed to pull the trigger on the investigation. i mean come on why else would the irs have been involved if they had not been real serious about getting this guy. so they got the guy with not that much and they had to release him according to the law, this does not mean anything else conclusive.

on another note as this guy as a breeder. he obviously has done great things with the chemdawg strain. its not like the guy found the seed and then that was it. he must have worked on it for years at a time when few other people were doing what he was. this was before seed banks and before the internet. and cmon do you really think that the mother of so many great strains in the us in the past 20 years was just some random bag seed?
I see people speculating about if, whether he's cooperating with the feds and I'm gonna tell you from my own experiences. With his charges as they're stated there's NO WAY his bound was 1k without cooperating #fact. They don't give a fuck about who knows if, you're cooperating once the put your face out there like that. If, he was a confidential informant you wouldn't of heard about the bust at all. They gave him some slack for his cooperation and that's why the magistrate deemed him as a minimal flight risk with such a low bound. Make no mistake with his case he's cooperating a blind man can see that. The feds work like this, you cooperate and have it easy...choose not to cooperate and they make it very difficult. That dude has zero toughness that's evident by rez disrespecting him and rez is widely believed to be a pussy. It's a shame that I feel bad about blowing a strain or hybrid associated with a snitch. What even more of a shame is some people don't care if, he's a snitch or not. I hate snitches!!!! Do your time!!! The feds giving you a 1k bond and you think that person ain't cooperating you don't know what you're talking about or dumb. Feds prosecute affluent people and individuals with ties to affluent people. All the underground community does is hype the strain. You think the feds haven't been building a case this whole time and waiting for that moment to get him. It was bound to happen!!!
I see people speculating about if, whether he's cooperating with the feds and I'm gonna tell you from my own experiences. With his charges as they're stated there's NO WAY his bound was 1k without cooperating #fact. They don't give a fuck about who knows if, you're cooperating once the put your face out there like that. If, he was a confidential informant you wouldn't of heard about the bust at all. They gave him some slack for his cooperation and that's why the magistrate deemed him as a minimal flight risk with such a low bound. Make no mistake with his case he's cooperating a blind man can see that. The feds work like this, you cooperate and have it easy...choose not to cooperate and they make it very difficult. That dude has zero toughness that's evident by rez disrespecting him and rez is widely believed to be a pussy. It's a shame that I feel bad about blowing a strain or hybrid associated with a snitch. What even more of a shame is some people don't care if, he's a snitch or not. I hate snitches!!!! Do your time!!! The feds giving you a 1k bond and you think that person ain't cooperating you don't know what you're talking about or dumb. Feds prosecute affluent people and individuals with ties to affluent people. All the underground community does is hype the strain. You think the feds haven't been building a case this whole time and waiting for that moment to get him. It was bound to happen!!!

I am in no way stepping up to protect this dude from any other as i really dont give a mad fuck! But once again let me say i think any ho coward ass biacth that comes on this forum and acuses someone of being a snitch is just that i cant help but reiterate this afain i have been there front and center to whitness people get there life snuffed out only to find out later that they were not a snitch..In the penitentary we now say show me the paperwork and it will speak for itself if not shut the fuck up! Wanna be gagsters lol a lolt or thid rederick could be fueled by jealousy plain and simple!
I am in no way stepping up to protect this dude from any other as i really dont give a mad fuck! But once again let me say i think any ho coward ass biacth that comes on this forum and acuses someone of being a snitch is just that i cant help but reiterate this afain i have been there front and center to whitness people get there life snuffed out only to find out later that they were not a snitch..In the penitentary we now say show me the paperwork and it will speak for itself if not shut the fuck up! Wanna be gagsters lol a lolt or thid rederick could be fueled by jealousy plain and simple!

Stfu! You ain't never did a bid! If, you had been in the system you know with his charges you ain't getting no $1,000 dollar bond. You obviously never had a possession with intent nor a gun charge or a fed case saying dumb shit like that. Ask your lawyer idiot!
Stfu! You ain't never did a bid! If, you had been in the system you know with his charges you ain't getting no $1,000 dollar bond. You obviously never had a possession with intent nor a gun charge or a fed case saying dumb shit like that. Ask your lawyer idiot!
Dude you are a fuck'n coward to the maximum and you donrt have a clue as to what i have done hoe! i have done more then 19 years of state prison time with the last stretch being a cool Dime never been a rat or gossiper like yo bitch ass so shut the fuck up yourself and get the fuck out another mans shit you coward bitch..And that s for real ...Blood Nation Fagot and i am not affraid to let you know where the fuck i am..Nor cal Sacramento area by way of L.A you get this far and we can def meet somewhere mutial and d what we do i hate cell soldiers!!