Professor Marijuana's 45 Day Grow Q & A

sorry professor i was talking about heath robinsons 5 lb plant there, not you. im going to read the info you posted now and then i will get back to you. thanks for the links.
No worries friend, I regret even responding, I hate people calling me a liar or passing judgement. I don't believe I have the right to judge and sure as hell don't try to discredit and certainly not, when based on opinion. I have no agenda, just thought I could help a bit, only speak of my grows because others have asked. If I was selling a book I would get it but I am at a loss here. Hell, I've been doing this for so long I feel like calling the "Ney Sayers" Whipper Snappers lmfao. Now there a load of BS lol. Best advise I ever got was "keep your mouth shut and your ears open" Priceless. Anyway we're good friend, no offence taken.
Dude, I knew I liked you from your first post on this thread!! I want to say - in public forum - how much I appreciate your efforts, your expertise, your sacrifices, your passion, and your willingness to endure the haters here for those wanting and needing your knowledge. Effective next week I will be a moderator here. If I see any more remarks like those from the haters they will pay dearly.

Thank You friend, I just speak the truth, we all chose what to do with it. I really don't have an agenda, true story, just like helping specially those newer. Lot of bad info out there and people who kill the passion of growing this amazing plant. Far ass I'm concerned by the time I'm done I'll grow kilo's in 420 minutes, under my black light, with a Dark Side poster as walls, and the used remains of my volcano as food, and no manicuring required. I'm working on it, going to name it "WhyNot" lol
@ Professor. have you ever grown sour diesel? what type of yields did you get. did u prune them? if so how far up do you prune.
i usally prune about 3/8 of the plant from the bottom.

Of course I've grown Diesel, it's always been an average producer but will say that it responds very well to massive light. Nugs get twice as dense.

If vegging I generaly prune the bottom third, produces little and burns a lot. I trim all sappers and try to allow light to penetrate as far as possible, I'll tell you though, at that stage of the game the important stuffs already done. Putting the work and attention in from the start pays off more then anything you'll do in the end.
well you have to understand that most of us are not capable of growing such yields in such short times, myself included. i cant speak for everyone but i wouldnt call it hating, id say that to most people it is just unrealistic because they dont know how. pioneers get criticized their whole lives. einstein, franklin, edison, wright bros, etc where all called crazy nut jobs for their claims, and we know how that turned out. any info you could link up or share with us about growing techniques would be awsome. i love to read and learn new methods of cultivation.
I got one for ya, what's the most purple strain you've seen/growed? I love purple weed, and my grow now is using Kings Kush, what would you recommend for my next one?

One of the best things about growing is all the variety. I remember back in my Northern Cali Days when Sensi was just becoming popular there was a skunk 1/ purp blend called Grape Smelly
(wasn't my name) that was downright mind numbing, like grape jelly purp, with a fruity skunk smell, that was couch lock squared. In my all time top 5. A treat.

A recomendation? When the DEA raided me I was a week out from harvesting a Black Hash. The lead guy said in his 25 years it was the biggest buds he'd ever seen( wouldn't put it in writing) Huge, dense, nearly black, that smelled like a good napeleze temple ball. Rivaled the bud bowl nugs. Fast producer, stable strain.
Thank you very much for the response Professor, I truly appreciate your sharing of valuable knowledge :) Those buds in your pic are out of this world. I'd love to be able to achieve results like that, in fact I'm making that my goal! Hopefully it wont take me 43 years though lol! I will give that C4 a try (mostly because you recommended it, but I'd be lying if I said that it wasn't in part because it has a cool name!). I hope you don't mind if I continue asking questions, but it's not every day that you get to study from a real veteran, and your answers made me think of some more stuff I wanted to ask ;)

1. I'm not familiar with Home and Garden nutrients...the only search results I got from Google were for House and Garden so I wondered if that's what you meant? The ones from Amsterdam? Do you think it's worth special ordering? My grow store only carries GH and Foxfarm. Did you dislike GH because of inferior yields? Also would your nutes work for high pressure aero where you need 100% liquid, sediment free nutrients? {sorry, I just looked at the Aqua Flakes 2 part nutrient which seems to be designed for hydro/aero so I guess it would work}

2. When you say that you use a water chiller with added oxygen, how does that work? Are you pumping oxygen into the water somehow?

3. How do your nutrient formulas change from week to week? Any chance you could break it down? Like for instance for me, I use GH at a ratio of 2parts-1part-3parts Micro-Grow-Bloom for veg and 2-3-1 for flower. How do you do it? (I don't know if your nutrient line is a 2 part or 3 part formula)

4. With respect to cloning to get a great plant, you said you clone over 25 generations selecting and isolating the best 3 clones out of a hundred each time. This may sound rudimentary but, how do you know which the best clones are before they are fully flowered? And once they are fully flowered, isn't it too late to clone at that point? Or is your criteria different i.e. the fastest growing, or thickest stem or something?

5. Sorry for this one but...what do you do for spider mites? I'm battling the most viscous mite problem right now and I've thrown everything but the kitchen sink at em and they just laugh at me.

Thanks for all your time and effort, and please disregard the naysayers, they only serve to constrict the flow of knowledge.
well you have to understand that most of us are not capable of growing such yields in such short times, myself included. i cant speak for everyone but i wouldnt call it hating, id say that to most people it is just unrealistic because they dont know how. pioneers get criticized their whole lives. einstein, franklin, edison, wright bros, etc where all called crazy nut jobs for their claims, and we know how that turned out. any info you could link up or share with me about growing techniques would be awsome. i love to read and learn new methods of cultivation.

42o, I dissagree with you. If you have the funds and a space I would be glad to use you as an example. Here's what I'd be willing to do. I will take the info you provide, layout the room, give you a detailed itemized list of equipment, show the layout, pick the strain, and walk you step by step through an entire grow. Ever step, start to finnish. And I would put my money where my mouth is, complete stranger who is a novice(?) and mentor you online standing by the yields I have said my beginning students achieve. Give me the size of the space and I will publicly make a claim as to yield. I get paid very good money to do that, and will do it at no charge, you document if you want to post. what do you think?
I got one for ya, what's the most purple strain you've seen/growed? I love purple weed, and my grow now is using Kings Kush, what would you recommend for my next one?
You should google Heath Robinson purple rose. That purple rose is one of the most gorgeous plants I've ever seen! Unfortunately he only gave a few people seeds so I think it's pretty unobtainable. It took him many generations of crosses to produce it. I too like purple plants, if you come across any that has seeds you can order, let me know!

Sorry for the off track post
that sounds very tempting, but i cant get rolling till oct. i will be working with a budget of $3000 and a spare bedroom. i was planning on doing an undercurrent dwc 6 plant scrog setup in a 10x5x7 tent with 2 1000s and raptor hoods. but i might seriously take you up on that if you are still free when im ready. thats definitly putting your money where your mouth is. :)
I've used the aqua flakes a&b house &garden with decent results might switch back if i dont like this veg formula from an.

working with the garbage radiant hydrofarm hood with 8 inch flange going to upgrade to the magnum xxxl 8 inch and push the 747cfm vortex thru it like I've been doing. Using a tent got a huge dehumidifier but It gets to hot in the tent.

Running connosiuer a&b this round with some nirvana and big bud but not sure if I like the ratio of phosphorus.
Hey professer MJ PLease stick around bro this is going to be an epic thread if evryone get off the bullshit. Im soaking all this info up its good stuff man I cant wait to hear more, I know for a fact I can produce at least half what your doing now if you keep spilling out this info im a sponge and I always get ahead by keeping my mouth shut and ears open and if it dosent apply let it fly. So preach on Professer. So what do you keep your temps at and humid? You said you check the nutes weekly to adjust to plants do you use your ppm meter for that to see how much there taking in? Im in the process of getting one I never used one yet so sorry for the inexperience question. What are your vital supplies you use evryday for you op? Ph meter ppm etc. Thanks
Hi professor, thank you for offering your knowledge to us. This is great info. I remember when you were here before and you unfortunately got a poor reception from some peeps. I was sorry to see you leave.

First question: what is your opinion of light movers? Can they be beneficial if one only has one light?
question about light hoods. I started off running my exhaust for the room through my lights, and things worked well. I convinced myself that my plants would recieve more light if I removed the glass from the hoods, and skip the venting through the hoods. My room does not really have heat problems at all, as long as I'm venting. So whats better, glass out, and 10" from the plants or glass in and 5 or 6" between the light and the plants.
transition to flowering,
Does the 36 hour thing rally work? did you do some side by side comparisons and what kind improvement was seen
Bloom Nutes... do you make an abrut change to bloom nutes, or do you ease into them by mixing w/ grow nutes.
Do you ever use MH for the beginning of the bloom phase.
Do you reduce your nutrient concentration while making the transition, and if so from what EC?
Do you tweak your NPK ratios through out the bloom cycle, or pic a ratio and run with it.

Thanks bro
Light foot print?
I see you like to hit your plants with massive light.
What would be the most efficient foot print for a given light, as far as gpw goals.

In my grow, i've got 3 under a 600 and a foot print thats about 3 x 4.
Would I improve my gpw numbers by keeping the plants bunched tighter, into a smaller foot print?
Hey professor I have a question I can NOT find an answer to anywhere. I have seen this thread and all the people giving you shit...I can only say...some people should upgrade their weed before posting....I am a new grower and love it...I am having issues finding one bit of info I desperately need and hopefully you have the answers...or someone following this thread...I am growing autoflowers...I have 2 seperate rooms entirely...I have 2 males growing (yes, growing!) all Info I find about males is to kill them quick...sadly with auto's cloning isnt really an option so I am growing these males purely for seed production...I have read all about pollenating the fems, I really can't afford to take the chance with screwing up my ladies...maybe when I attain a better comfort level and knowledge (meaning more than 2 plants grown out so far) my question is when do I harvest the males? I have one with pollen sacs busted all over the damn place the plant itself looks like its covered in pissed on snow...the other is still forming pods like crazy maybe 10 total sacs busted on it so I have to dry and cure the males as I do the fems? when do I chop for seeds? there is absolutely no info I can find on this anywhere...please anyone with knowledge and time to share it would be greatly appreciated...thanks kindly in advance!
Just stopping by to see if the professer came on, I almost got bored of riu until the professer came on now I check every half hour. Going crazy for this info. I appreciate all your help
I think I can speak for everybody in this thread, we would all love a grow journal allowing some of the slower members (ie. me) to really get a firm grasp of how your system works. If you're not growing right now, or would prefer to mentor somebody else online to do your method, I'll happily volunteer my newbie experience and grow room.

I am 4 weeks into my first grow with an indica dominant violator kush strain. Here is a link to my journal. I would happily back up your words with my grow!