Using cloning gel to help heal broken limb? URGENT.


Well-Known Member
I was moving my plants indoors in preparation for the coming hurricane, as I was giving them a watering before I put them inside the biggest branch on my only white widow snapped and feel right in front of me. :|

It broke almost all the way off, only a 1/2 section of the "bark" is still attached. So far I have put the branch back into the area it should be on the main stalk and have wrapped the main break with a strong twisty tie as well as wrapped multiple twisty ties up the length of branch to the main stem to hold the weight of the branch, this branch starts at the bottom of the plant and it's almost as tall as the main stem so there is a large amount of yield at stake here.

Would applying cloning gel to the break help increase the plants chances of a full recovery?


Well-Known Member
Don't apply cloning gel... just use duct tape and fasten the branch back up, as long as its contacting the other piece and held there it will grow back.
Had this happen to one of mine, split right down the middle, healed up fine :)


Well-Known Member
Don't apply cloning gel... just use duct tape and fasten the branch back up, as long as its contacting the other piece and held there it will grow back.
Had this happen to one of mine, split right down the middle, healed up fine :)
Is duct tape a better option that twisty ties? I'm using big long ties, I just figured that if it can breathe it'll heal a little better



Well-Known Member
You dont want it to breath,every last bit of air that gets inside the wound works against healing,ive had plants snap off 4 inches above ground & only held on by a strand that healed ya just gotta make sure that both peices make contact & keep air from dring it out.

Most cloning agents contain Indole-3 Butryic acid,you dont want that on a wound.

The member above gave you the best advice,no matter what you use to seal the wound keeping oxygen from the wound is crucial.

Think about when you get a deep cut,what feels better,an open wound or a band aid ?


Well-Known Member
You dont want it to breath,every last bit of air that gets inside the wound works against healing,ive had plants snap off 4 inches above ground & only held on by a strand that healed ya just gotta make sure that both peices make contact & keep air from dring it out.

Most cloning agents contain Indole-3 Butryic acid,you dont want that on a wound.

The member above gave you the best advice,no matter what you use to seal the wound keeping oxygen from the wound is crucial.

Think about when you get a deep cut,what feels better,an open wound or a band aid ?

Alright, I see now, I as only curious about the solution, just tape it together so it's sealed, keep it water and let mother nature take her course. The knowledge is greatly appreciated.


Active Member
tape it up, dont worry i break em on purpose. MJ is a tough species, supercropping etc helps incease yeilds.


Well-Known Member
Yup ! I have just been experimenting with supercropping as well. So far I am seeing awesome results....

. And as for zip ties, I would use duct-tape or the green stretchy material used for tree grafting... zip ties are too tight and will restrict the limb from growing in diameter..Also they sell a sealing " tar like" substance used for grafting as well.... Like when you are at home depot and see the citrus trees that have oranges and limes on the same tree, or peaches and plumbs on the same tree....Theese trees do not grow like this naturally, they start with say an orange tree and then graft on a couple limbs from a lime or lemmon tree...Once it heals, the tree will push nutrients to the newly grafted-on limb.....if that makes sence.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
I have snapped plants and branches almost all the way threw and warped it in plastic wrap then place a pop-cycle split over that, then duck-taped it. The split helps a lot when it is almost a complete break.