Leaves Pointing Straight Up Like It Has Erection!


The whole leave is pointing up like it has a erection? what should I do flush with some cold water?:lol:
Picture 318.jpgPicture 319.jpg


Well-Known Member
it's just reaching for the light, nothing wrong with that, how strong is your light and how far away is it? I would never recommend flushing with cold water, that will just shock it.


Well-Known Member
The plant looks fine. water should be 60-68 degrees. they dont want cold ass water. How would you feel if someone dumped ice water on you when you were just kickin it in the sun!? lol

But check your temps and light, when temps get high I know they will do that.
but other then that i think it looks healthy I only see 2 or 4 leaves doing


Well-Known Member
the more your leaves stand up like that and "reach" for the light, the better i think. This is a sign of vigorous growth
It is also one of the earliest signs of overfeeding, before the claw sets in. But your's don't look too bad, maybe just a little too hot on the nutes.


Nothing wrong here they just will happy:lol: They were fed this morning that's all!
And they like what they were fed~


I've seen them at night, under the grow lights every leaf blade makes a clear angle respect the horizontal plane (not bigger then 45º I'd say). The leaf points are not curled up like on a nutrient deficiency. Also, I observed that this phenomenon doesn't last long, perhaps a few hours, because in the morning when I look at them again, the leaves are back on their horizontal plaes, and look healthy and strong, but not that conspicuous as they had been seen the night before. Really the levaes seem erect, like a morning's boner.
I agree with @chastmtz, I see this as vigorous health, not temperature (18-25ºC, led lights 'full spectrum' at 40 cm ) nor deficiency of any nutrient.
I'll try to get some pics next time.


Well-Known Member
If it is very upright, your light is too strong. You would typically only see this towards the end of the light cycle a bit before lights off.


Well-Known Member
My leaves get tired of the light and began to droop after 11 or 12hours. That means they are ready for bed. After 12 hours nap they are reaching for the light again.


I’ve seen this happen before but never really questioned it. Glad to see that this is a positive sign of growth! :cool:


If it is very upright, your light is too strong. You would typically only see this towards the end of the light cycle a bit before lights off.
Really I don't think the lights are too strong, I use red-blue led panel at enough distance from canopy (40 cm or perhaps some more) and also this happens only at certain moments of the day and not every day, if the brightness of the light were the cause I think they may be always erect or every day at least but this doesn't happen all the time. Btw they are not too upright, a discreet slope of about 45º or less.