oh Gatorade I love you....


Well-Known Member
Hey all.

Like to tell you all a little story about my day.

I woke at 7am and had to drive 140 mile round trip this morning, I collected myself after I woke and headed for the gas station for the usual stop. I entered the gas station headed to the back, grabbed a gallon of coolant, headed to the cooler and snatched me up a Gatorade ( my drink of choice). Walked up to my local friendly gas station attendant "60 on pump 3...and these" I said. Putting the Gatorade and coolant on the counter.

"mmmm gatorade" the attendant said with an odd look on his face.
"Yep its my morning coffee" I replied. Wondering why he gave me the weird face.

and off I went

...heading down the highway about 20 minutes later I cracked my wonderful thirst quenching Gatorade. Took a nice swig....All of a sudden a very powerful sent of cucumbers came over me....so stong I could taste it.

I took another swig not thinking anything of it. "...........:spew:..WHAT THE F*#$ IS THIS S#%@!!!!!"

......in the red circle......

Who the hell at Gatorade came up with this horse piss?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

I'm an avid Gatorade fan, one of the only drinks that doesn't give me a bad stomach when its hot out.

We got our normal flavors.....blue, green, red, yellow, orange....and don't forget purple!

But this.....this is a travesty.

I'm a blue man myself....always compared it to the taste of a fresh Orange.

The sad part is, it was almost 5 hours later that it finally sank in why he gave me the "weird face"

What's even worse you ask? The fact there are 100,000 people like me who will not knowingly grab the lime/cucumber. And worst yet...Gatorade will put out another shipment of it....ewwww.

This is a fair warning to all Gatorade drinkers.......Look at which one you buy.

BTW, I've drank a blue gatorade, 16oz of water and a full lunch from Olive Garden......I'm still burping cucumbers.


Well-Known Member
hahahahahahahahaahahahahahaha oh my god. Gatorade kicked your ass!

but nasty! you know there is someone in this world that will like it.:-(

Straight Sativa

Well-Known Member
Man, that's gross. I can barely stand the taste of regular flavors of gatorade in the first place...I only drink it when I'm working out or doing alot of physical activity, and even then I drink it with water.
Looks like they are not the first ones to experiemnt with this veggie however..



Well-Known Member
Man, that's gross. I can barely stand the taste of regular flavors of gatorade in the first place...I only drink it when I'm working out or doing alot of physical activity, and even then I drink it with water.
Looks like they are not the first ones to experiemnt with this veggie however..


Don't get me wrong....I like cucumbers, Ill eat them plain with some salt on them.

lime's should stick to Caribbean cuisine, and Tequila.

And if I want the two mixed together....I'll go to a fucking day spa.


Well-Known Member
whoah whoah..

i work outside in the 100 degree heat and a 5 gallon igloo cooler with water, 4 sliced cucumbers, 2 squeezed lemons and a pinch of sugar = the best natural thirst quencher out there.

yeah i always stick with the red gatorade, or orange if i'm feeling kinky... lol

has anybody tried the gatorade G series "Recover"?? it's gatorade with 16g's of whey protein.... it's kinda nasty but after a long night of bartending, bar backing, tending to buffets, bussing, moving tables, cleaning shit, blahblah... it's the best for my tired back..... lol


Well-Known Member
I used to love the Gatorade Lemon Ice. That shit was awesome for a hangover...... Goes down tasting like lemon, comes up tasting like lemon.

Sorry, don't know how to make the picture big!