when do i get to smoke my work


my plant is 5 foot and its stem is as thick as a penny but has no buds yet. im almost 100% its a female cuz i don't see the ball things that usually are on males. How long after, do i wait to cut once i see buds start?:leaf:


New Member
all the way til the end :) got pics?? first comes sex, then comes 6-12 weeks of flowering. then comes observing the trichs to harvest when its ripe. sounds like you got a while still... throw a pic up on this piece.


Well-Known Member
More info needed. Indoors or out? What's the light schedule like now? The lighting needs to change to induce flowering. Post again with all the typical vital info, pics ALWAYS help too if you can.


the only way you can be sure it's female it's because you got it from a mother or clone but if you grew it from seed not sure,try throwing it into darkness meaning flip it so it'll show the sex and from then you can kinda a guestamate if you know the strain look it up that to can help some.


Active Member
I have nothing to add to this thread

But I had to come back and look at Ledheds skittles avatar
Thanks for pointing that out, I am completely baked so it takes like 100% of my energy and patients to read, almost missed it! You saved me!


Well-Known Member
The plant grow flowers and dies. you collect your bounty 5 days before it's dead. give or take a week or two


its an outdoor plant. I planted one the same day and its only like 2 ft and is starting to bud thats what confuses me, but they probably are diff seeds i dont keep track of that ha.0808111353.jpg