Question about flowering.


Active Member
Well i began flowering 2 days ago. Well both days i was 5-10 minutes apart from the 12-12 cycle. Will that ruin the cycle and make start over again?

Ex: Like i put the plant in the dark. Then 12 hours and 10 minutes later i turned the light bulbs back on.


Well-Known Member
if you mean 5-10 mins. your fine.. My time swings from 10-30 mins EVERY DAY. cause I manually move them from dark to light rooms.. Never has effected plants, You only want to AVOID causing light leaks in the middle of their light/dark period.


Well-Known Member
Yes 5-10 minutes. Sorry was in a rush.
nah,just make sure it doesnt happen again just so u can get good bud n it wont herm or sum cuz i read from growers that flower cycle is the most delicate. make sure no light gets in while they sleep
hope this helps ciao


Well-Known Member
Well i began flowering 2 days ago. Well both days i was 5-10 minutes apart from the 12-12 cycle. Will that ruin the cycle and make start over again?

Ex: Like i put the plant in the dark. Then 12 hours and 10 minutes later i turned the light bulbs back on.
*i was stoned enough to understand.. the answer is "its all good, no worries" :)



Active Member
Ok guys thanks for helping me. But i have one more questions how long till i start seeing buds. It's gonna be day 3 of flowering at 1:30 am.


Well-Known Member
It could be anywhere from about a week - four weeks. 2-3 weeks normally for mine. (this is to see flowers - not really buds yet) Buds will start to form fast after about a months time i guess.


Are you serious. It's not like 12 hours is the exact amount of time or things will die.... You realize this is a plant, right?