Legalize it


New Member
The prohibition of cannabis effects us all negatively, it really is a humanitarian issue.

In this thread I will argue that Cannabis is a god given plant, a human right. Every great hero in history would've grown cannabis in this time and place, including our prophets, to live with fear and hatred is not living free, without living free you will never find happiness.

Marijuana Is also a religious right.
Regarding Cannabis and Religion


What Would Jesus Do? I think he would support Ron Paul in ending the war on humanity and this includes the war on drugs, the slaying of young people for profit, the imprisonment of our youth.

We as a society deserve cannabis, we need it, its our right, we need this more than ever, its a god given human right. It is also freedom of religion. Ask yourself what would Jesus do
- Jesus said that god gives us every herbs are "meat" given to us by god, he said that a time will come when cannabis will be forbidden and it is our duty to protest.

God said, "Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed which is upon the face of all the earth.…To you it will be for meat." … And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. (Genesis 1:29-31) The Bible predicts some herb's prohibition. "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times, some shall … speak lies in hypocrisy … commanding to abstain from meats which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth. (Paul: 1 Timothy 4:1-3)

The Bible speaks of a special plant. "I will raise up for them a plant of renown, and they shall be no more consumed with hunger in the land, neither bear the shame of the heathen any more." (Ezekiel 34:29) A healing plant. On either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare 12 manner of fruits, and yielding her fruit every month; and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. (Revelations 22:1-2) A gift from God.

Cannabis - especially medical cannabis...IS A RIGHT ...NOT A PRIVILEGE! Do what is right

This plant which grows naturally could give the people a lot of jobs and will make a lot of new entrepreneurship, NO NOT DRUG DEALERS but FARMERS WHO CAN GROW CANNABIS, a plant which is far superior to any plant on this earth in providing for us and giving back to the earth.



What do we need to save the environment? To put people back to work? To recover the economy?

Legalize it.


New Member
Famous Marijuana Quotes:

"When I was in England, I experimented with marijuana a time or two, and I didn’t like it, and I didn’t inhale, and I never tried again."
~Bill Clinton

"I smoked pot in college and in the Army..."
~Al Gore

"So what if it's risky? It's the right thing to do. What we're talking about is 160 people in deep pain. It only affects them."{to George Bush about medical marijuana}
~Bill Richardson

"When I was a kid I inhaled frequently. That was the point."
~Barack Obama

"I would absolutely never use the federal government to enforce the law of using marijuana"
~Ron Paul

"Pot is not a drug"
~Arnold Schwarzenegger - Governor of California

"You bet I did and I enjoyed it." {on whether he has smoked marijuana}
~Michael Bloomberg - New York City Mayor

"I think that marijuana should not only be legal, I think it should be a cottage industry. It would be wonderful for the state of Maine. There's some pretty good homegrown dope. I'm sure it would be even better if you could grow it with fertilizers and have greenhouses."
~Stephen King

"If we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them but to inform their discretion by education"
~Thomas Jefferson

"When even one American who has done nothing wrong is forced by fear to shut his mind and close his mouth, then all Americans are in peril."
~Harry S. Truman - Former U.S. President

"Forty million Americans smoked marijuana; the only ones who didn't like it were Judge Ginsberg, Clarence Thomas and Bill Clinton."
~Jay Leno

"Make the most of the Indian Hemp Seed and sow it everywhere."
~George Washington

"The drug is really quite a remarkably safe one for humans, although it is really quite a dangerous one for mice and they should not use it."
~J.W.D Henderson Director of the Bureau of Human Drugs, Health and Welfare, Canada

"The prestige of government has undoubtedly been lowered considerably by the prohibition law. For nothing is more destructive of respect for the government and the law of the land than passing laws which cannot be enforced. It is an open secret that the dangerous increase of crime in this country is closely connected with this."
~Albert Einstein "My First Impression of the U.S.A.", 1921

"Our youth can not understand why society chooses to criminalize a behavior with so little visible ill effect or adverse social impact... These young people have jumped the fence and found no cliff. And the disrespect for the possession laws fosters a disrespect for laws and the system in general... On top of this is the distinct impression among the youth that some police may use the marihuana laws to arrest people they don't like for other reasons, whether it be their politics, their hair style or their ethnic background." "Federal and state laws (should) be changed to no longer make it a crime to possess marijuana for private use." ; "State laws should make the public use of marijuana a criminal offense punishable by a $100 fine. Under federal law, marijuana smoked in public would merely be subject to seizure."
~President Richard M. Nixon's National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse "Marihuana: A Signal of Misunderstanding" March 1972

"Congress should definitely consider decriminalizing possession of marijuana... We should concentrate on prosecuting the rapists and burglars who are a menace to society."
~Dan Quayle U.S. Representative and Vice president under President Bush March 1977

"Penalties against possession of a drug should not be more damaging to an individual than the use of the drug itself; and where they are, they should be changed. Nowhere is this more clear than in the laws against possession of marihuana in private for personal use... Therefore, I support legislation amending Federal law to eliminate all Federal criminal penalties for the possession of up to one ounce [28g] of marihuana."
~Jimmy Carter U.S. President Message to congress 1977

"The amount of money and of legal energy being given to prosecute hundreds of thousands of Americans who are caught with a few ounces of marijuana [1 ounce = 28g] in their jeans simply makes no sense - the kindest way to put it. A sterner way to put it is that it is an outrage, an imposition on basic civil liberties and on the reasonable expenditure of social energy."
~William F. Buckley "Legalization of marijuana Long Overdue" Albuquerque Journal June 8, 1993

"The greatest service that can be rendered to any country is to add a useful plant to its culture."
~Thomas Jefferson
"In any civilized society, it is every citizen's responsibility to obey just laws. But at the same time, it is every citizen's responsibility to disobey unjust laws."
~Martin Luther King Jr.

"Cannabis never killed anybody and it's use is widespread. You can"t stop it. The law defeats itself because all the efforts to stop drugs coming in only drives up the prices and then gangsters move in to push the drugs. If they legalised there wouldn't be gangsters and huge profits...The police are gradually decriminalising the possession of cannabis because they realise there's not much point prosecuting"
~Judge James Pickles, UK

"Prohibition... goes beyond the bounds of reason in that it attempts to control mans' appetite through legislation and makes a crime out of things that are not even crimes... A prohibition law strikes a blow at the very principles upon which our Government was founded"
~President Abraham Lincoln (December 1840)

''From the Colombian point of view legalization is the easy solution. I mean, just legalize it and we won't have any more problems. Probably in five years we wouldn't even have guerrillas. No problems. We would have a great country with no problems.''
~Jaime Ruiz, Senior Adviser to the Colombian President {Source: Ottawa Citizen, September 6, 2000}

''I say legalize drugs because I want to see less drug abuse, not more. And I say legalize drugs because I want to see the criminals put out of business.''
~Edward Ellison, former Head of Scotland Yard's Antidrug Squad {Source: London's Daily Mail, March 10, 1998}

"I am here because I am the first judge in this country to say, in 1990, that the war on drugs was racist. It still is and that hasn't changed"
~Judge Pamela Alexander at the DPF Conference, November 1996

"I, as a responsible adult human being, will never concede the power to anyone to regulate my choice of what I put into my body, or where I go with my mind. From the skin inwards is my jurisdiction, is it not? I choose what may or may not cross that border. Here I am the Customs Agent. I am the Coast guard. I am the sole legal and spiritual government of this territory, and only the laws I choose to enact within myself are applicable"
~Alexander Shulgin, PhD, Chemist and author, at the DPF Conference, November 1996

"I support decriminalisation. People are smoking pot anyway and to make them into criminals is wrong. It's when you're in jail you really become a criminal."
~Sir Paul McCartney, Independent on Sunday, 28th September 1997

"It is certainly no longer true to say if it ever was, that smoking cannabis is a sign of affiliation to an "alternative" lifestyle. Clearly, in the light of its popularity and to a degree its apparent social acceptability questions are raised about the legalisation of cannabis"
~The Misuse of Drugs, Office of Health Economics

"It really puzzles me to see marijuana connected with Narcotics - Dope and all that crap…it's a thousand times better than whiskey - it's an Assistant - a friend."
~Louis Armstrong

"We shall, by and by, want a world of hemp more for our own consumption."
~John Adams

"The greatest service which can be rendered any country is the add a useful plant to its culture!"
~Thomas Jefferson

"marijuana in its natural form is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man."
~DEA's Administrative Law Judge, Francis Young. Source: US Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Agency, "In the Matter of marijuana Rescheduling Petition," [Docket #86-22], (September 6, 198, p. 57.

"I do not believe that the federal government should treat adults who choose to smoke marijuana as criminals," Frank said in a statement, adding that it's "not appropriate in a free society."
~Rep. Barney Frank


Active Member
if your expecting opposition to your argument your in the wrong place. belive me i could literally type a book on why it is unconstitutional for cannabis to be illegal. and all the shady politics behind its criminalization. i could go on and on about the great history cannabis has with the founders of this country, how the declaration of independance itself it written on hemp paper. how we could be saving so much money and non-renewable resources by using hemp based products instead of petrolium based or wood pulp etc. i could rant for days about how we spend so much money to needlessly incarcerate non-violent drug offenders when we could be making a stable export from cannabis and earining the money to erase the debt we are in. i could lecture about how we could eliminate the mexican drug cartels (who are leaving peoples heads in the road 10 ft from there body (this is recent)) by making there black market product legal. (similar to Al Copone and alcohol prohibition)
but it just doesnt matter. the supreme court, the feds, every law enforcement agency and official already know everything i could say, and they choose to keep it illegal anyway.


New Member
your right about that but its getting to the point where it doesn't matter what they say....what we say is starting to carry much more weight with the increased spread of information.


What do you mean by "legal" ? Just simply the authorities just ignore it like it was cabbage.Or legalized like being controlled and taxed by the Gov't? I prefer the "cabbage" idea.....


Well-Known Member
It should not be 100% legal & here are my reasons :: I live in california.

If you decide you want to smoke pot, even with Laws you can do so & people do. Now why would you want to make it a free for all so a huge influx of kids begin smoking / attempting to grow just because they are bored & "can". Which early on would flood the markets full of home grown schwag / poison buds that never get flushed & covered in pesticides. Second think about it as a business, which it is, many people / families would suddenly have to find a new outlet / career simply due to the fact they cannot make a living off growing there product no matter how good it is. My last reason is regarding to how people say, Alcohol is legal mj should be too.. Well yes I agree but on the same playing field @ least, your average person cannot brew home made alcohol in there backyard & give it away to everyone. I feel the same rules should be applied to Marijuana, such as if you want to smoke, you can smoke & get bud easy enough. (as it is now) & if you decide to take that next step into growing which requires much research anyway what is so hard about getting a MMJ card issued to you and at least go through responsible steps in doing so.

I believe having to get a MMJ card to grow semi-legally is great, seeing how they are not kicking every home op doors in & focusing on the big illegal grows here in cali. I think that step alone "weeds" out the people who are serious about growing and the people who just want to Fk around.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
"So what if it's risky? It's the right thing to do. What we're talking about is 160 people in deep pain. It only affects them."{to George Bush about medical marijuana} ~Bill Richardson
::sigh:: I miss him as Governor. :(


Well-Known Member
It should not be 100% legal & here are my reasons :: I live in california.

If you decide you want to smoke pot, even with Laws you can do so & people do. Now why would you want to make it a free for all so a huge influx of kids begin smoking / attempting to grow just because they are bored & "can". Which early on would flood the markets full of home grown schwag / poison buds that never get flushed & covered in pesticides. Second think about it as a business, which it is, many people / families would suddenly have to find a new outlet / career simply due to the fact they cannot make a living off growing there product no matter how good it is. My last reason is regarding to how people say, Alcohol is legal mj should be too.. Well yes I agree but on the same playing field @ least, your average person cannot brew home made alcohol in there backyard & give it away to everyone. I feel the same rules should be applied to Marijuana, such as if you want to smoke, you can smoke & get bud easy enough. (as it is now) & if you decide to take that next step into growing which requires much research anyway what is so hard about getting a MMJ card issued to you and at least go through responsible steps in doing so.

I believe having to get a MMJ card to grow semi-legally is great, seeing how they are not kicking every home op doors in & focusing on the big illegal grows here in cali. I think that step alone "weeds" out the people who are serious about growing and the people who just want to Fk around.

Somehow no matter what topic, even on the issue of legalizing marijuana on a forum devoting to growing marijuana you always come across as having a stick up your ass and a foot in your mouth. :dunce:


Active Member
It should not be 100% legal & here are my reasons :: I live in california.

If you decide you want to smoke pot, even with Laws you can do so & people do. Now why would you want to make it a free for all so a huge influx of kids begin smoking / attempting to grow just because they are bored & "can". Which early on would flood the markets full of home grown schwag / poison buds that never get flushed & covered in pesticides. Second think about it as a business, which it is, many people / families would suddenly have to find a new outlet / career simply due to the fact they cannot make a living off growing there product no matter how good it is. My last reason is regarding to how people say, Alcohol is legal mj should be too.. Well yes I agree but on the same playing field @ least, your average person cannot brew home made alcohol in there backyard & give it away to everyone. I feel the same rules should be applied to Marijuana, such as if you want to smoke, you can smoke & get bud easy enough. (as it is now) & if you decide to take that next step into growing which requires much research anyway what is so hard about getting a MMJ card issued to you and at least go through responsible steps in doing so.

I believe having to get a MMJ card to grow semi-legally is great, seeing how they are not kicking every home op doors in & focusing on the big illegal grows here in cali. I think that step alone "weeds" out the people who are serious about growing and the people who just want to Fk around.
well i have to respectfully disagree, first off your average person can make homemade alcohol more easily and cheaply than marijuana, i am fermenting some moonshine as we speak and i made it from stuff in my fridge.
secondly, if you attempt to sell any homemade alcohol it is very illegal. alcohol is regulated so that your not buying bathtub brew at your liquor store. i feel the same applies to marijuana. anyone should be able to grow for personal but the moment you try to sell it i feel it should be another issue. im all for regulation and taxation otherwise it will never be widely avalible on a national level.
yes national distribution would cause quality to decline, but like so many fine wines, there will always be a demand for connoisour grade cannabis


Well-Known Member
Still, people do not produce their own alcohol on the regular so how easy could it actually be? And the moonshine thing is just ridiculous, if everyone was making moonshine people would be having health issues left & right. Making it 100% legal would mean it would be near IMPOSSIBLE FOR 1 PERSON to consume only their OWN bud if they have many plants, do you think everyone will just grow 1-2? what happens if your growing acres. No way you're going to just throw the extras away, thus it would horribly flood the market & have negative effects down the line such as children smoking pot @ younger and younger ages. New era of rastafari in america. Make the Laws all Equal among all states & that would be fine, having to go through "some" sort of process to grow buds & enjoy it the way you want is fine by me.
well i have to respectfully disagree, first off your average person can make homemade alcohol more easily and cheaply than marijuana, i am fermenting some moonshine as we speak and i made it from stuff in my fridge.
secondly, if you attempt to sell any homemade alcohol it is very illegal. alcohol is regulated so that your not buying bathtub brew at your liquor store. i feel the same applies to marijuana. anyone should be able to grow for personal but the moment you try to sell it i feel it should be another issue. im all for regulation and taxation otherwise it will never be widely avalible on a national level.
yes national distribution would cause quality to decline, but like so many fine wines, there will always be a demand for connoisour grade cannabis


Active Member
Still, people do not produce their own alcohol on the regular so how easy could it actually be? And the moonshine thing is just ridiculous, if everyone was making moonshine people would be having health issues left & right. Making it 100% legal would mean it would be near IMPOSSIBLE FOR 1 PERSON to consume only their OWN bud if they have many plants, do you think everyone will just grow 1-2? what happens if your growing acres. No way you're going to just throw the extras away, thus it would horribly flood the market & have negative effects down the line such as children smoking pot @ younger and younger ages. New era of rastafari in america. Make the Laws all Equal among all states & that would be fine, having to go through "some" sort of process to grow buds & enjoy it the way you want is fine by me.
moonshine or homemade liquor is simple and safe.
fermentation is simple as adding yeast to either simple sugars like honey or fruit, starches like potatoes, or celulose like corn husk. store it in a container where air can escape but not enter (to allow co2 to leave) for about a month.
then filter the result through a fine screen
then distil it to get final product that can easily contain over 90% alcohol.
its not the moonshine your thinking of, it will in no way make you blind. and you can find fermentation recipies for brands like jack daniels and jim beam online with a simple google search.

and as i stated before, a licence should only be necessary for a commercial grow which would be more than "x" amount of plants.

what is stopping children from growing now. nothing really. kids do what they want when no one is looking, i have kids ask me to buy them beer all the time, what makes you think pot is any different. thats a different issue not really related to your original point.

as for the rest i kind of interpret it as fear-mongering, you sound kind of like Harry Anslinger to me
“There are 100,000 total marijuana smokers in the US, and most are Negroes, Hispanics, Filipinos, and entertainers. Their Satanic music, jazz, and swing, result from marijuana use. This marijuana causes white women to seek sexual relations with Negroes, entertainers, and any others.“…the primary reason to outlaw marijuana is its effect on the degenerate races.” Marijuana is an addictive drug which produces in its users insanity, criminality, and death.”Reefer makes darkies think they’re as good as white men.”Marihuana leads to pacifism and communist brainwashing”You smoke a joint and you’re likely to kill your brother.“Marijuana is the most violence-causing drug in the history of mankind.”


Active Member
i hate to continue this just for arguments sake but, you yourself are most likely abusing the laws of your state. are you telling me that the originators of prob 215 would say that you are seriously ill and can only benefit from the use of marijuana as a medicine. i dont mean to make assumptions but i am willing to bet that you (like most card holders) would appear perfectly healthy to those you encounter in day to day life, maybe you do genuinely benefit from the use of marijuana, as so many do, but can you seriously tell me that it is in the way originally intended for sick patients who cant look elsewere for medication. do you really need marijuana in your life to live comfortably or are you just taking advantage of a system set up for the sick


Well-Known Member
It has its positives as much as negatives. I think it would be abused too widely if legalized, especially with the age limit being 18.. .Kids are kids and it would not benefit anyone who really grows already & has gone through responsible means to do so. I think it would do less good than we all believe.


Well-Known Member
That is not the point, even when it's illegal under federal law, Cops are not going out of there way to bust home grows. they ignore it to a large extent. Police know people buy fresh clones to grow daily.. they do not care. That's how it should be. The cops want to bust Large Warehouse busts. You know, people evading taxes? not your average grower who's smoke does not travel across the country. The laws Work perfectly IMO here in cali. They allow you to get a MMJ card & grow with Ease, Just do not abuse it.
i hate to continue this just for arguments sake but, you yourself are most likely abusing the laws of your state. are you telling me that the originators of prob 215 would say that you are seriously ill and can only benefit from the use of marijuana as a medicine. i dont mean to make assumptions but i am willing to bet that you (like most card holders) would appear perfectly healthy to those you encounter in day to day life, maybe you do genuinely benefit from the use of marijuana, as so many do, but can you seriously tell me that it is in the way originally intended for sick patients who cant look elsewere for medication. do you really need marijuana in your life to live comfortably or are you just taking advantage of a system set up for the sick
And I DO need MJ in my life to live comfortably, I have been smoking it for a very long time.


Well-Known Member
I didn't vote but I would have Voted No. Everyone I know did, Every grower I know voted No. We do not support those who want to abuse it, legalizing it only helps the immature kids IMO. Think about this, even if 100% legal there would STILL be restrictions such as no growing within 1000ft of a school, federal building. Apartment / Home Owners could make it Against the RULEs to grow on the property. Smell ordinances. All of that would be in effect so the people who want it 100% legal would probably still end up pissed off cause they are confined by their living conditions. Really think about who grows and why they can grow. People who grow & smoke buds, do not have any issues obtaining bud. Its the people who are stuck smoking schwag who want it Free For All. <3 imo


Active Member
the laws dont work perfectly tho, believe me ive been in the middle of that scene. how is the average patient supposed to obtain grade A medicine when dispensaries are being raided, their afraid to make purchases, even top dispensaries like harborside have closed their doors temporaily because of fear. every dispensary is breaking the law and lives with the risk of a raid on a daily basis. they are making millions and are supposed to be non-profit. this is the result of your LAWS that are supposed to work.
not everyone can grow high quality cannabis and even in cali local county laws limit your grows. some areas make it illegal outright to grow medication. state law allows 12 plants vegging and 6 flowering. so i guess you only have six plants flowering now huh?
all of these legalities dont even matter because federally its illegal (for the most part but i wont get into exceptions as it now only applies to one person in the us) the DEA can pop in any grow if they want and seize everything along with jail time. on top of that, though cops are encouraged to ignore cannabis, you still get those dirty harry types that dont agree with the laws (though this is rare, it does happen in california)
good luck hiding behind your sudo laws, personally im looking forward to federal regulation


Well-Known Member
I don't know where you live but here in Cali. There is a dispense within miles of everyone, I have 4 clinics on a 2 mile stretch of road around the block from me. About 10 clinics I can drive to without hopping on the freeway.
the laws dont work perfectly tho, believe me ive been in the middle of that scene. how is the average patient supposed to obtain grade A medicine when dispensaries are being raided, their afraid to make purchases, even top dispensaries like harborside have closed their doors temporaily because of fear. every dispensary is breaking the law and lives with the risk of a raid on a daily basis. they are making millions and are supposed to be non-profit. this is the result of your LAWS that are supposed to work.
not everyone can grow high quality cannabis and even in cali local county laws limit your grows. some areas make it illegal outright to grow medication. state law allows 12 plants vegging and 6 flowering. so i guess you only have six plants flowering now huh?
all of these legalities dont even matter because federally its illegal (for the most part but i wont get into exceptions as it now only applies to one person in the us) the DEA can pop in any grow if they want and seize everything along with jail time. on top of that, though cops are encouraged to ignore cannabis, you still get those dirty harry types that dont agree with the laws (though this is rare, it does happen in california)
good luck hiding behind your sudo laws, personally im looking forward to federal regulation
& as I said before, the feds are not kicking in any home grows man. They know what they are doing, they only get a bonus for Million dollar busts.. not 30plant grow ops. ^_^ California is a haven for growers, the rest of the country may want to legalize it more. <3