Legalize it


Well-Known Member
Ron Paul is the definition of Freedom. The constitution was written to keep the federal government from having too much power. it was written to keep the people free from a government that got too big. ron paul supports the constitution, which in turn means he supports freedom. It is safe to say that people with a background in economics and political science know what I am talking about. For the ones who disagree, I suggest you research the federal reserve, bilderberg group, and cfr first.
ron paul opposes freedom.


Well-Known Member
Oh, and he wants to legalize marijuana, that is freedom lol!
ron paul wants states to be able to ban it or allow it as they please, thus he supports states that want to prohibit marijuana.

ron paul supports prohibiting marijuana and hates freedom.

and he fucks turtles.


Well-Known Member
ron paul wants states to be able to ban it or allow it as they please, thus he supports states that want to prohibit marijuana.

ron paul supports prohibiting marijuana and hates freedom.

and he fucks turtles.
He does support legalization. The way you do that is you get the Federal government out of it and allow the states to vote. lol when states dont have to spend the money they do on enforcing redundant laws, and then in return receive money from the taxes business pay to vend marijuana/money the state gets from the sale of marijuana, they will legalize it, it is only a matter of time.

Out of curiosity, who or what do you support?


Well-Known Member


New Member
Gee is that why he wrote a 1 paragraph bill that simply strikes out all marijuana laws from the books? Give him the power and we would legalize it in states also sure.

Ron Paul is pro hemp, And you and me both being marijuana farmers we both know that its the same fucking thing unlike all the rest of the people fooled by the lie that hemp and marijuana are different.

Ron Paul is also pro medical marijuana.

And he isn't just fucking saying it and going to turn around and do something different like obama, he actually has a record of fighting for both marijuana and hemp legilizaiton...

even just legalizing it federally would make it 100% legal or decriminalized in more than half the country assuming you follow their laws.

player 1

we must be very carefull with the legalization of mj. If big buisiness has their way, it will be controlled like cigarettes and alcohol. Then it will be mass produced like our food. Quantity over quality=crap. They are trying to sneak these things into the bills, so it would still be ILLEGAL to grow it yourself. We will have to buy their prouduct=crap. One of the main reasons that mj is Illegal is because it cant be patented. (Drug companies) And yes hemp is different.No thc, Hemp could instantly jump start our economy with ethanol and bio diesel (from a none food sorce) and a million other things. Thats not happening(oil companies). CAREFULL voting, they are tricky!