My Try at Water Cure

yup leave the lid off or poke holes in it like i did mine..the holes act as a screen so u can just pour it up side down and bud wont fall out and refill..eazzzy as it gets...
and in that jar i only have about 5 grams when dry..but its all i put in for that batch cuz i wasnt sure if i wanted to put more or wait for air cure..but you can fill it half full so that there is at least half as much water as bud, there needs to be plenty of water to surround every bud and if there isn't enough water then it will dirty fast and the buds will just sit in nasty water and probably ruin your bud...
so dont fill it full like air cure cuz u want more space than bud...i have a few blue dream nugs in that jar above and i took em out just now and i can't tell the difference between the widow and it..only by smell..looks identical ..
pretty stoned off this stuff..
i water cured with molasses in it and it has a hint of sweetness...subtle, but good.

mmm tasty i also trying different way to dry..i put them in an envelope and set it ontop of my fios cable box..
it gets 88 degrees i measured it and it dries in 3 hours perfectly...

look at my stoner eyes from this stuff one bowl is all it takes :)



Active Member look pretty plowed. I am gonna dry out my fist attempt at this tonight after work . I'll let ya know : )
alright might be like wtf first hit, but give it a chance..i just sold a full oz of the water cures stuff to another mmj patient for huh?


Active Member
I was thinking to water cure all of my next harvest. Two chrystals started from bagseed under 10 cfls about 200w. Should i get big water containers or small ones? And i was thinking to dry them on a string after those 7 days under water.
yup exactly, you could use mason jars if you have a lil. but if you have a lot then use a plastic storage rubbermaid box and fill it with water and drain daily put lid on in cool place for 7 days then dry hanging up on a string.. exactly right on man


Well-Known Member
yup exactly, you could use mason jars if you have a lil. but if you have a lot then use a plastic storage rubbermaid box and fill it with water and drain daily put lid on in cool place for 7 days then dry hanging up on a string.. exactly right on man
sup bro..hey how did you dry it out? u just hung it in a dry place?
yup i just put them on a paper towel and put them ontop of my hot cable box. u could dry it with a blow dryer if u are in a hurry.but i just opened a bottle of water cured white widow and it smells and tastes pretty good after drying some more since the first dry. seccondary cure i guess. but now it smells like lemon lime kinda nice and clean and good. post pics i wana see your water cured buds.
this method is great even for already dried buds..makes em better if they suck.. but i dont hav any sucky bud.

i had some nugs that were full of dirt and hair from when my dog knocked over my newspaper that had nugs on it. fell on the floor got covered in shit. water helped clean it up cuz i wouldnt smoke it before.. eww lol
Can someone take a PPM test of the water at the end of the process ?

just for the fun of it :D
Someone around here took readings every day but I've searched around and can't find it. It was a perfect example of how this works (through osmosis) as the PPMs dropped by half each day. If anyone knows the thread I'm talking about please post it up.


Well-Known Member
best of luck buddy.

I tried this method once.. and it sucked. The results aren't anything like they claim.

And yeah, I did it step by step.. correctly.

I have my own secret little dry\cure process that I like using.. it works every single time too. Never fails me.

Good luck to ya though.
