Talache outdoor 2011


I started with 1 seed to put in 1 May to germinated and another 3 seeds in 1 June . All plants start direct outdoor under sun from first day . My plants feeds in veg with bio grow , alg-a-mic and voodoo juice (for roots) . For bloom i use bio bloom and top max and carbo load . My soil is biobizz light mix 40L per hole . The bloom started on ~ 15 August for all plants . I feed my plants 10L every 3 days with hard water and in flower 10L every 2 days . I am from lat 44.5 , Bucharest , Romania . All plants have over 10 hours of light per day .

Sour Kush - Planted from 1 May and topped at 70 days

Day 40

Day 60

Day 97

Day 115 - 1 weeks flowering

Durban Poison , Bubba76 and Big Bang - Put at 1 June and grow normally (without slt,topping,supercropping etc) . The biggest is durban , middle is bubba and smallest big bang . Now Durban have 3 meters , bubba 2.5 and big bang 1.8 .

Day 30

Day 40 - After this 40 I feed with voodoo juice and make difference , huge difference .

Day 50

Day 65

Day 80

Day 85

What is our oppinion ? Is good for second outdoor grow ? Can i get 1 dried plants from this avarage 200 grams or more or less ? I wait your opinion .



Well-Known Member
QP to maybe Half a Pound on the bigger ones. Depends on weather a lot. When do frosts start ? I'm further into north (Finland).


Well-Known Member
Hi talache, your plants look great! I'm at almost the same lattitude (but across the pond) and my plants look a lot like yours. A half elbo a piece would be nice if a bit optimistic.


Well-Known Member
It actually depends on the amount of light you get during flower. My plants always veg monstrous yet yeilds are usually low because I don't get morning sun. Fluffy nugs.

More surface area = more trichomes and less mold.... So, whateva'. :(
the bigger one I think will produce 200 grams sure, however beautiful flowers you have expected less, nicely done.
o sa fi bine la jumatea luni oct (: .


Well-Known Member
Romania huh? cool man they look great! I would also say around a half pound on the bigger ones. good luck!


Day 102 - Durban Poison only + harvest (first picture left biggest)

Day 114 - Harvest

How much dried yield can get from this ?

Good luck for all outdoor grower :mrgreen: