Out of WEED and on a RAMPAGE!!

Man, I feel your pain. I just ran out of bud this morning, but I try to look at it like Oh this is the last of my weed, i guess I should smoke it all to get the best out of it. At least next time I smoke I will get super baked and LOVE it that much more. I also think that after a while the tolerance is just too much to take and I don't really feel "high" just puts me in a good mood so i tend to take a month break here and there on purpose, and if you collect bud over that time you have a crazy selection to choose from when you smoke up again


Yes, yes and yes! I'm going through this right now. You guys that live in progressive states, are so lucky you don't know! Suffering through BSing dealers, that never come thru, crap product, basically suffering becomes a way of life. The worst is pre-harvest cannibalism of plants, because you're losing it!


New Member
Yes, yes and yes! I'm going through this right now. You guys that live in progressive states, are so lucky you don't know! Suffering through BSing dealers, that never come thru, crap product, basically suffering becomes a way of life. The worst is pre-harvest cannibalism of plants, because you're losing it!
I knew there was someone like me! hehe


Active Member
Man, I feel your pain. I just ran out of bud this morning, but I try to look at it like Oh this is the last of my weed, i guess I should smoke it all to get the best out of it. At least next time I smoke I will get super baked and LOVE it that much more. I also think that after a while the tolerance is just too much to take and I don't really feel "high" just puts me in a good mood so i tend to take a month break here and there on purpose, and if you collect bud over that time you have a crazy selection to choose from when you smoke up again
i feel the same exact way when you take a short break and come back it hits you that much harder and makes you enjoy it that much more


Well-Known Member
Man I know others get pissed when the smoke runs out...I am pretty bad... Anyone else get crazy pissed when they can't smoke?? I am soooo glad I'm finally growing... harvest cant come quick enough though. :(
yup i hate it, especially i smoke schwag most of the time. i got no job so dro (chronic) is hard for me to buy. but thats about to change soon i hope with my plant :)


Well-Known Member
The mental addiction is the worst part the physical addiction just makes it harder.

Seriously get off your high horse man lol

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
im on day 7 of sobriety myself, its been a stressed week, but like someone said before, its all about lowering the tolerance and saving some loot!


Well-Known Member
yeah when you do smoke to the point of physical withdrawal (cold sweats, restlessness, lack of apitite, etc.) it makes it a hell of a lot harder, especially if you use it to help stabilize your mood on a day to day basis. that's when people truly freak out without it.


Well-Known Member
yeah I'm not a big fan of tolerance breaks either... if I want to get higher I smoke less during the day on a day to day basis, eat more omega 3 fatty acids, try to pick up some mangos or mango juice....etc. and doing exercise helps turn those receptors back on too. probably because of the stimulation of anandamide which makes the receptors work in the opposite direction, essentially allowing them to 'rest'.


New Member
I rarely have issues... I mean if its a 3+ gram day I aint gettin as high at night as in morning, but it still is nice. and i cant remeber a non successful wake-n-bake...


Well-Known Member
I rarely have issues... I mean if its a 3+ gram day I aint gettin as high at night as in morning, but it still is nice. and i cant remeber a non successful wake-n-bake...
well as a grower I avoid this by smoking sativa dominant strains in the daytime, and as the day comes to a close I slowly lead into the more and more indica strains until I hit my strongest afghani at night.

I actually get higher at night than I do in the morning, but I feel like I get super high several times a day now with my new cycle and ever since I switched to hemp wick, that made a dramatic difference as well, allows me to hit my zong again!


New Member
well as a grower I avoid this by smoking sativa dominant strains in the daytime, and as the day comes to a close I slowly lead into the more and more indica strains until I hit my strongest afghani at night.

I actually get higher at night than I do in the morning, but I feel like I get super high several times a day now with my new cycle and ever since I switched to hemp wick, that made a dramatic difference as well, allows me to hit my zong again!
I just have bag seed goin, but I would like to be able to customize my bowl like that...sativa with oj, and indica with Leno. ;)


Well-Known Member
Man I know others get pissed when the smoke runs out...I am pretty bad... Anyone else get crazy pissed when they can't smoke?? I am soooo glad I'm finally growing... harvest cant come quick enough though. :(

I get pretty upset. Mainly because I live a stressful life.. not on purpose of course. I've really been working on keeping my anger & stress under control here lately though.. because it was getting to the point where I would actually be ashamed of myself, when I would have an episode you know? After I would get calmed back down.. I'd get upset at myself.. for acting that way. So, yeah.. I'm trying to learn other methods to process my anger with.

The best one I've found.. as far as a technique to keep my anger down? The best one I've found, that actually works.. and you also benefit greatly from using it, is working out. Rather it be running around the block a few times, doing a few hundred push-ups, running 'in-place', lifting free-weights or even just going off for a walk. Either way you get good exercise from it.. PLUS, you give yourself time to calm down. It's a 'win-win' situation my friend.

You should give it a try buddy.

Either way, I'm just sharing my experience to try and help you move forward. So even if you don't listen to the advice I give you, I hope you the best and hope you can learn to control your urges and anger.
