What size pot do i need??

volume 1

Outdoors: I have a blue widow plant that i started very late, and it about 1ft tall right now, and its in a 1.67 gallon bucket, i am wondering if i should transplant it to a bigger bucket and if so how big? By the way it will be growing for about another 2 months untli the first frost. Thanks for any advice!


Well-Known Member
The bigger the container, the bigger the root system can get, so I suggest whatever you can handle.


Well-Known Member
Yeah man, 10 gallons would be good depending on how long it's gonna grow.
I totally agree. I transplanted into 15 gal. and now I'm wishing I would have built some 30" boxes out of pine. Next time! Live and learn.


Well-Known Member
55 gallon drum.:hump:
Ya know............I've thought of that but I'm thinking bigger around and not so deep but your thinkin deep and not so big around? Is there a reason for that or are ya just kinda shootin from the hip? That's where I'm coming from.............No good reason really.


Well-Known Member
If you go too big I'd get a heating mat or something, don't want the bottom of the soil to be all cold and uninhabitable. Just a personal opinion though.


Well-Known Member
If you go too big I'd get a heating mat or something, don't want the bottom of the soil to be all cold and uninhabitable. Just a personal opinion though.
I've thought of that. I was planning on running a large coil of pex under a pile of manure then back to underneath the plants to a circulation pump with a thermostat and VOUALLA!!


Sector 5 Moderator
If you're going to go crazy, like a 55 gal container, why not just dig a big old hole, mix up your soil and amendments and put it back in and forget about the pot altogether? Word of advice, if you've only got 60 more days til frost, you'd better hope your plant flips really soon or you may need to finish it off indoors and that would suck to dig it up right before it's done. Just something to consider.


Well-Known Member
^ what he said. Two months before frost is cutting it, I would keep it in a pot of manageable size in case you need to move it indoors to finish.

volume 1

Thanks for all the advice, but i think im gonna go with just a 5 gallon, considering its outdoor and it will be time to harvest in about 2 months, so it wont get too big!