Who would you vote for the Republican ticket? (no left winger)

Who's the best candidate?

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Well-Known Member
You see some people stick to their guns in the case of ron paul that has been voting within the limits of the federal powers granted by the constitution.
i guess he would have to support this then, if he sticks to his guns....

H.R. 7955 said:
"Prohibits the expenditure of Federal funds to any organization which presents male or female homosexuality as an acceptable alternative life style or which suggest that it can be an acceptable life style."
i mean, if it was just a matter of opposing collectivism or use of federal funds, wouldn't he want to prohibit the expenditure of funds to ANY teaching of what's acceptable? why single out homosexuals as having an "unacceptable" lifestyle?

i have several gay friends. stand up folks, these people. hard workers, tax payers, college graduates and productive members of society. why is ron paul so worried about what they do with their genitals once they are in the privacy of their own homes? is ron paul the morality police? it seems so.

ron paul hates freedom and gays and is the morality police.

mista sativa

Well-Known Member
he is ok with states prohibiting it. he hates freedom.

also, there is the whole him wanting to make decisions about my wife's uterus instead of leaving my wife to handle that. also the whole calling gays' lifestyles "unacceptable" and co-sponsoring an amendment to the constitution to keep them from getting married. there is also the whole racist newsletter he penned in the first person and then defended before he stopped defending it and made up some lie about how it was some elaborate scheme against him. then there is the whole wanting to get rid of civil rights because they impinge on the rights of bigots to be racist.

ron paul hates freedom, gays, women and minorities.

Bullshit. Just seen him talking about that marriage should not be rescrited. He doesn't care if gays marry, he thinks the government should stay out of religious ceremonies.

Did anyone pay attention to the title, no left wingers.


Well-Known Member
Bullshit. Just seen him talking about that marriage should not be rescrited. He doesn't care if gays marry, he thinks the government should stay out of religious ceremonies.

Did anyone pay attention to the title, no left wingers.
that is only his latest stance. history shows he thinks homosexuality is unacceptable. hell, he even put it into words, onto legislation, and made it part of the congressional records that he thinks gays are unacceptable.

and i will post where the fuck i want, you just try to stop me.


Well-Known Member
i guess he would have to support this then, if he sticks to his guns....

i mean, if it was just a matter of opposing collectivism or use of federal funds, wouldn't he want to prohibit the expenditure of funds to ANY teaching of what's acceptable? why single out homosexuals as having an "unacceptable" lifestyle?

i have several gay friends. stand up folks, these people. hard workers, tax payers, college graduates and productive members of society. why is ron paul so worried about what they do with their genitals once they are in the privacy of their own homes? is ron paul the morality police? it seems so.

ron paul hates freedom and gays and is the morality police.
In 1997, Paul voted to end affirmative action in college admissions.[181][182] Paul criticizes both racism and obsession with racial identity:
Racism is simply an ugly form of collectivism, the mindset that views humans strictly as members of groups rather than individuals. Racists believe that all individuals who share superficial physical characteristics are alike: as collectivists, racists think only in terms of groups. By encouraging Americans to adopt a group mentality, the advocates of so-called "diversity" actually perpetuate racism. Their obsession with racial group identity is inherently racist.[183]



New Member
Bullshit. Just seen him talking about that marriage should not be rescrited. He doesn't care if gays marry, he thinks the government should stay out of religious ceremonies.

Did anyone pay attention to the title, no left wingers.
I'm independant i vote for anyone thats qualified
That leaves out Ron Paul


Well-Known Member
Gee why does ron paul want marriage to be defined by the individual state or even better not be a state institution, cause you have no right to tell i cant marry who ever the hell i want, or call it whatever i want or attach whatever rules to it i want


New Member
Ron Paul website mourns anti-Semitic author

The official website of Ron Paul's 2008 presidential campaign, which since the 2008 election has operated under the name "Campaign for Liberty", has published an illiterate memorial to the anti-Semitic author Eustace Mullins. Read here: Campaign For Liberty — Today we morn the passage of Eustace Mullins.

Eustace Mullins was a great autor (sic) and told the truth about the Federal Reseve (sic), the Constitution, Liberty and American History. A man who had a book burned in Europe, was fired from the Library fof (sic) Congress for ploitical (sic) reasons had to be on the right track. He will be missed.​
The Nizkor website says the following about Mullins (read here):

Eustace Mullins is the author of the virulently anti-Jewish book "The Biological Jew" (Faith and Service Books, Stauton, VA, 1968). Mullins, in this lengthy comparison of Jews with biological parasites, wrote:

The Jew has always functioned best as a panderer, a pornographer, a master of prostitution, an enemy of the prevailing sexual standards and prohibitions of the gentile community....

We must remember that there is no Jewish crime per se, since the existence of the Jewish parasite on the host is a crime against nature, because its existence imperils the health and life of the host...

This religious ceremony of drinking the blood of an innocent gentile child is basic to the Jew's entire concept of his existence as a parasite, living off the blood of the host...

The Jews do not want anyone to know what Nazism is. Nazism is simply this--a proposal that the German people rid themselves of the parasitic Jews. The gentile host dared to protest against the continued presence of the parasite, and attempted to throw it off. It was an ineffectual reaction, because it was emotional and
Mullins' writings are a standby on the Klan/neo-Nazi circuit. A recent Sons of Liberty book list included Mullins titles such as "Jewish TV: Sick, Sick, Sick," "The Jewish War Against the Christian World," and "Easter," which the catalog tells us give a "look at the 5,000 years of history in the ongoing war between the Satanic-Jewish forces and their Babylonian religious system and the rest of humanity." (Sons of Liberty Fall 1992 catalog, New Christian Crusade Church)​


New Member
Ron Paul's Anti-Atheist Bigotry, Homophobia, and Other Right-Wing Ideology

Posted by libhom Saturday, August 04, 2007

Ron Paul has a swarm of zealots on the Internet, spewing pro-Paul propaganda in all sorts of liberal and progressive forums. The Paul worshipers will accurately point out his opposition to the Iraq War and the Unpatriotic Act, but they conveniently omit the vast majority of Paul's views, which are hateful and wacky right-wing. The deception is starting to offend a lot of liberals, and I'm one of them. After all, if Paul could get a 75% rating in 2005 from the “Family Research Council,” a Christian Right hate-group, that should give you some idea of where Paul really stands.

Here are some other ratings of interest:
  • Secular Coalition for America: 20% (2004)
  • Americans for the Arts Action Fund: 0% (2000, 01, 02, 03, 04)
  • Leadership Conference on Civil Rights: 38% (2005)
  • Human Rights Campaign: 25% (2003-04), 0% in previous years
  • John Birch Society: 100% (2004-2006 in quarterly ratings, except for 88% in Spring 04)
  • National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws: 14% (2004), 30% (2005)
  • Campaign for America's Future: 0% (2005-06, energy issues)
  • Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America: F (2006)
Bigotry Against Atheists

It should be noted that each of the following three positions contradict Paul's claims that he is a libertarian and that he supports individual freedom.

Opposes Restoring the Pledge of Allegience to the Version Without “Under God”

Co-Sponsored Constitutional Amendment Pushing Coerced Prayer in the Public Schools

Voted to Allow Bigoted Alabama Judge to Post “Ten Commandments” in Courtroom


Here are a couple of examples of Ron Paul's views, aside from his opposition to ENDA.

Opposes Hate Crimes Laws

Supports “Don't Ask, Don't Tell”

Voted for Amendment Attempting to Block DC Government from Allowing Same-sex Partners to Adopt

Other Right-Wing Extremism,
from his congressional web site:

Opposing Federal Funding for Stem Cell Research:


Pro-Tax Cuts, Nearly All of Which Go to the Rich:

Favors Cutting Gas Taxes:

Against Corporate Accountability:


Glorifying Ronald Reagan:

Supporting Corporate Efforts to Ship US Jobs to China

Attacking Gun Control and DC Self Rule


Labels: atheism, atheists, Christian Taliban, Ford, hate-crimes, homophobia, queer, racism, Ron Paul, sexism | at 5:09 PM (permalink)


Well-Known Member

you must not be able to read...

Ron motherfucking Paul said:
"Prohibits the expenditure of Federal funds to any organization which presents male or female homosexuality as an acceptable alternative life style or which suggest that it can be an acceptable life style."
he tried to pass a piece of legislation that expressly dictated what is and what is not an acceptable lifestyle. he wrote this bill, you simpleton.

if he wanted to prohibit funding from going to teaching what is and is not an acceptable lifestyle, he would not have singled out gays as unacceptable. BUT HE DID.

ron paul wants the government to dictate which lifestyles are acceptable. it is in the congressional record.

you fucking fraudster.


Well-Known Member
wow, so because ron paul's organization has put out a remembrance for an author who did have specific points about centralized bank that paralleled points made by ron paul makes ron paul, who's actions speak libertarian, isnt a better candidate than some lady whos gay husband runs a gay is wrong counseling center that may or may not be based on the scared straight doctrine?

once again your having to reach pretty far to bring up anything against ron paul, "oh no we wouldnt want people to have the right to govern themselves without federal intervention, cause then texas is gonna kill all the jews, san francisco will have mandatory daily but fuckings, and salt lake city will allow women to be held prisoner in multiple wife marriages." --thats what you sound like


Well-Known Member

you must not be able to read...

he tried to pass a piece of legislation that expressly dictated what is and what is not an acceptable lifestyle. he wrote this bill, you simpleton.

if he wanted to prohibit funding from going to teaching what is and is not an acceptable lifestyle, he would not have singled out gays as unacceptable. BUT HE DID.

ron paul wants the government to dictate which lifestyles are acceptable. it is in the congressional record.

you fucking fraudster.
he also voted to end affirmative action which specifies race and sexuality, oh and he also specifically said that planned parenthood shouldn't get federal funding, etc etc etc

he also said :

e third Republican debate on June 5, 2007, Paul said about the U.S. military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy:
I think the current policy is a decent policy. And the problem that we have with dealing with this subject is we see people as groups, as they belong to certain groups and that they derive their rights as belonging to groups. We don't get our rights because we're gays or women or minorities. We get our rights from our Creator as individuals. So every individual should be treated the same way. So if there is homosexual behavior in the military that is disruptive, it should be dealt with. But if there's heterosexual behavior that is disruptive, it should be dealt with. So it isn't the issue of homosexuality. It's the concept and the understanding of individual rights. If we understood that, we would not be dealing with this very important problem.[196]

So sit down and shut up, you spinster


Well-Known Member
...So sit down and shut up, you spinster

he wrote the bill saying that the gay lifestyle is unacceptable, not me.

if he was against teaching what is an acceptable lifestyle and what is not, don't you agree it would make more sense NOT to single out a specific group as unacceptable?

fucking duh.

fraudster. i am half-tempted to report you to the FEC if it were not so futile (plus, ron paul stands NO chance anyway, so it would be a vacuous effort :lol: )


Well-Known Member
Prefontaine, it's not worth it brother, these clowns don't even read your replies they just spew out the same disingenuous shit over and over again with no try statements to make except for "Ron Paul's racist" "Ron Paul hates gays" "Ron Paul wants to control my wife's uterus" and so forth, personally I pity them for not having the frontal lobe development to comprehend the idea that they don't need the Federal government to live and think for them.

So without further ado I give you what these neo-Nazi pundits really look like in reality.

It's mame, dukeanthony, UncleBuck, and the other dude who's avatar is a teddy bear and their bastard garbage can child who they tried to abort..



Well-Known Member
Prefontaine, it's not worth it brother, these clowns don't even read your replies they just spew out the same disingenuous shit over and over again with no try statements to make except for "Ron Paul's racist" "Ron Paul hates gays" "Ron Paul wants to control my wife's uterus" and so forth, personally I pity them for not having the frontal lobe development to comprehend the idea that they don't need the Federal government to live and think for them.

So without further ado I give you what these neo-Nazi pundits really look like in reality.

It's mame, dukeanthony, UncleBuck, and the other dude who's avatar is a teddy bear and their bastard garbage can child who they tried to abort..

let's see....

no refutation of the point i have been making about ron paul's bill that says expressly that the gay lifestyle is not acceptable. no refutation at all.

tried to insult us by calling us neo-nazis, trolls, clowns, disingenuous, and saying we have underdeveloped frontal lobes.

sorry, bud. insults are the last refuge of the defeated, and you proved it.

also, i am not a neo-nazi. neo-nazis are fond of donating to ron paul, and as you might imagine, i would not piss on ron paul if he were on fire, much less donate to the old codger. :razz:


Well-Known Member

he wrote the bill saying that the gay lifestyle is unacceptable, not me.

if he was against teaching what is an acceptable lifestyle and what is not, don't you agree it would make more sense NOT to single out a specific group as unacceptable?

fucking duh.

fraudster. i am half-tempted to report you to the FEC if it were not so futile (plus, ron paul stands NO chance anyway, so it would be a vacuous effort :lol: )
You have been proven wrong, the bill does not say gay is unacceptable it says the federal government cannot spend money telling people it is or isnt acceptable, at that time there where groups pressuring the government to spend resources educating the public about how gay lifestyle is moraling ok and you are a bad person if you are not ok with gay people.

there is nothing wrong with gay people, and in fact ron paul stands on the side of gays in the military such that they have every right every other person has, however no one deserves special rights or privaledges based on race or sexuality or anything, now you seem to think that the government needs to educate people as whether gay is ok or not, well if the government is going to act as a public ralations firm for the gay marriage, should the federal government define marriage fore the states and force them to allow gay marriage, they dont and they wont, that is why all of these issues which are being ignored on the federal level need to be returned to the state level so that we can make the decisions for ourselves, this includes afirmative action, gay marriage, mmj, and healthcare