a little up date. I treated my female turn male plants with 'Reverse',and 'Saturator'. So far everything looks kosher. No loss in color, no limp action, and hopefully no more balls either? If it works a,and I see no reason for it not to work. I will personally take a gift to Honolulu the next time I'm there to the gal who runs and owns the Kahala hydro shop. She gave me a bottle of Reverse for free! When I called Green hands of Aloha, all they gave me was a bunch of grief for free!? When I asked them if they stocked 'Reverse', the person who I spoke to said we don't sell gimmicks here. But when I went to their store, they didn't sell much of anything. They had about three to four different nutrients,and not all of them were complete product lines either. So I thought to myself, "what the fuck"? They didn't sell gimmicks, or much of anything else at that time. No, I take that back. They did have a lot of dirt. Funny how they talk about not selling gimmicks, yet their main thing back then was their LED lights. LED lights in the flower room is probably the biggest gimmick out there in my opinion. This was all about three years ago. Back then you couldn't find shit on internet about 'Reverse' look now and everybody is using it...and it works!