New to hydroponics, starting help please!


Active Member
So after a year of living in this new city I'm in, I finally took a trip to the hydro store. I decided to purchase basically the equivalent of this:

I have also purchased a light, which should arrive next Tuesday!:

So here is my question. The guy at the hydro store said that I should germinate my seeds using peat pellets. I have a nice looking sprout, maybe 1.5 inches or so now, in that peat pellet. How do I transfer from the peat pellet to the hydro net pot? I've looked around, and it seems like some people say to rinse all the peat away first, and some say to just put the whole pellet right in there? I'm not at home right now to post a picture of my peat pellet sprout, but I will later. Thanks in advance for any help!
Just put the whole pellet in the pot, it's really easy to knacker the roots and knock the whole plant back weeks if you try to wash the soil off.

Also, get that baby under a light / in sunshine quick, it will stretch like mad in just a day or two.

good luck


Active Member
Thank you very much! I do have it under a couple CFL's right now, it hasn't seemed to take off that much in height though.


Well-Known Member
get some hydroton (wash it really well)and surround the peat pellet to fill the net cup. You are way behind on your reading. Get to work.


Active Member
I do have some hydroton already, and I also have a little 2" net cup, should I start the peat pellet in the 2" net cup with a some hydroton, and use more of it to fill the larger net cup in the main bucket?

Phillip J Fry

Active Member
I do have some hydroton already, and I also have a little 2" net cup, should I start the peat pellet in the 2" net cup with a some hydroton, and use more of it to fill the larger net cup in the main bucket?
Sounds good to me. good luck with your plants.