

Well-Known Member
So, I have a morbid fascination with the drug. Would never use it but i like to research it, read personal stories..

So if you have any anecdotes, feelings, etc, about meth, this is the thread.


Well-Known Member
I'm proud to say I have never experimented with it, and with all the horror stories floating around about it, I'm glad ;)

Thinking of trying Meth?

Think again.....


Well-Known Member
hey, you're really starting to bug me. Chill, k? Im serious. You know I like you, but sometimes you just need to think before you speak
My interest started cause of my mom, she was addicted to it, so is my uncle, so was my stepdad.

this is for peacefulkid


Well-Known Member
from what i understand it's just like being on aderall for 14+ hours straight...

if you've ever had a 20mg addy, split it in half, taken half, snorted the other half, then it's like being on meth...

that's what i'm told by a buddy of mine who used to do meth but switched to addys b/c it's not as intense and he can actually sleep... doens't make him any less of a junkie though...

i used to hell a snort em in college too!! :) :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah, i know meth is bad.... Shit, my mom lost all of her top teeth. Every single one... the dentist decided to pull them when the dog kept accidentally headbutting her in the mouth and her teeth would get huge chips... she wouldnt let him take any of her bottom teeth though, even though they tried to convince her


Well-Known Member
Go sit in on some NA meetings. Youll find plenty of meth addicts that will satisfy your disturbing "morbid fascination." Between them and your family, that should be enough.


Well-Known Member
Never did much meth ..dont like staying up for days..but i have shot a lot of cocaine....


Well-Known Member
I would never do meth... ever... sad to see people fall into that shit. But I guess its life.

I have a weird Fascination with LSD... before I tried it I was obsessed with how it works on the mind. just a small dose.
I have books on it. I think it has some potential to help some people. even addicts


Well-Known Member
My mom doesnt like to talk about it much, i hate my uncle, and my stepdad refuses to ever mention it.
I wouldnt be comfortable in a na meeting, and im tired of reading the same stories on the internet. Im pretty sure alot of people here have at least tried it


Well-Known Member
Shit meth is insane...probably the worst drug there is..sorry though no met stories but.....wait. I did try it once..i was in an all nite club and i was on i believe masculine...someone gave me a tiny ass line and it had me awake for thirty hours..i never did it again..that was twenty years ago..Im in my thirties


Well-Known Member
hey, you're really starting to bug me. Chill, k? Im serious. You know I like you, but sometimes you just need to think before you speak
My interest started cause of my mom, she was addicted to it, so is my uncle, so was my stepdad.

this is for peacefulkid


Well-Known Member
I'm telling you, NA will help. They are there to tell the stories you are looking for.
Im pretty much trying to keep myself from trying it. You know, making sure I know the realities... because i am tempted to try harder and harder things, but i want to keep a hold of exactly why its bad, so i dont make the same mistakes as my family


Well-Known Member
hmm i guess i cant c nobody turn to a crackhead, i tried meth,it was the best up i gotten compared to xtc, coke i was up for like 2 days n it was soo fucking crazy i was working out harder then ever with my boxer briefs naked lol. i went to school on meth but it was too insane for me n took some xanex n fell asleep, i wouldnt try it again n i sniffed it,didnt smoke it.


Well-Known Member
Never did much meth ..dont like staying up for days..but i have shot a lot of cocaine....
i have cancer in my liver..not anymore hopeful but i ended up on dope and benzos. ..They had me on methadone but i was like Fuck it and shot dope right into my iv port once.......i have to say i only smoke weed now because i didn't fight to live just to die from hard drugs..but DAAAAAAAM THAT SHIT FELT GOOD......if they ever come out with heroin that's good for you..Im gonna do it every guys really..Im not as much of a mess as that makes me sound.


Well-Known Member
Im pretty much trying to keep myself from trying it. You know, making sure I know the realities... because i am tempted to try harder and harder things, but i want to keep a hold of exactly why its bad, so i dont make the same mistakes as my family
NA can help there too. Go listen to how fucked up their lives are and I guarantee you won't want to try it. But it sounds like you really want to try it anyway. If strong willed, you can try it once or twice and cut it off early enough. I can tell you the feeling is unlike anything else youve experienced. I can see why people always want to feel that good.


Well-Known Member
i have cancer in my liver..not anymore hopeful but i ended up on dope and benzos. ..They had me on methadone but i was like Fuck it and shot dope right into my iv port once.......i have to say i only smoke weed now because i didn't fight to live just to die from hard drugs..but DAAAAAAAM THAT SHIT FELT GOOD......if they ever come out with heroin that's good for you..Im gonna do it every guys really..Im not as much of a mess as that makes me sound.
im sorry to hear brother,


Well-Known Member
Shit meth is insane...probably the worst drug there is..sorry though no met stories but.....wait. I did try it once..i was in an all nite club and i was on i believe masculine...someone gave me a tiny ass line and it had me awake for thirty hours..i never did it again..that was twenty years ago..Im in my thirties
you did meth when you were 10!?!?