Fucking Hunters

BendBrewer: the OP said he's growing on private land (his). Hunters can legally hunt his land to within 150 yards because it has no fence (too expensive for OP). Personally, if I couldn't afford a fence, I'd just put up "No Trespassing" signs here and there. And the odd tiger pit.

Digging up (or decanting) your plant will stress it badly. But hell, you never know until you try. Next year, put the plants in pots and just move them when hunting season rolls in (because it does every year, you know).
Let me remind you of the title of the thread that contains the conversation you want to butt in on. Ready?

Fucking hunters

Now you go look up the legality of planting plants on public land and I'll show you my fucking liscence to be on that land doing what I am doing.

Facts are, me and the OP stand in the woods. Cops come. I continue hunting. OP goes to jail.

What part of that do you have a hard time understanding? I'll walk you though it again if needed.

Again, I don't care if you break the law. That is a YOU thing. But when you break the law and turn around and blame law abiding citizens with FUCK HUNTERS, I'll be the first to say you can go fuck yourself. You're the problem, not hunters.

Ok you ready?

Lets start off with this. Fucking hunters doesn't mean shit. In the thread is where the information lies. If you have read his situation correctly you would understand that he is asking for help. He isn't bashing "Hunters" he's just asking for peoples expertise. Next time you try to keep up a compelling argument maybe you should understand the basics of what is going on. To finish it off again I'm going to say this because you might not have read the first time, "Public woods". The day you buy that part of the woods he's growing at that's the day you can go around running your mouth about harmless growers just trying to get some bud so they can get there smoke on.

@OP don't even stress it at all. Just check up on the plant every few hours and see how it's doing. Chances of someone finding it and taking it or calling the police is like 3/10
You are blaming hunters for not respecting the law as you illegally grow pot on public land?

That's too fucking much..........

Around here, we call folks like you Mexicans.

Damn dude I wanted to back you up 100% until you started to single out a entire race.
9 hunters out of 10 don't respect private property lines anyways, because they know there is almost no chance of getting in trouble over it. Weed is meant to be grown outdoors. If you want to hunt how bout buy yourown private land to do it on and quit acting like you own the public's property. Who gives a fuck if it's illegal anyways, it's a bullshit law so don't get on your high horse and defend it in a pot forum for fuck sake.
If you own your property you have every right to secure it by any means necessary. If you were growing on public land then I would say tough shit like I said but you stated it is your property. I find as a hunter that the size of land you have is nearly impossible to keep people out or find them for that matter if the size you are stating is true. If it were me I would try and put a fence around the area and post it but like you said it is illegal where you are so that is the risk you take.

also just cause you hunt doesnt make you a better shot, it just means you spend less time practicing and more time hiking,

Well I can assure you that you wouldn't want to find yourself in my sights be it rifle, pistol or bow and that is a fact. I don't like to track my game so I make sure to drop it pretty much where it stands it's all about shot placement.
Again, it's just that Oregon cops bust illegal grows all the time and the vast majority are manned by Mexicans. Again, Mexican isn't a bad word. It's actually what people from Mexico call themselves. I am sure I could have come up with a derogatory term if I meant to be that way.

You American.
I would just keep growing and act like I didnt know shit if the cops saw the plants.. Hide your nutes and anything Marijuana related at your house. Just say like " wow must have been some punk teenagers trying to grow on my property"
Again, it's just that Oregon cops bust illegal grows all the time and the vast majority are manned by Mexicans. Again, Mexican isn't a bad word. It's actually what people from Mexico call themselves. I am sure I could have come up with a derogatory term if I meant to be that way.

You American.

No one says its a bad word you just sound very ignorant when singling out a whole race in regards to illegal marijuana grows. Sounds lame dude.
9 hunters out of 10 don't respect private property lines anyways, because they know there is almost no chance of getting in trouble over it. Weed is meant to be grown outdoors. If you want to hunt how bout buy yourown private land to do it on and quit acting like you own the public's property. Who gives a fuck if it's illegal anyways, it's a bullshit law so don't get on your high horse and defend it in a pot forum for fuck sake.

Again, I have to buy a license to hunt that property which in turn helps pay for restoration efforts on said property. What is the OP paying? NOTHING.

And if this is on the OP's property that I am on his side. Fuck anyone who would trespass. He lead me to believe that he was not growing on his property. Unless there is a deer standing on his land, why would a hunter even go near it?
No one says its a bad word you just sound very ignorant when singling out a whole race in regards to illegal marijuana grows. Sounds lame dude.

Maybe you don't read the news paper. We have a lot of illegal grows here in Oregon. The vast majority involve people from Mexico or as I and they call themselves, Mexicans. Not my fault if you took it wrong.

Beer 30. Cheers.
Hey I got flamed for having legal males growing outside to cross polinate. A lot of people speak out against people who remind them guerilla growing is against the law.
9 hunters out of 10 don't respect private property lines anyways, because they know there is almost no chance of getting in trouble over it. Weed is meant to be grown outdoors. If you want to hunt how bout buy yourown private land to do it on and quit acting like you own the public's property. Who gives a fuck if it's illegal anyways, it's a bullshit law so don't get on your high horse and defend it in a pot forum for fuck sake.

Obviously you don't know to many hunters, we take property lines very seriously. I North Dakota you can hunt unfenced property and you can shoot from the road all they ask is that you put at least one foot on the pavement to steady your shot. As a land owner you know the requirements of the law and it is the law so accept it or fence it that's all you can do. Hell if he has as much property as he claims he can afford to fence it, owning that much property takes money to have it.

Secondly, the public property is our's hence the word "Public" and all "Public" hunting lands are paid for by the hunter through the sale of hunting licenses.
funny thread i dont hunt never even seen a loaded gun in my own country but reading you lot bitching has been fun.
We pay to access it unlike criminal illegal pot growers. So, when I do find your illegal grow while I am legally hunting do you want me to kill it or call the cops? Those are your choices and if you dare to wave a gun at a hunter while you try to protect your illegal grow operation, remember, the hunter has practiced shooting his gun and you're most likely to lose that battle. You would be a dead fool to even let the hunter know you are armed.

You knew you were taking a risk when you planted your plants on public property. Knock yourself out if you want to but don't bitch about people who are using the woods in a manner that is intended. That's a YOU problem, not the hunters out there who pay to access that land you are just stealing.

Hope it works out for you and hunters are more focused on game than your plants but really, you have nobody to blame but yourself if things to go down. I am responsible for my own grow and I grow on my own property. I don't need to steal from the public.

are you retarded? or do you just like to get angry when you clearly havnt read his whole post? in his country growing marijuana is illegal, which probly means there is no medical marijuana so there only choice grow inside and lose your house or grow around the back and not lose your house. if there are hunters within 150 meteres of someones house thats against the law, and its alot more dangerous to be hunting within veiw of a house then growing pot. so instead of trolling read a full post next time, but dont type the first ball of shit that falls from your lips and think... because if i let a hunter know im armed he better not shoot me for it, and if any one shot a gun that close to me youd be damn sure i aint missing my shot
Again, I have to buy a license to hunt that property which in turn helps pay for restoration efforts on said property. What is the OP paying? NOTHING.

And if this is on the OP's property that I am on his side. Fuck anyone who would trespass. He lead me to believe that he was not growing on his property. Unless there is a deer standing on his land, why would a hunter even go near it?

walk up on my property with a hunting rifle and find out, self defense laws means you bring a gun on my property and you i have every reason to assume my life is in danger, and that means you have no chance.
Maybe you don't read the news paper. We have a lot of illegal grows here in Oregon. The vast majority involve people from Mexico or as I and they call themselves, Mexicans. Not my fault if you took it wrong.

Beer 30. Cheers.

I'm from AZ I know all about it. However blaming the countries problems on an entire race is pretty much racist.

May 1,000 Mexicans shit on your head today.