Fucking Hunters


Well-Known Member
Are you fuckin' serious? Go hug a tree. I was being ironic. My point was the dude was offed in a remote illegal grow. What's this bullshit Harry Krishna crap?
So you're saying because it was an ILLEGAL grow operation, someone was killed? If that's the case, there should be a lot more body's on the pile...


Global Moderator
Staff member
Yeah weed still doesn't kill. Only people do.. if you are that type of person shame on you.. Now get a real link where someone dies due to just marijuana.
You got me to thinking, so I went looking.

Cannabis poisoning kills Welsh addict

Paul Carey, The Western Mail A WELSHMAN is thought to have become the first in Britain to die directly from cannabis poisoning.
Lee Maisey, 36, smoked more than 25,000 reefers during his 11-year addiction to the drug, which is due to be reduced to a Class C drug later this month.
Mr Maisey had complained of a headache but the next morning he was found dead on the lounge floor.
Coroner Michael Howells said Mr Maisey was free from disease and had not drunk any alcohol for at least 48 hours before his death in August last year. Post-mortem tests revealed a high level of cannabinoids in Mr Maisey's blood. The cause of death was registered as cannabis toxicity.
Mr Howells, the coroner for Pembrokeshire, recorded a verdict of death by misadventure because Mr Maisey had died while taking part in an illegal activity.
The death brought a warning from medical experts about the changing strength of cannabis, which is being reduced to a Class C drug on January 29.
Dr Philip Guy, a lecturer in addictions at the University of Hull, said, "Cannabis has changed. Nowadays it is a lot stronger than it used to be.
"It is not like the nice hippy drug it used to be. It is a distinct possibility that someone could die from extreme toxicity. It has been experimented with to produce stronger varieties."
Dr Guy said death was more likely if the drug had been eaten instead of smoked.
"If you eat a large amount of it, it can be deadly. I would not be surprised if in this case the deceased had ingested a fatal amount of cannabis."
Dr Guy, who has researched cannabis-related deaths, said he had never come across such a case.
He said, "A lot of things can harm and even kill in the right quantities. I recall a man who ate two packets of regular tobacco and that almost killed him. To die from smoking cannabis is unheard of."
Cannabis has been associated with deaths in the past, particularly suicide and accidents, but not as a direct cause.
Mr Maisey died at his home in the Pembrokeshire village of Summerhill, where he shared a house with friend Jeffrey Saunders.
Mr Saunders said MrMaisey had taken cannabis for 11 years and smoked around six cannabis cigarettes a day.
Dyfed-Powys Police said yesterday they would soften their approach to cannabis in line with its reduction to Class C status.
PC Alan Thomas, the force's drug prevention officer, said, "It signals a change in the way the police will deal with adults caught in possession of small amounts of the drug for their own personal use.
"Possession will remain a criminal offence, and those who choose to flout the law by openly smoking cannabis in public will still face arrest, as will those who use the drug in places where children are likely to be.
"Officers have been asked to use their discretion and only consider making an arrest in these aggravated situations."
Some coroners claim that up to one in 10 deaths have a significant link to the drug.
In the autumn, police warned that Britain was being targeted by gangs smuggling high strength cannabis from Africa, leading to a massive influx of the drug.
Simon Burns, the Conservative MP for West Chelmsford, said, "I am deeply disturbed by this case.
"If cannabis is used for medicinal purposes like helping to alleviate MS, it is worth considering, but relaxing rules on public use of cannabis is surely ill thought out.
"It contributes to other problems. This highlights that it is obviously more dangerous than people think.
"To pander to fashionable trends is very dangerous."



Well-Known Member
bunk I say. Though I'm no expert in toxicity. I would just imagine it to be too high of a dose for any 'pothead' to justify using that much of their cannabis. That'd be like putting a pound in a palm sized brownie..I just don't see it.


Well-Known Member
so your saying that guns are fee-willed?
c'mon its an inanimate object, I'm saying they are too damn easy to get, especially kids, and convicted felons, etc. mentally disabled people can buy some weaponry right now...CONTROL. I just loved the micheal moore film Bowling for Columbine. Our country has a homicide rate like no fucking other.


Global Moderator
Staff member
c'mon its an inanimate object, I'm saying they are too damn easy to get, especially kids, and convicted felons, etc. mentally disabled people can buy some weaponry right now...CONTROL. I just loved the micheal moore film Bowling for Columbine. Our country has a homicide rate like no fucking other.
"kids, and convicted felons, etc. mentally disabled people can buy some weaponry right now." Not Legally.

"Our country has a homicide rate like no fucking other" Mexico? Of course our Govt was nice enough to arm the Cartel's though.


Well-Known Member
Geee - and i thought this thread would be a happy Brokeback Mountain story about some guy fucking some hunters - tsk tsk.

Next season remember this and plant your plants near something like willow which hides them pretty nice ;O)


Well-Known Member
We have way more homicides by firearms than mexico...and yes you're right we gave them the guns (CONTROL).......go get some more fraudulent medical studies that says pot kills bro I'm done with the likes of you and bandbrewer


Active Member
c'mon its an inanimate object, I'm saying they are too damn easy to get, especially kids, and convicted felons, etc. mentally disabled people can buy some weaponry right now...CONTROL. I just loved the micheal moore film Bowling for Columbine. Our country has a homicide rate like no fucking other.
No, they are not to easy to get. Have you bought one, did you fill out the paperwork and pass the FBI Federal Background Check? Shows how much you know, the legal sale of guns is not the problem. The problem is all the crackheads, thieves and people bringing undocumented weapons into the country. I can go buy a bat just about anywhere and beat you to death with it so I guess we should impose bat control also or how about steak knife control. Liberal Bullshit, I can't stand the United Nations but here is a copy of their report.



New Member
No, they are not to easy to get. Have you bought one, did you fill out the paperwork and pass the FBI Federal Background Check? Shows how much you know, the legal sale of guns is not the problem. The problem is all the crackheads, thieves and people bringing undocumented weapons into the country. I can go buy a bat just about anywhere and beat you to death with it so I guess we should impose bat control also or how about steak knife control. Liberal Bullshit, I can't stand the United Nations but here is a copy of their report.
Why is Pakistan zero on the chart? Oh, it's called Jihad not homicide LOL


Well-Known Member
For as stupid as people are I just believe there should be more restrictions on owning handguns...how many kids are blown away playing with unsecured guns...where the hell did all the kids shooting up schools get theirs??? What I've found in 11 years of incarceration is that you people aint shit without a gun anyhow...lames.


Active Member
We have way more homicides by firearms than mexico...and yes you're right we gave them the guns (CONTROL).......go get some more fraudulent medical studies that says pot kills bro I'm done with the likes of you and bandbrewer
More liberal bullshit, our goverment didn't give them guns in Mexico and unlike all you liberals believe a very insignificant portion of the guns confiscated from the Cartel's actually came from the US.


Well-Known Member
thats a study from 2000, on "various years" which means it has no actual evidence that shows crime rate each one coulve been from the year with the highest or lowest amount of people that were killed. get me a chart showing the deaths from 2010


Well-Known Member
Fucking Illegal Growers. The woods are for hunters, not illegal grow operations.

Fuck you. Pardon my English.

so i guess you never broke the law in your life right. you shouldnt judge another man until you have been in his shoes. what would you do if you had no where to grow and it was illegal in your state. obey the law right. not


Global Moderator
Staff member
We have way more homicides by firearms than mexico...and yes you're right we gave them the guns (CONTROL).......go get some more fraudulent medical studies that says pot kills bro I'm done with the likes of you and bandbrewer
Oops, I guess Mexico has more homicides per capita than the US - but will you admit you were wrong (and not even by a little bit)?
As for the medical article I simply found it (as you could do), I seriously doubt I'll ever ingest enough cannabis to OD, but then again there are people out there that drink enough water to kill themselves too. You know what they say about moderation.