Need some advice on Nuet burn


Active Member
I have been vegging these plants now for 3 1/2 weeks, under an led. Since then i have transplanted them into 5 gallon buckets. 35 percent perlite, 5 percent vermiculite and 60 percent OFF. They were in the buckets for a weeek and a half, i was watering them with plain phed water. 3 days ago i gave them 1/2 strenght nuets ( 1 tsp grow big, and 1 tsp big bloom) they definety have nuet burn but since them they needed to be watered so i watered them with plain phed water. Question is should i keep watering them with plain water till they recover or will that not work and i should flush them with 15 gallons of water.

Also do i add any nuets at the end of the flush or should i wait and if so how long.

I feel like such a noob but i have to get these girls back on track without drowning

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Legal Moderator, Esq.
I have been vegging these plants now for 3 1/2 weeks, under an led. Since then i have transplanted them into 5 gallon buckets. 35 percent perlite, 5 percent vermiculite and 60 percent OFF. They were in the buckets for a weeek and a half, i was watering them with plain phed water. 3 days ago i gave them 1/2 strenght nuets ( 1 tsp grow big, and 1 tsp big bloom) they definety have nuet burn but since them they needed to be watered so i watered them with plain phed water. Question is should i keep watering them with plain water till they recover or will that not work and i should flush them with 15 gallons of water.

Also do i add any nuets at the end of the flush or should i wait and if so how long.

I feel like such a noob but i have to get these girls back on track without drowning

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Plain water.


Active Member
yeah plants are almost 4 weeks they have been under a 290 spectra. i airate the water over night because its tap water. i ph down it to 6.7 to 6.8


Active Member
i dont see it being a nute burn seeing as how you havent fed them until just recently. test you soil ph adjust it as needed get on a feed cycle such as this Feed, Water, Water. then repeat. only feed or water if the top 3 inches or so of soil is dry just stick your finger in the soil to check it. use 1/4 strength of nutes and gradually raise it


Well-Known Member
i dont see how that can be nute burnd, FFOF isnt as "hot' as most people would like to believe, and you should be giving her 1 Tablespoon Bigbloom, 1 tsp growbig ...but maybe you got some nute water on those leaves and they got fryd?


Active Member
i dont see how that can be nute burnd, FFOF isnt as "hot' as most people would like to believe, and you should be giving her 1 Tablespoon Bigbloom, 1 tsp growbig ...but maybe you got some nute water on those leaves and they got fryd?
thanks for your advice. but the only reason why i think its nuet burn is because it started at the tips. i watered it with nuets on friday and today i watered it with plain water. i think i need to get a ph on the soil. Should i check the run off next time i water it or should i go get a tester

trichome fiend

Well-Known Member
i dont see how that can be nute burnd, FFOF isnt as "hot' as most people would like to believe, and you should be giving her 1 Tablespoon Bigbloom, 1 tsp growbig ...but maybe you got some nute water on those leaves and they got fryd?
...I agree, I have put seeds directly into FFOF with great success. I'm going to blame your issues on water, possible pH do you measure your pH?


Active Member
...I agree, I have put seeds directly into FFOF with great success. I'm going to blame your issues on water, possible pH do you measure your pH?
with a digital ph meter. i havnt checked the run off or the soil. i need to but dont want to over water them as-well. what it the soil ph is to low or high what is a good way to balance it???

trichome fiend

Well-Known Member
...dolomite lime will only raise a low pH....dolomite has a pH of 7, and will fight to raise a low will NOT lower your pH if it is high, it will only raise a low pH. . However, dolomite lime takes several weeks to become active, so it may not be your answer....most growers just add it to their soil when they make it.
...but, theirs products of lime that will become active near immediately like, "Rapid Lime"I like to add 2tbls per gallon of soil as a top dressing and water in as normal.


Active Member
Normally you are perfect time to add nutes to even FFOF soil... you are growing under LED which probably is a touch slower than most higher powered lights, so I would do water for another week then start off feeding 1/4 strength raising it 1/4 every other feeding ... try a feed. feed. water schedule when you restart nutes. You just have some fragile girls there is all. No need to flush, no need to panic.