Now he wants a 5% National Sales Tax!!!


Well-Known Member
if burrr thinks we're living the american dream right now he's fucking nuts...

the money keeps being funneled into less and less hands, that's not the american dream, that's the american NIGHTMARE....

in the 1980s you could graduate college and get a 100k paying job.... in the 1960s you could graduate highschool and get a good factory union job starting pay 60k and full benefits....

now??? lol....


Active Member
Obama inherited the worst economy in 20 years but he created the worst economy in 70 years. Face facts you can only blame previous administrations for so long. As Harry Truman stated the buck stops here.

the debt he created??? you mean the unfunded tax cuts to the rich, unfunded wars, and unfunded expansion of medicare he inherited???

the majority of the debt obama has accrued has come in the form of TAX CUTS to the MIDDLE CLASS during his stimulus....


Well-Known Member
Obama inherited the worst economy in 20 years but he created the worst economy in 70 years. Face facts you can only blame previous administrations for so long. As Harry Truman stated the buck stops here.
actually, an over complicated and unregulated derivatives securities market, PLUS an over complicated and unregulated banking sector, PLUS unsustainable tax cuts for the rich, PLUS a corrupt government that seems to be ignoring the needs of the majority of people in place of the needs of the people with the majority of MONEY, seems to have created this mess.

obama isn't doing nearly enough b/c he's too much of a moderate. AND an uncooperative congress which has made it its goal to deny obama a second term even at the cost of our economy doesn't help...

but let's blame obama... he's the socialist kenyan who hates whites and loves illegal


Well-Known Member
LOL, you have be putting me on - tax breaks. lol. Get real.
do you work? if so, you have $400 more per year of your own hard earned money in your pocket.

thank obama and the democrats for that (and a couple republicans that also voted on the american recovery and reinvestment act).

perhaps it is you who needs to get real.

Obama used 'krueger' to float the balloon or are you blind too.
am i blind? if so, it is the blind leading the even more blind. you said it was krugman.

classic obama derangement syndrome. can't even acknowledge that you are sitting on more of your own money now, all you can do is foam at the mouth about how you are taxed enough already.



Well-Known Member



the goal isn't to make this country better, it's about hatred against obama...

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Krueger made the statement about 5% national sales tax and he is Obama's choice for the Council of Economic Advisers. So I do believe it is just a matter of time.

I'm not an R or a D. So playing that stuff about the R's is just fine with me. Though I do believe Obama needs to be a one termer. And I hate to think what he will do as a lame duck.


Well-Known Member
...Obama wants a 5% National Sales Tax...
Krueger made the statement about 5% national sales tax...
who was it? obama or krueger?

ya see, i am confused. first, you claimed that "obama wants", then you say "krueger mde the statement". so which is it? is it obama, or one of his advisers?

oh, wait. i forgot. it doesn't matter who said what when you are a partisan hack with obama derangement syndrome. all that matters is breathless bitching and moaning about a president who has lowered your taxes.

what is that scent i detect? is it the new "partisan douchebaggery" perfume by designers limbaugh and hannity?

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
You have to love how people keeping their own hard earned money is spun into "unfunded" spending, you can't spend what ain't yours.

Keep towing that kine right to a single term.


Well-Known Member
oh man... this thread is getting out of control quick... BUAHAHA
it belongs in the politics section. but winter wimp got chased out of there with her tail between her legs (i claim some credit for that) that she is afraid to go back.

hence, she sticks it in the toke and talk section, hoping things will be more chill and she won't be so sharply derided for her partisan hackery.

if i remember right, she claims to be a libertarian. but i suspect that she puts a check next to the (R) every time.


Well-Known Member
You have to love how people keeping their own hard earned money is spun into "unfunded" spending, you can't spend what ain't yours.

Keep towing that kine right to a single term.
i don't recall uttering such a statement in this thread. i do recall, however, celebrating the fact that president obama has made sure that we do keep more of our own hard earned money.

wimpy woman doesn't seem to think that this is true, and tells me i need to 'get real'. which tells me one of two things: either she has no idea what is going on in the world, or she has her husband do her taxes for her.

i would suspect the latter, as we all know how shitty women are with math and linear thought processes.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
i don't recall uttering such a statement in this thread. i do recall, however, celebrating the fact that president obama has made sure that we do keep more of our own hard earned money.

wimpy woman doesn't seem to think that this is true, and tells me i need to 'get real'. which tells me one of two things: either she has no idea what is going on in the world, or she has her husband do her taxes for her.

i would suspect the latter, as we all know how shitty women are with math and linear thought processes.
And driving.

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
i don't recall uttering such a statement in this thread. i do recall, however, celebrating the fact that president obama has made sure that we do keep more of our own hard earned money.

wimpy woman doesn't seem to think that this is true, and tells me i need to 'get real'. which tells me one of two things: either she has no idea what is going on in the world, or she has her husband do her taxes for her.

i would suspect the latter, as we all know how shitty women are with math and linear thought processes.
I never said it was you!


Well-Known Member
And driving.
my wife and i recently got done driving to denver from portland (and back) for her friend's wedding.

every once in a while, we ran into the driver in the left lane doing the speed limit and refusing to get right, forcing me to pass on the right.

we kept track of these idiots on the way back. we counted almost two dozen female motorists doing this, and a scant 2 male motorists doing the same.

my wife eventually had to admit that it appears that women just do not know how to drive, especially on the interstate.


Well-Known Member
here in ca, we notice the asians can't drive.

i am female and i can drive and i do my own taaxes. i am better at math than a lot of people and i tend to disagree with WW. I do like her as a person but i think she's a republican too. i dont consider myself too much inline with either party. i think different times call for different solutions.

lofl, i actually do my bf's taxes too, i forgot to mention that. he hasn't done his own in years...


Well-Known Member
lofl, that video is great. i have a couple asian girlfriends and everytime i get in the car with them i wonder if we will make it where we r going. i dont know why i let them drive.