Toolage's Indoor Garden

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
Hey all. Today I figured that I will start growing my own fruits , vegetables herbs and such indoors.

I chose to grow it indoors because the weather around here is very messed up. This week its been in the 30c range and last week and for a while it was in the low to mid 20c. this year I think in May or June it snowed a bit here to. So that's the reason why I chose to do it indoors.

I know I could have bought stuff to make my own DWC setup for my indoor garden but this is the perfect size for the space that I'm using it in.


Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
----- August 26th, 2011 Update -----

I got my AeroGarden put together and running with out the pods in it to distill the water over night before I put the plant food into it let it combine then put the pods into it.



Well-Known Member
looking good so far tool, i always wonted a aerogarden for a small cloning station.
how much did yours run?

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
This model runs for about $150 at the stores where but mine came with the herb kit. You could probably order it from online for less depending where you live but you could buy one at the stores for less depending where you live. They also have a 7 pod grow your own seed kit or clones it runs for about $22.38 with tax where I live.

I know that I could have spend the $150 on my other garden but I want to grow my own herbs since lately I've been wanting to use fresh herbs with my cooking and alone the amount for the 7 different herbs would cost around $14 with tax if I bought the seeds but herbs around here would cost around $5 per plant so that would cost around $35. The herb kit comes with 8 8ml plant food that the instructions say to use 1 pack every 2 weeks so that's gonna be about 16 weeks of feeding roughly (112 Days). No need for measuring the water and mixing x amount of dry plant food or wet plant food or mix of different kinds of plant foods for them.

They have the grow plugs at 125 for $19.99 not including shipping
and tax. 50 grow domes for $15 or 50 pack of pod labels for $10.

You can also buy a 1 Qt. of liquid feed for around $25 and it says that it can also be used with herbs and such grown in soil.

They also have a 66 cell starter kit and plugs for that.

Like I said that the AeroGarden is perfect for small spaces but also imo its good for alot of things. You can grow your own peppers and such in it but if your like me and love to drink your tea you could get the tea kit or you can buy a grow your own seed kit and buy your own seeds for tea.

But when you order more you could get a discount or free shipping on more then 1 item and if you order enough you could end up spending less on the items in bulb over e-bay or the online stores or local stores. For their seed kits right now they are giving a $5 off per seed Kit ordered after the first one. For where I live I would have to order 10 6/7 pod seed kits to brake even with the tax and shipping with the money amount saved from their site but the cost that it would be if I bought 10 at the store would cost $223.80 but it would cost under $200 online but if I was to buy the kits online I would save $6.39 per kit so there's some food for thought.

If your one of the guys that sells trees for Christmas you might be able to buy the Giant Norway Spruce Seed Kit (7 pod kit) grow the trees and have them ready to sell or grow them for your own Christmas tree.

I might buy seed kits for it for good or buy the Grow Anything kit and use that kit to germinate seeds with and or find a dome for it and use it for making clones.

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
----- August 26th, 2011 Update (Day 1) -----

toolage-87-355602-albums-indoor-fruit-vegitibles-herb-garden-picture1755434-01-day-1.jpg toolage-87-355602-albums-indoor-fruit-vegitibles-herb-garden-picture1755438-02-day-1.jpg

Here's what I chose to plant and the numbers is what the lay out is on the AeroGarden

1 2
3 4 5 6

1 - Dill - Femleaf
2 - Oregano - JT
3 - Basil, Sweet - Genovese
4 - Basil, Spicy - Globe
5 - Mint - Mica
6 - Basil, Sweet - Lemon​

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
It's really a handsome piece of hardware and I love aero gerdens. Can you get refills?
Yes you can. They have tomato , sweet bell pepper , Italian Herb , Gourmet Herb , International Basil Seed Kit , Tea Seed Kit , Pesto Basil Seed Kit , Salad Seed Kit and you can buy the grow anything kit that has 5.5ml and 8ml liquid organic plant food and the 7 plugs and they also come with the pots that are in half that you put together and you can use that grow anything kit to grow your own herbs. They also have a 1qt liquid organic plant food refill thing that you can buy.

I don't know why they call it a Aero Garden when its a DWC system but I love the little humidity domes they come with. Also what it says is that you can plant them in soil after they have roots coming out of it. But it does look really nice. I might just put it between my laptops lol. Might come in hand when I get a bit of the munchies. =P

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
----- August 29th, 2011 Update -----

Hey all. Its day 3 with my Aero Garden and by the looks of it I already have Basil, Sweet - Genovese sprouts. I took 1 of them and take them out and plant them into a rockwool cube and put them under my 70w MH light and see how they react.

toolage-87-355602-albums-indoor-fruit-vegitibles-herb-garden-picture1761166-01-day-3.jpg toolage-87-355602-albums-indoor-fruit-vegitibles-herb-garden-picture1761170-water-level-thing.jpg


Well-Known Member
i notice you said they had pesto basil seed, is theri a certain type yo need to make pesto? i was gonna make some but i dont ave pesto basil

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
i notice you said they had pesto basil seed, is theri a certain type yo need to make pesto? i was gonna make some but i dont ave pesto basil
I don't think there is but on the site the pesto basil seed kit says

" The favorite basil of Italy, Genovese Basil is perfect for pesto.

Our most productive herb kit will make all the pesto your heart desires. If you dream of throwing handfuls of Basil in your own special tomato sauce, this is the kit for you! "

You might be able to change it out for spicy globe basil , lemon basil or any other kind of basil. I would try out with the regular kind then experiment with lemon basil kind but you could try it out with the spicy globe basil or mix and match to what you like for taste.


Well-Known Member
i just looked up genovese basil and i think it is what i have. i have 3 types in one pot, 1 is lemon basil for sure, one is Thai basil for sure and i think the 3rd is now the genovese basil from the looks of it

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
i just looked up genovese basil and i think it is what i have. i have 3 types in one pot, 1 is lemon basil for sure, one is Thai basil for sure and i think the 3rd is now the genovese basil from the looks of it
Well you use the one that you think is genovese basil if you want it to be as true to where pesto was made from. ;)


Well-Known Member
i dont think i will have enough of just one kind, i was thinking of mixing them all together, thats how ive been using it in other food and it seems to taste pretty good.
maybe i can get more from the farm to keep it all one kind

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
i dont think i will have enough of just one kind, i was thinking of mixing them all together, thats how ive been using it in other food and it seems to taste pretty good.
maybe i can get more from the farm to keep it all one kind
Sounds good. I can't wait for my Globe basil to be tall enough to harvest some because I am very interested in how it will taste. But I would love to get my hands on some Thai Basil.

I just found out on there site that there are 7 different kinds of basil that they have


Well-Known Member
i just read today that theri are 150 varieties of basil. i like the thai basil it kinda taste like a minty black licorice