First grow failed


Well-Known Member
So with my very first grow I germinated one seed and planted it then in different pots I tried just planting a seed. Only one of these three seeds came up. They were all planted about 2 and a half weeks ago and the one seed that came up only grew to about 4 inches tall. Today that one seedling died. For a few days its leaves were starting to curl up and i was told to mix some lime in the soil, the seedling has fell over and the entire thing is turned brown and is dead. I was using miracle grow potting soil with nothing else added until i added lime the other day. does anyone have any suggestions on what i should do to make my next try more successful.


Well-Known Member
you could have overwatered, and/or did you use dolomite lime or hydrated lime cause there is a big difference. for any future grow i recommend getting a ph meter for your water


Well-Known Member
not beating you up, but it sounds like alot. first, give us details of what youve done to this point, lighting, distance from lighting, were you ph testing your water? how were you deciding when to water? how often were you watering? what kind of light cycle did you have them under? did you have a fan blowing on the plant? what were your temps and humidity like? Miracle grow works pretty good for most growing, not so much with marijuana though. the time released nutes they have in their soils has caused many a headache, the plant will not have enough of a nutrient it uses alot of and then by trying to fix that one if you dont know precisely what to add you'll end up with too much of another cannabis doesnt use as much of.


Well-Known Member
not beating you up, but it sounds like alot. first, give us details of what youve done to this point, lighting, distance from lighting, were you ph testing your water? how were you deciding when to water? how often were you watering? what kind of light cycle did you have them under? did you have a fan blowing on the plant? what were your temps and humidity like? Miracle grow works pretty good for most growing, not so much with marijuana though. the time released nutes they have in their soils has caused many a headache, the plant will not have enough of a nutrient it uses alot of and then by trying to fix that one if you dont know precisely what to add you'll end up with too much of another cannabis doesnt use as much of.
They dont have those balls in the potting soil


Well-Known Member
The grow was setup in my closet, I have 7 CFL's. I was using tap water that was ran through a mineral filter. I was waiting until the soil was dry before watering and when I watered I poured water in until I saw some come out of the bottom of the pot. The lights were on 24/7. I had a fan blowing on the plant. I dont know what the humidity was, but it was about 75-80 degrees in the room at all times.


For a few days its leaves were starting to curl up and i was told to mix some lime in the soil, the seedling has fell over and the entire thing is turned brown and is dead.
I have 7 CFL's. The lights were on 24/7. I had a fan blowing on the plant. I dont know what the humidity was, but it was about 75-80 degrees in the room at all times.
Going out on a limb here, but I don't think MG has anything to do with your problems. I think your problem was heat stress. How close were the CFL's to the plant and were all 7 on? Where is the sensor for your thermometer? My plant was showing signs of heat stress about a week ago and I noticed at least a 10 degree difference between the room temperature and directly under the light. This was only with a single CFL. I raised my light a bit and switched from 24/0 to 18/6 and that resolved the problem. Raising the light 6-10 inches lower the temps by 5 degrees. I was surprised that just a single CFL was creating that much heat. 7 would of course create a lot more.

Also, I'm guessing the airflow in your closet is not that great, so the fan might not be helping to lower the temps much. Maybe for your next grow switch to something other than 24/0 and use just a single CFL for the seedling.


New Member
imo next time you get seeds going i would gett some seedling soil says right on package secondly ever so lightly water them once they sprout make note that you should ave seedlings in a very small container like a party cup etc once you see roots established meaning you can see them in the clear plastic glass then its time to transplant into a 4 " pot then as they grow you keep putting them into larger pot
its always good practice not to hit plant to much with lighting power at first once there sprouted let them stretch abit every second day slowly lowering your lights till your 8 " above


New Member
If you're having problems with soil, try hydro, I kill everything in soil but hydro works great for me.


Sector 5 Moderator
Well at least the seeds were not $100 per seed, like some sell for. You'll probably kill more plants until you get everything dialed in. It's usually too much water and not enough light. I've killed plants in every way but with a shotgun.