Sr. Verde's: ROLLITUP GLASS INDEX [Post your collection here]

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
this is what u want homie! fuck paying 800$

U can use a mason jar as a vac chamber if u dont feel like buying a legit chamber..jsut make sure u test run the jar before u put ur erl in it cause u can implode mason jars with these vacs lol

Hellll yeahhhhh boyeeehhh... That's what I was lookin for...

I have food saver jars...

these fuckers exactly, will they do with a pump like that? I have the little adapter thing I can hook up to a regular plastic pump hose..

or will I need something more... **industrial** ?

helllllll yeah,,,, purgin' like a mo' fo!



Well-Known Member
i have just a vac hose coming off the pump and on the end of the hose is like a rubber nipple, i poked a hole in the center of cap of the jar.. just gutta cover the hole with the nipple and flip the switch on the vac!...

whats ur method for vacing?...

i heat at 150 degrees for about 30 seconds to a minute max, just enough to thin out the oil and pull all the tane bubbles to the top,then quickly into the jar and vac till the oil cools off or theres no reaction.. i do that about 8 times or untill the oil doesnt react in the vac. lol

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
i use a mighty vac hand pump, food saver jar... i run it into the pan throw it in the oven at like 160 for half a minute take it out scrape to parchment,

oven again for 30 seconds and then throw it in the food saver jar in hot water and pump to 25hg for 5-10 minutes and repeat like 5 times until it doesn't bubble


Well-Known Member
on crack? the one u posted says its 4.5 cfm at 90psi?... thats stronger than my electric vac pump! im lazy and like to just flip a switch instead of pumping by hand or foot!..$100 aint shit :D


Well-Known Member
on crack? the one u posted says its 4.5 cfm at 90psi?... thats stronger than my electric vac pump! im lazy and like to just flip a switch instead of pumping by hand or foot!..$100 aint shit :D
How fast it pulls a vacuum doesnt really mater, just as long as it does. :) In a mason jar, there isnt much air to have to suck out to begin with. That's why the $15 pump I posted works just great. I've seen the two stagers in person doing the same thing as well, my good oil addict friend uses one to make his oil (and he uses his glass torch to heat it!). The only reason he doesnt use the $15 one is because he already had the expensive one. :) Otherwise, he'd have profited some more!

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Hmm.. but kitty how am I supposed to know when it is in optimum purging range? ^^

No gauge on that one...

I use my $40 mighty vac hand pump.... and gets just up to 25hg with a LOT of work... im looking for one to get up to 25-30hg with like absolutely zero work... just flip a switch and watch, as gnome said!

I need to see it in action!

The red pump looks like something that pumps up air mattresses :o


Glassblowing Moderator
I'm getting that assault girl tatted on me in two weeks. Slinger is the man. If you don't mind me asking.. what did the Slinger piece run?


Well-Known Member
slinger piece was pricey as fuck man, his oilers are rare! :) i always wanted the assault girl scene 1 tatted on my leg!..

Verde, anytime homie!


Well-Known Member
shit got used within the first 5 min of it being in my hand!..first thing i did was put my ti nail in it, looked at how amazing it is then dabbed the fuck out of it!..thing was claimed up before i even got home with it :D the clear zach p tube has already been dabbed also,but im keeping the black one fresh! its never even had water in it.