Cop Got Caught On Camera


New Member

I wonder how many tickets she was working off...

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I'm still laughing my ass off over that one. What a fucking idiot. He's going to have his 15 minutes of fame. Too bad it's with his dick dangling in the wind.


Pickle Queen
But who was the women? If his wife, dude is awesome!!! lmfao if not well maybe he could have waited until his shift was over, or found a more private place besided his hood ;)


Well-Known Member
lol them white gurls are fucking skanks
im tired of you talking shit on white people... damn, not every white person is a racist, and not every white girl is a skank... want a skank, come up here and meet the black and mexican girls i know.. they get down.


Well-Known Member
im tired of you talking shit on white people... damn, not every white person is a racist, and not every white girl is a skank... want a skank, come up here and meet the black and mexican girls i know.. they get down.
Lmao calm down, -_-


Active Member
im tired of you talking shit on white people... damn, not every white person is a racist, and not every white girl is a skank... want a skank, come up here and meet the black and mexican girls i know.. they get down.
he is just racist he makes fun of black people all the time to.