40 days into flower, possible hermie!! help!


So heres the deal. I have a plant 40 days into flower, unknown genetics (I was told bubblegum) and I took a tiny little bud to sample and one calyx had a undeveloped seed in it. I got rid of my males a long time ago so I know it wasn't pollenated by them, and theres never been any sign of pollen sacs on the plant, like never. It's outside and I've been forcing it to flower by bringing it in everyday and then putting it back out at night when its totally dark. So far it was going great till this. Check the pics tell me if you guys see something I don't.

Finally what should i do? harvest or let it finish? Any help is really appreciated, thanks guys.



No way im tossin it, I quick dried the nug and it got me pretty lit, so it's not bad just rattled about that seed. How seedy do you think it could be considering I really don't think it got pollenated?


My wording was confusing detroitchaos i meant im not gonna toss it haha. I havent harvested yet, just wanted to know if i should, but i'm gonna let it finish and hope for the best. Thanks for the help.


Active Member
it wouldnt have been to seedy. but i would have let it finish. all the seeds would have been female.
No guarantee it wasn't pollinated by a grow a mile or so away.

Let it finish. It will still do the trick, and you will have seeds (not guaranteed female though).


Well-Known Member
No way im tossin it, I quick dried the nug and it got me pretty lit, so it's not bad just rattled about that seed. How seedy do you think it could be considering I really don't think it got pollenated?
Yea man u should have kept that if ur not sellin i dont see why u wouldnt finish it and jus keep the seeds. judging by the size u might have had about 3-4 seeds in the whole batch. and if it got u a lil lit premature imagine wat it could do matured