UVB light or no?


I would like to throw in two 100 watt UVB lights in with my hps during flowering. Has anyone tried this to increase their yeild? :hump:

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Absolutely. You wanna rig a switch so that the light goes off when you enter the room as UVB is bad for you, but research is definitely showing a link between trichome production/THC levels and UVB. I have several papers on this.
Personally, I don't think that it will produce more concentrated levels of THC per Trich (as governed by genetics) but by stimulating more terpene production, more trichomes equal more THC per sq/mm.


Well-Known Member
definitely do so...it will DEFINITELY INCREASE potency...watch your eyes though
I planned to do the same thing, but with a 23 watt CFL. 100 watts might be too much (or 23 too little). Any one with experience using UVB? I plan too use the light 2-4 hours a day during the last two weeks of flowering.


Yes thats what I wanted to do too, leave the uvb lights on for 4 hours in the middle of my 12 hr period, just like the sun is the strongest around noon. I have read that the plant will try and protect itself from the rays and produce more trichomes


Well-Known Member
A ceramic metal halide or flouro light will throw some uv more safely. I use flouros with LED and just wear shades when they are on. The uv lights are kinda tricky for distance from plant and time on, and they will zap your eyes.

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
You can get 3 different levels of UVB lights

2.0 (For plants and pets that require some UVB but not much.

5.0 (I have no idea what this is used for really besides animals that need the UVB that is between 2.0 and 10.0)

10.0 Desert kind of UVB (Used for Bearded Dragons and such that live in Desert type of environment)

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
You can use common sense when supplementing with UVB and be completely safe. Simply wire the UVB lights to a switch outside your room door, put them on a timer so that they are on for 4 hours during the light cycle (Thank you for that one Yak.) Or rig a switch that turns the lights off when the room door is opened. Warning people about the dangers is a good thing, but that shouldn't discourage the use of UVB. Common sense people. I think that the door switch should be a safety back up either way you go.


Well-Known Member

(I've posted these 2 pics alot recently... but cant seem to help it !! - I 'am loving UV-B :) :) :)

I've just started using UV-B..... No bad side effects just yet :) give it a go man! any chance of some Grow-Room pics ? - STELTHY :leaf: