PH and PPM Question for growing Veggies , Herbs and Fruits In Hydro and or Soil

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
Hi all. Recently I've been thinking about getting more serious and I am wondering...

Is the PH range for veggies , fruits and herbs the same as MJ plants?
For PPM is there a range that fruits , veggies and fruits like to be in?

What is the PPM range should the hydro be in for them?


Well-Known Member
I don't know about PH checking veggies and fruits, I usually just water those with the hose.
Hydro requires(5.5-6.3(depending on your medium and strain(Id suggest using a guide))) lower PH then soil(6.5). and Your PPM should be dependant on your plant's size.
Try looking for a guide or something, you'll find some stuff you won't find out with those two quesitons.

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
Thanks. Is there anything that is for adjusting the PPM in a hydro system like PPM down and PPM Up or no?


Scientia Cannabis
With regards to your ppm up / ppm down, there is no such thing.
Ppm is the representation of how many parts per million (ppm) of your solution consists of minerals and salts with electrical conductivity (therefore the name EC meter).

You can _check_ the ppm with an EC meter.
To stop a too high ppm, you need to flush / change water in your reservoir.
If you have a too low ppm, add more nutes.

This might help a bit with your pH questions.

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
Thanks all that helped. I will be buying some PH UP and PH Down before buying a PPM meter since I want to get the PH levels more perfected.


Scientia Cannabis
Thanks all that helped. I will be buying some PH UP and PH Down before buying a PPM meter since I want to get the PH levels more perfected.

That is the correct action, pH is way more important in the beginning than ppm.
This is because pH fluctuation can severely damage plants and "clog up" any uptake of nutrients there might be in the water / medium.
Most MJ strains don't need nutes for the first 2-4 weeks.


Well-Known Member
Make sure to get the buffer solution when you buy your PH meter.
Just remember PPM is an other term for how concentrated your nutrients are. Higher parts per million(ppm) just means more concentrated.


Well-Known Member
well it seems you got some answers already. but here is my 2 cents as well, as far as hydro goes i have no clue ( sorry) as for soil and veggies yes some plants will require a acidic ph like blue berries are acid lovers, and some will often like the soil to have a higher ph, as long as a plant does not require a 5.5 or lower or a 8.5 or higher then i just keep it right around 7. this is neutral and all my plants seem to love love it and as for ppm well i never measure that at all, im sure in hydro it is needed though