SeaMonkey Smokes
Active Member
Idk why but I doesn't say anywhere on the package if it is is there any othere way to find out. The only thing it says an idk if it helps [ General Purpose ]
SeaMonkey Smokes said:Ok so I've been doing 12 on then 12 off an its growing but ur sayin I should give it more light ? ? O an PLEASE reply to the post in the { things you should know about lighting } I'm pretty sure that's what its called please look at the setup in the pic
P.s. So I just put it in dark cycle 10 min. Ago should I turn the light back on ?
Ok Look I Have A Aquarium Light N A Florescent
Stand Up Light Like For A Desk Or Sumtin But
My Plants Recently Started To Act Weird
Like The Bottom Leaves R Drying Out N Sumtimes
Da Leafs Start To Droop Down Wuts Goin On Please Anybody Help
Its Like In A File Cabenet Box
Nah , They are just filters, and reduce lumens considerably. the most light comes from an ungelled lighting instrument.I worked in the theatre as a lighting tech and have a lot of experience with gels. Photographic gels may be a different story I don't know.ok i have been wondering this for a long time. when you go to a large concert, you will see the stage washed with different colored lights, not the lights that move around. the non moving lights are just regular bulbs with a colored gel over them generating all the different colors on the stage. these gels are available at theatrical supply stores, from companies like rosco, gamcolor, lee filters, etc. they may be available thought pro photography shops to correct the flash's color. there are a ton of colors & intensities (how much % of light makes it from the light bulb through the filter). they make swatch samples that are free at suppliers with transmission % on a graph of the kelvin scale. i believe it is lee filters that makes a color called straw available in full cto 1/2cto and 1/4 cto that would be good at changing the spectrum of a MH light into one that resembles a hps. has anyone used a gel to change a mh spectrum to a hps spectrum?
In the theater the gels are at least 6 inches from the bulbs. Those are the bulbs you can't touch!! They can explode violently from a single spot of oily dust, I have seen it happen.If the oil from a fingerprint can make one of these bulbs explode, I think putting gel on it can only guarantee that you will be calling either the fire department or an ambulance soon afterwards.
I wouldnt do that if i were you, maybe a glass filter or filtered lens but nothing directly touching the bulb.
you need a good light? go to any large construction site and steal a 400w mh wobble light. they are all over large site.