Is this a possible method?


Active Member
is it possible to use organic soil during veg and later add nutrients around flowering time?

probly a really dumb question but i learned about everything else before even messin with nutrients because it messes with me lol


Active Member
Sure you can! It's not a dumb question at all. Unless you're going for a extended veg time, generally most POTTING soil mixes have just enough ferts for the young plants. I start 'em out at 2-3 gallon pots filled with Happy Frog with a qt of Light warrior mix in the seedling hole layer which was enough for 6-8 weeks for my plants before transplanting to bigger pots/super soil a week before flowering.


Active Member
i would recomend to go the other way around. do a chemical vegg & an organic flowering, for obvious reasons.


Active Member
ohh okay awesome that works out perfectly im gonna get some of that caus i havent put anything in it yet im already on a 5gal bucket so it should probly be needin some soon, the potting mix i have feeds for a good while, im usin 10-5-5 organic choice potting mix its nothin fancy it does the job tho.

yah i feel u elnene that makes sense to do it that way. i cant go back tho so ill just do that for my next ones

do you use only super soil when your flowering with no other added nutrients?


Active Member
also i was wondering what do you soppose i do with the plant thats already in the 5 gal bucket? since i wont be able to transplant into new richer soil when flowering comes, should i just add an organic nutrient to it? the stuff i have is called "natural & organic dynamite premium plant food mater magic" 8-5-5


Active Member
im from argentina and i dont know what the hell the super soil is haha.. here we put together the soil ourselves (we have god soil) we mix the californian-worm humus, with river undertow some compost and peat.
if you tell me the composition i will be able to tell you.
regarding the 5 gal plants i would do a root pruning and stay in the same container.
or you can do this -->
whit this prune you will lose lower bramches which the lamp dont reach so good & produces little bds, but gain more bud growth on the principal & taller branches & when you water the food will come down. also make shure to sratch the stem where the little branches where to make shure that some powerful root came out from the branches. if you didnt understand me, just ask man!.
here is an example of that technique applyed to a satori from mandala seeds



Active Member
i would recomend to go the other way around. do a chemical vegg & an organic flowering, for obvious reasons.

This is basically impossible since you would need to "re-plant" the plant in organic soil before the 12/12.
and just up potting into organic dirt would not be the same since over 50% of the soil (root mass holding) after would be dead as ....dirt.
Ameding organics at the switch wouldnt not work well either since they are going to take weeks to months to go active.

Unless were talking all bottle stuff but thats ghay anyways ;-)


Active Member
i kiiinda understand, i get the pruning part just trim the lower branches and stick something circular around the diameter of the pot covering the bottom on the sides but not on the top, like a hallow cylinder rite? ive never heard of root pruning tho
and i was wondering, u said when i water the food will come down, is that food thats already in the soil or just watever i add? caus i was thinking a week before flowering ill add my nurtients into the soil to replace all the old nurtients thats been used up during veg

i really do need to prune my bottom leaves tho because i probly coulda filled at leaste an inch more of soil in the 5 gal so some of my leaves r hitting the pot,
do i just trim the leaf off an scratch where the stem was? is it that simple


Active Member
also i was wondering what do you soppose i do with the plant thats already in the 5 gal bucket? since i wont be able to transplant into new richer soil when flowering comes, should i just add an organic nutrient to it? the stuff i have is called "natural & organic dynamite premium plant food mater magic" 8-5-5
When I do the switch I make a few cups of a special flower power top dress for them that uses

EWC, Peruvian Seabird guano, jamacian bat guano, kelp meal, fish meal, perlite, touch of lime and a touch of humics (recipe varies at whim).

The EWC works on making it active and it starts to kick in around the 2-3rd week of flower or so about the same time the dirt is using up its initial organic load.


Active Member
seems like a good recipe id just have to aquire all of those materials which mite be a pain in the ass lol but its all good. would i just buy em all mix em all together and then just put in the appropriate dosage?


Active Member
i kiiinda understand, i get the pruning part just trim the lower branches and stick something circular around the diameter of the pot covering the bottom on the sides but not on the top, like a hallow cylinder rite? ive never heard of root pruning tho
and i was wondering, u said when i water the food will come down, is that food thats already in the soil or just watever i add? caus i was thinking a week before flowering ill add my nurtients into the soil to replace all the old nurtients thats been used up during veg

i really do need to prune my bottom leaves tho because i probly coulda filled at leaste an inch more of soil in the 5 gal so some of my leaves r hitting the pot,
do i just trim the leaf off an scratch where the stem was? is it that simple
i meant the food from the new soil will come down. if you wanna feed them, thats allright, you decide man.
by root pruning i meant > take the plant out of the container, take a knife & take a slice from the bottom (1-2 inches) & slice the sideways, then just add soil at the bottom of the container, put the plant in there & fill the sides with soil, water & its ready. she would really apreciate it.


Active Member
This is basically impossible since you would need to "re-plant" the plant in organic soil before the 12/12.
and just up potting into organic dirt would not be the same since over 50% of the soil (root mass holding) after would be dead as ....dirt.
Ameding organics at the switch wouldnt not work well either since they are going to take weeks to months to go active.

Unless were talking all bottle stuff but thats ghay anyways ;-)
i was just saying thats the way growers usually go, not saying to do this now, but he could flower with organic teas aswell. if you want a recipe just ask. i dont know what ghay is man


Active Member
i feel like id be to afraid to put the plant into shock or something like that, but that sounds like a very very good method id wait until shes a little more mature, more around flowering time before i did that so i can assure that little or no shock will be felt.

also i had a different question do u possibly know how to cure a mag deficiency? i believe i have one caus spots are starting to show and then eventualy the glossy spots began to deteriorate and turn to pale spots then brown/yellow and then turn all crusty. an thats not very good. ph lvls r straight, boutta find out my P, N & K test here momentarily


Active Member
i feel like id be to afraid to put the plant into shock or something like that, but that sounds like a very very good method id wait until shes a little more mature, more around flowering time before i did that so i can assure that little or no shock will be felt.

also i had a different question do u possibly know how to cure a mag deficiency? i believe i have one caus spots are starting to show and then eventualy the glossy spots began to deteriorate and turn to pale spots then brown/yellow and then turn all crusty. an thats not very good. ph lvls r straight, boutta find out my P, N & K test here momentarily
dont worry the plants will reward you, they will grow a lot after the root pruning. the stress would be to keep them in those containers.
for the mag def you could use diatomaceas earth, note that micronutrients defficience or over dose are shown on little leaves & NKP deff/od is shown on the bigger leaves


Active Member
oh awesome, i plan on doing that itll also help it grow taller caus trimming some roots will give em more space to grow. but there not in containers rite now there all just in 5gal buckets. went straight from the red cup to the 5galls but i shuldve put em in a 8" pot or something then 5 gal but its to late for that,

if magnesium was in my soil mixture wouldnt it list it on the back of the bag? caus it doesnt list a damn thing about mag so im starting to think, is there any mag even in there? but there has to be rite? that wouldnt work if there wasnt