Well-Known Member
Nice set up Dank. Damn, now i need to think of a man cave...
3rd pic looks a little smokey !
3rd pic looks a little smokey !
Cool thanks bro! sick hammer!Made a quick heady dry hammer. VERDE I am making your plug as soon as I get outta work. I swear!! Just had to kick out another heady since the Opal cube and Sherlock have sold (thanks bobsti) its in the mail..
I actually had a dichro ribbon and extended choke made for it i left off because of it. I got a few ideas for you...
Ill be started on yours asap
VERDE! I phuckin made it! I actually made 3 things before I settled on one.. simple yet unique. I hope you like it.. gonna be 10$ + $5 shipping. It was hard to stick with only black and clear but I think I did it.. its cooling off in the kiln.. PayPal is [email protected] email me your info and ill ship it tomarrow..
sativa- I made an oil dish. Ill post it tomarrow. I fuckin love it so you should like it. Def coolest looking dish I've made.