Lost In A Sea Of Nutrients? Advanced Nutrients, Canna etc.

Yo!! Hb whats up? i see you bickering back and fourth with this person why?you have nothing to prove the proof is in the pudding...oh by the way i typed this with my feet:lol:
You did in post #191

The difference between a 1-1-2 ratio and a 1-3-2 is three times the amount of phosphorus. That's not miniscule and it can absolutely make or break a grow.

We're still talking about indoor growing here, right? There are things you can buy, say air conditioners or dehumidifiers and even fans that can give you a very consistent indoor environment every month of the year. If you take this hobby seriously, that's kind of our job. No offense but maybe you're just not dialed in enough to see small differences from grow to grow.

ok if you think the outdoor environment isnt effecting how your equipment then you dont get how they work. every day they will come on and off differently as the outside conditions change to. that means you dont have a control to go from. i only have a 10x11 room but ive got about 15k in equipment to regulate it. and i cant get exact grow after grow and ive been doing this for close to 30 years. i dont think you get what i mean by exact.

1/1/2 anbd 1/1/3 is minisqule amounts of food to begin with so ya i dont think that slight diff will show to us. maybe if you actualy tested it instead of judging by pictures it may show. another flaw is all this so called rfact is done with your eyes and camera..not very accurate. we do this with machines to show exact what we have grow after grow and they show its impossible in our home environment to be exact each grow

your 1/1/2 is only 4% of the bottle. and the other is only 5%. you think 2% diff of all that total volume will matter???.it wont. and the numbers dont work like that anyways.
a picture is proof???lol..ok. all that means is nice camera and his word its better/. great science and factual proof....not. and this isnt about right or wrong. if he or others dont want to believe from people in the industry then fine. keep sending your money to us. thx for wasting it
ok if you think the outdoor environment isnt effecting how your equipment then you dont get how they work. every day they will come on and off differently as the outside conditions change to. that means you dont have a control to go from. i only have a 10x11 room but ive got about 15k in equipment to regulate it. and i cant get exact grow after grow and ive been doing this for close to 30 years. i dont think you get what i mean by exact.

1/1/2 anbd 1/1/3 is minisqule amounts of food to begin with so ya i dont think that slight diff will show to us. maybe if you actualy tested it instead of judging by pictures it may show. another flaw is all this so called rfact is done with your eyes and camera..not very accurate. we do this with machines to show exact what we have grow after grow and they show its impossible in our home environment to be exact each grow

your 1/1/2 is only 4% of the bottle. and the other is only 5%. you think 2% diff of all that total volume will matter???.it wont. and the numbers dont work like that anyways.
I've had conversations with you before and I don't know that I've ever agreed with anything you've ever written. So with that being said, Maphisto is right. Peace.
a picture is proof???lol..ok. all that means is nice camera and his word its better/. great science and factual proof....not. and this isnt about right or wrong. if he or others dont want to believe from people in the industry then fine. keep sending your money to us. thx for wasting it

would you just get off your high horses and quit making yourself look like a self fluffing none at all that is nothing but a hack for green planet....

I will never send you or your overhyped/priced products one red cent ever...keep peddling your junk to the do not know any better noobs.... Big Mike wannabe

And it is blatantly obvious that you are fos about your experience just from the strains you chose to grow

So find you some fools to spout bs off to.... you are not impressing anyone just exhibiting how foolish and full of yourself you are


I am lost in the nutient soup, never grown before so it may be used it wrong.
I'd like to know:
a breakdown of npk ie why have more n in veg or more pk in flower.
what essentials should I look for when shopping.
a safe new guy mix ie a bit less of this or a bit more of that and when

I plan to flush every other watering my first time as Im not certian ill recognise what a specific problem is when it comes up.
I like the idea as much as the next guy in having the best but ill be limiting my nutient buget to $100, I think this should work as i will only have a handfull of plants.
My goal will be to learn to make clones and mothers. Maybe to make some seeds with one or two females.

Thanks guys, Peace
I am lost in the nutient soup, never grown before so it may be used it wrong.
I'd like to know:
a breakdown of npk ie why have more n in veg or more pk in flower.
what essentials should I look for when shopping.
a safe new guy mix ie a bit less of this or a bit more of that and when

I plan to flush every other watering my first time as Im not certian ill recognise what a specific problem is when it comes up.
I like the idea as much as the next guy in having the best but ill be limiting my nutient buget to $100, I think this should work as i will only have a handfull of plants.
My goal will be to learn to make clones and mothers. Maybe to make some seeds with one or two females.

Thanks guys, Peace

Foliage Pro 3-1-2 veg

Bloom 3-12-6 flower

Protekt 0-0-1 Silica

Mag pro 2-15-6 if using ro water...adds sulfur and mag along with phosphorous...I use it religiously in flower
3-1-2 for veg

1-3-2 for flower along with a lil bit of foliage to keep' em green

Hope it helps

Originally Posted by sxgrower

Yeah really!

Here's the OP

And in response, he gets this kind of stuff:


WTF???? This is supposed to help?

I read through this thread because I had the same question that as tick-tock. I have a few successful closets grows under my belt and knew just enough about nutrients to get decent results. But it's about five years since I did my last grow (with Flora Nova), so I thought I would catch up a bit.

Now, thanks to all the experts in this thread strutting their knowledge and pissing on each other's heads, I have no fucking idea which way is up!

I know some of you guys know a lot. I respect your expertise, and usually, I am grateful that you are willing to share it, but following this thread is like trying to drink from a fire hose!

I don't know what Tick Tock's reaction to all this was, but I am going to buy a bottle of Miracle Grow and forget I ever read this thread.

Hey bud,
Here is a simple answer, start with Jacks' 3-2-1 program. It's that simple. It's an AP base (jacks hydro 5-12-20, I think) you use 3.7 g a gallon, Cal nitrate 15-0-0 used at 2.5 g per gallon, and Epsom salts, used at 1.2g a gallon

U can switch to bloom boost for the two weeks of flower and bud set 10-20-30, just this no can't rate or Epsom and use MOST (reg version) three times, once at the start of veg, again at flower switch and once more mid flower.

Three weeks out from harvest, use house and garden shooting powder as directed, and you will have excellent results without 100 bottles of additives.

If you desire, these supplements are helpful but not needed; using just 321, you can get excellent results at denies per gallon of fertilizer.

For clones and smaller plants, you can use Jack's clone fert, or drop your g/G to the appropriate ppm or e.c. for clones...
Personally, for clone solution, I use

Clonex feet (no root gel)
Canna Rhizotonic (5L is $200.00, but you do not need much, in fact, it is beneficial as a foliar feed, clones root in 2 weeks 90% success rate, no hormones)
Myco+ (its a brand of mycorrhizal inoculant
Recharge/Tribus "Grow" by Impello biosciences.
Si ArmorS

I precharge my media with a similar formula
3g A, 2g B, 1g Epsom salt, and additional CalMag
si armor
essential 1-0-1
Tribus Grow or /Recharge

Additives not needed but potentially able to optimize your growth by eliminating problems, the same goes for benefits, despite the inorganic nature, mycorrhizal and bacterial inoculants jeep roots healthy, said in absorption rate of nutrients, drought resistance, root rot resistance, ability to use some organic supplement and have them work. But most healthy, clean, roots - happy, productive plants. Contrary to opinion, research shows chemical ferts do not kill microbial or fungal colonies, a common misconception.

Optional Additives
EssentialPlud 1-0-1 (humates, and their organic soilless your coco or soiless media more like soil to support myco and beneficial bacteria, also clears excessive salt buildup)

Tribus Origional or Bloom & Grow (Impello bioscience) (phosphorus fixing beneficial bacteria_ nitrogen-fixing)

Real Growers Recharge (myco strains, bacteria strains, and food for them, molasses, humates)

Si Armor or similar silicon-containing product

SLF-100 OMRI (enzyme formula, expensive but designed to clean roots and aid beneficial, in hydro or regular grows where base nutes are salts)

Neptune's Harvest Green 0-0-1 (kelp based additive, most of these supps are to support healthy rhizosphear for optimal root zone development which benefits your plant, helps with ph swings and disease resistance.)

House and Garden Shooting Powder

If using beneficial, a jar of black strap molasses to feed them is not bad idea make sure unsulfured.

Hope this is helpful m8.
Ive grown with AN for a while and i like it. I dont use there whole line and i dont know anybody who does. In bloom I use sensi bloom, big bud, overdrive and bud candy. I grow endless sky from dr Greenthumb its a good potent indica. I grow in a 4x4 tent with 9 pots and an air cooled 600hps. I veg and train for 1 month and bloom for 10 weeks. I get 22 to 24 ozs of deadly potent bud. Ive never had anything other then fantastic reviews about my pot no chemical taste at all. The first run i used bud candy..everybody commented on taste and i mean EVERYBODY !! I dont see that AN is that expensive... sensi bloom $40, big bud $40, overdrive $50, bud candy $35 = $165 now divide that by 2 because i get 2 crops out of those nutes so my whopping grand total per grow is $82. Thats right $82 to grow 24 Ozs of potent bud..if u were selling it that would be between $4000 to $5000 on a $82 dollar investment and in my books thats good fucking times lol.

peace: Te lilman
I’m with ya. Running a similar set up to what you are working nutrient wise. They make products specifically for cannabis. And it’s not that expensive. If ya spending $600 you’re running a warehouse. At that point wouldn’t you just make live soil? With all that land and good stuff I would be. Fuck nutrients at that point!
Homebrewer - Love your posts btw. I have been growing with Dutch Master Gold A + B. Prior to using it I looked for DynaGro which you recommended awhile ago but could only find the 8oz bottles at a local botanical store. Cost wise, Dutch Master Gold A + B is cheaper than DynaGro (For me). You say you get 1 Gallon (3.79L)for $45 dollars and I get 10Liters (total A + B) for $70 including tax. I use 7.7ml(A+B)/1Liter(H2O). What amounts ratio do you use for DynaGro? BTW I use the same nutrient amount from start to finish. (Al. B Fuct inspired) I'll send you a pic of my newest girls if you're curious to see 21 day old babies in that regime.

Edited: I should add I changed the res every 2 weeks. I'm sure you know Fuct's harvest every 2 weeks method. I have that being shadowed.
Try Dutch Master Commercial line, blows everything else out of the water.
Hi guys,
Im 5 weeks into flower and have been struggling with yellowing and brown spots on my plants leaves. I use canna terra pro so i didnt have to start feeding my girls until the 2nd week of flower. I gave them 4 weeks of veg and im currently into my 5th week flower. Ive been feeding organic liquid fertiliser from guanokalong. Guanokalong grow / bloom / bat boost. Im giving recommended dosage but still having issues. I did top dress at the start of week 2 of flower with 30ml each of epsom salts ( magnesium ) gypsum ( calcium ) and bat guano ( P ) 1.10.1.
They started yelowing within a week after that and im wondering whether ive given my plants lockout or if they’re more hungry than im thinking. Can someone give me some advice please ? i will attach pics below, thank you.


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Hi guys,
Im 5 weeks into flower and have been struggling with yellowing and brown spots on my plants leaves. I use canna terra pro so i didnt have to start feeding my girls until the 2nd week of flower. I gave them 4 weeks of veg and im currently into my 5th week flower. Ive been feeding organic liquid fertiliser from guanokalong. Guanokalong grow / bloom / bat boost. Im giving recommended dosage but still having issues. I did top dress at the start of week 2 of flower with 30ml each of epsom salts ( magnesium ) gypsum ( calcium ) and bat guano ( P ) 1.10.1.
They started yelowing within a week after that and im wondering whether ive given my plants lockout or if they’re more hungry than im thinking. Can someone give me some advice please ? i will attach pics below, thank you.
Those are looking underfed to me, they need more N for sure. Might want to try bottled nutes to suplement at this point, just run them at 1/4 strength and raise if needed.
Those are looking underfed to me, they need more N for sure. Might want to try bottled nutes to suplement at this point, just run them at 1/4 strength and raise if needed.

thanks for feedback mate.
The only problem is that they’re 5 weeks into flower and i have been using bottled nutes too but organic line from guanokalong. They have a ratio of 2.5 N and 6 K and i have to top dress the guano for P.
I did run some water through them at ph 5.8 and will wait a couple of days and water with 1/4 strength feed. It did state that its very hard to overdo organics liquid fert, is this also true ?
thanks for feedback mate.
The only problem is that they’re 5 weeks into flower and i have been using bottled nutes too but organic line from guanokalong. They have a ratio of 2.5 N and 6 K and i have to top dress the guano for P.
I did run some water through them at ph 5.8 and will wait a couple of days and water with 1/4 strength feed. It did state that its very hard to overdo organics liquid fert, is this also true ?
Organics take longer to uptake depending on your soil micro life.