No More Threads About People!


Active Member
grow the fuck up..or just be the ass hole you were born to be..
If you're "allowing" me to have a choice.... I'm gonna be the asshole. That was kind of a one answer choice huh?? Pretty retarded on your end. Now here's a choice for you... Get some real friends or keep chasing after some nasty girl 90% of this site can't stand.... Btw, she's ugly to boot. Unfortunately I saw her saggy sloppy tits in a bra. Made me hurl. But if your a chubby chaser, I'm cool with that. There's always gonna be one loser out there to take them.... Just happens to be your pathetic ass!!!


Active Member
:) its my opinion. im entitled to it. the same way you are entitled to think what you do about me. im not a troll sweety, im just real controversial... im like that even in the real world too... so kisses!
you and your boyfriend that youve never met in real life (DBS65) are both IDIOTS! Good luck with the hefer there DBS65, shes probably got a goatee and a man package!


Well-Known Member
its me, my twin bro, and my older sister when we were little kids... my uncle brought us stuff back from hawaii and made us try it on
yeah i been seeing what you mean.. lots of crybabies and people yelling, don't give clones away and don't grow you are ruining it for us etc etc etc.. stop crying you baby pos's and get over it..

these forums are for learning and what urca said.. having a good time.. not taking your shit day out on random strangers.. haha


Well-Known Member
sorry been busy all day... I have a life outside of this community.... URCA, can you say the same??? didnt think so. Anyways, good evening to you fine sir!
same here sir i got a life as well, thank you sir lets start it again :) n jdmevo chillin 2


Well-Known Member
It was, neither of them can fight haha. They think because they add battle music and a white chick screamin to "stop it" makes it epic.
i bet u cant drop neither of them :P its hard to fight with 2 guys bigger pulling on u frm behind haha cant believe how weak the black guys r.


Well-Known Member
i bet u cant drop neither of them :P its hard to fight with 2 guys bigger pulling on u frm behind haha cant believe how weak the black guys r.

You must have got beat up alot as a some black kids apparently.

Or did you walk in on mom with some dark meat in her mouth?

What is all the "black" shit with you all the time?You got a small penis?

It's funny to me cause you sound like alot of the dirty trashed up yard rednecks around my way.

You listen to rap don't you?

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
You must have got beat up alot as a some black kids apparently.

Or did you walk in on mom with some dark meat in her mouth?

What is all the "black" shit with you all the time?You got a small penis?

It's funny to me cause you sound like alot of the dirty trashed up yard rednecks around my way.

You listen to rap don't you?
Haha that is how it starts most of the time! I've seen it alot growing up. Kid goes to the seat he sometimes sits at at lunch when he gets there, few black kids are sitting there eating lunch, starts talking shit, standard push initiates the classic fight. ;) Racist for life!


Well-Known Member
You must have got beat up alot as a some black kids apparently.

Or did you walk in on mom with some dark meat in her mouth?

What is all the "black" shit with you all the time?You got a small penis?

It's funny to me cause you sound like alot of the dirty trashed up yard rednecks around my way.

You listen to rap don't you?
