Opinions About Death

Ahem.... when you die you get everything you wished for.
so for example, if you believed there was a heaven and you were a good girl then you go to heaven
if you were a atheist, and you believed that you cease existing, then you cease to exist

you direct your energy
The idea that we can somehow 'survive our own deaths' (it sounds more ridiculous each time I hear it) is part of Cartesian Dualism. Descartes reasoned that the mind was made up of a 'non-physical' (again, a silly term) substance. It it used to reason souls, and it is the idea behind those switch movies whereby one person's mind can inhabit another's body. For a long time I was into a philosophy that professed that our consciousness will be preserved by other advanced civilizations through out the universe at the moment of our deaths, as consciousness was the highest value in the universe. I really liked that idea, I still do. We can speculate on all sorts of exotic ideas about if there is experience after our physical deaths, but all we know to date indicates there is nothing. Realizing this has really lit a fire under my ass (you mean this life isn't just a dress rehearsal, and it's all I'll ever have? Shit, I'd better get a move on and appreciate everything NOW!) Children are natural dualists, but I think it's proper, even noble, that we grow out of it...
No Human will ever understand Death
Death = non existance
And you cannot truly imagine what that means to not exist

try it. Imagine you dont exist and there is no sense and no thoughts
Its an impossible thing to imagine

Like dividing by zero
Can you imagine what happens to the electrical energy in our bodies when we die? What is one milli volt divided by zero?
The idea that we can somehow 'survive our own deaths' (it sounds more ridiculous each time I hear it) is part of Cartesian Dualism. Descartes reasoned that the mind was made up of a 'non-physical' (again, a silly term) substance. It it used to reason souls, and it is the idea behind those switch movies whereby one person's mind can inhabit another's body. For a long time I was into a philosophy that professed that our consciousness will be preserved by other advanced civilizations through out the universe at the moment of our deaths, as consciousness was the highest value in the universe. I really liked that idea, I still do. We can speculate on all sorts of exotic ideas about if there is experience after our physical deaths, but all we know to date indicates there is nothing. Realizing this has really lit a fire under my ass (you mean this life isn't just a dress rehearsal, and it's all I'll ever have? Shit, I'd better get a move on and appreciate everything NOW!) Children are natural dualists, but I think it's proper, even noble, that we grow out of it...

very awesome bro, i really like that. the only thing we know for sure what happens when you die... your body is made up of energy litterally, and it gets released into the universe, weather it be like final fantasy shit we dont know about, or when your body degrades into the soil and the planet turns us into food for plants. either way, the energy you once had gets released... ats all we know.
very awesome bro, i really like that. the only thing we know for sure what happens when you die... your body is made up of energy litterally, and it gets released into the universe, weather it be like final fantasy shit we dont know about, or when your body degrades into the soil and the planet turns us into food for plants. either way, the energy you once had gets released... ats all we know.

Exactly. It's as if every living creature lucky enough to be born gets to borrow some energy from the universe for a short while to exist, and when that time is up you simply give it back to the universe. Of course, our sense of I-ness dissipates along with our physical body (that's the part most find hard to accept)...
Can you imagine what happens to the electrical energy in our bodies when we die? What is one milli volt divided by zero?

electricity is nothing but electrons being transferred from one atom to another. the electrons in our body would be absorbed by atoms that lack electrons. and i think anything divided by zero is infinity, but i dont see what that has anything to do with what were talkin about haha
Our body is a source of potential chemical energy that can be harvested when we die. In this sense our energy is returned to the cosmos. I think it's important not to confuse this with indication that our consciousness represents some sort of energy and that this energy is released from our bodies when we die. Energy must be precisely quantifiable and adhere to the laws of thermodynamics or else it is not energy as defined by science. If we are using the word for lack of a better term then fine, but then we can't say "we know". What we do know is if we damage a part of the brain we can affect different aspects of consciousness. We can lose the ability to recognize faces, to talk, to perform music, or even the capacity for intellectual thought. Given this knowledge, it does not follow that if we damage ALL of the brain via death our consciousness somehow survives with faculties in tact. The brain utilizes energy to store information, and once destroyed that information is lost. Like a book after it's been burned, the information is technically still there, but it is in a meaningless form.
there for, taking into consideration what heisen said... i think logically, and reasonably speaking... that humans as individuals do not stay indivuduals when we die, or that a part of you, stays forever. pretty sure we just get recycled into everything else. and i just hope that me being a good person will give the universe some kinda goodness when i die, to help battle the badness out there. if not, oh well..

but if theres anything im completely sure of...its that nobody really knows, and to claim that you do... is one of the most arrogent things any human could ever do, and has ever done. silly fuckin religios and spiritual people trying to give themselves hope in a universe that has unanswerable questions. hehehehe
Most are not content with the idea that they will die someday,but what really scares the hell out of them is that when they die,they will not be anything but the fertilizer for grass or the food for the animals/bugs to put it mundanely, not to mention the relinquishing of consciousness at all levels of the self concept can be hard to grasp,but at the same time if your really open to the thought, its a comfort.
our bodies just decompose and all the molecules break down into smaller chains so other organisms can use it. our memories are nothing but complexed connections between neurons in our brains, so no, our memories dont go with us. if you kill a rat, where does his memory go? if a cat eats that rat, will the cat take on the rats memories and possibly personality? no...

what makes us any different than a rat?

I'm not disagreeing..however...the fact that we STUDY rats (and many other species) to further our knowledge about anything and everything...unbeknownst to the rat, I think that makes us kinda special. I think you'd have to be very closed minded not to see a difference between Humanity and any other species on this planet. Look what we've accomplished....we're different.

In regards to the topic question....many different cultures have come to identify "Chi Energy" in various ways. I haven't definitely settled on any possibility after physical death..but I "feel" as if there's something. Good enough for me..
I'm not disagreeing..however...the fact that we STUDY rats (and many other species) to further our knowledge about anything and everything...unbeknownst to the rat, I think that makes us kinda special. I think you'd have to be very closed minded not to see a difference between Humanity and any other species on this planet. Look what we've accomplished....we're different.

In regards to the topic question....many different cultures have come to identify "Chi Energy" in various ways. I haven't definitely settled on any possibility after physical death..but I "feel" as if there's something. Good enough for me..

Unfortunately none of those 'various ways' are verifiable, which makes chi nothing more than unsupported speculation. There is nothing about any understanding of chi that is demonstrable, repeatable, or would let us make testable predictions even on the level of proof of concept.

The fact that we study and learn from animals for 'anything and everything' would suggest to me that we are very much like them. We have higher awareness, higher reasoning, higher communication, but we have nothing that is totally absent from the rest of natures creatures. That you consider a feeling to be evidence of objective claims is concerning. If you walk outside and look around, do you feel that the earth is flat or spherical? A feeling, or observation, is sufficient evidence to begin inquiry, but has no value beyond that without support.
I'm not disagreeing..however...the fact that we STUDY rats (and many other species) to further our knowledge about anything and everything...unbeknownst to the rat, I think that makes us kinda special. I think you'd have to be very closed minded not to see a difference between Humanity and any other species on this planet. Look what we've accomplished....we're different.

rats are smarter than goldfish. are they 'different'?(in the context that you were saying. obviously they have differences lol)

yes, we are different from the rat. but we are both life, and come from the same bloodline. i think it is close minded to say humans are special just because we HAPPEN to be on top of the intelligence chain. you could say blue whales are seperate than everything else just because they happen to be the biggest. doesnt make it right
people are just so afraid of death, because they are so afraid that a part of themselves might not exist after death. so instead of accepting the truth within themselves... that humans nor any creature known to us has the ability to know, they are so terrified of not knowing, they make up comforting fairy tails that they believe in, so they can cope with their own fear of the unknown.

you cannot get rid of the fear, it stays with you always. kinda like how you cant stop someone from startleing you, from scaring you... no matter how hard you try you jump when someone jumps out at you. but its your decision weather or not you scream...or if you stop, think, assess the situation... and then make a decision.

you cannot control fear, but you can decide what you want to do with it if you try.

nothin in life is for certian, especially what happens when you die... can you handle the truth. or will you continue to believe in your comforting fairy tails like a weak, pathetic egotystical tiny spec of a human being.

accept your ignorance to be free from it, it is the only way to be truely happy in this existance.

the past lives only in memory, the future lives only in imagination. the only thing that truly exists is the here and the now. live in the moment, appreciate everything.. what ya got right here right now... its only gonna happen once my friends.
The fact that we study and learn from animals for 'anything and everything' would suggest to me that we are very much like them.

How? What animal studies US in laboratories with Computers and Massive Databases of stored information?? Or did I miss that part?

We have higher awareness, higher reasoning, higher communication, but we have nothing that is totally absent from the rest of natures creatures.

Sure do. Civilization, Culture, War, Poverty....name an animal that comes close to replicating any of that.

That you consider a feeling to be evidence of objective claims is concerning.

It's thinking like that which leads us nowhere. And since you seem so high on proper grammar, a slight correction for you: I clearly said " I haven't definitely settled on any possibility after physical death..but I feel as if there's something" The fact that I'm relying on feeling makes this a subjective claim...not objective.

If you walk outside and look around, do you feel that the earth is flat or spherical? A feeling, or observation, is sufficient evidence to begin inquiry, but has no value beyond that without support.

...mmmmkay...So, tell me then how I'm supposed to go off anything BUT my feelings in regards to the Afterlife?? Unless you have some kind of research stashed away that Humanity doesn't know about..
Death..... What we see now is only a dim reflection in the mirror, then we shall see face to face.
I have been outside this mortal frame, I have traveled through space and time and have spoken to spiritual and astral beings. I have seen the formation of space and time. There was a time I felt so detached I just felt like I was a pilot inside this mortal frame. "what where those tiny pills anyway?"
When we die we will awake into another reality, good for some , no so good for others. We are in fact immortal energy beings, we are in some weird tailored reality created of energy and somehow formed and controlled through electro-chemical reactions.

Before I became enlightened as a youth I seriously contemplated suicide and thought about it long and hard. I realized that even if I closed my eyes, or I was in complete darkness I still have an overwhelming sense of self, I am more than just the some of my parts. I somehow knew that if I blew my brains out I would just enter into another reality and what if it was just dark and empty as the dispair that existed inside my mind? So, I didnt do it.... would hate to make a mistake and end up in a worse way.
After I met God by playing Ozzy backwards at 48 speed(chong<<<Joke) I realized just how serious a mistake I could have made.
Death is stepping through the doorway into eternity.
yet more comforting fiary tells, because to not know is seriously scary. if you need to make them up to feel good about yourself, then thats what you must do. almost everyone on the planet does, there are very few of us who have awakened to the truth, there are very few of us who realize our own ignorance and accept it in the face of the biggest fear in the existance of humans. we must all get past our fear to be truly happy, to be free from fear we must face it and say I DONT CARE IF I DONT KNOW, IM GONA LIVE, IM GONNA BE A GOOD PERSON AND A GOOD EXAMPLE TO THE WORLD! IM NOT AFRAID ANYMORE!!!

its not that you have a weak mind, its just that you must look within to find the courage to accept your ignorance of the universe, and accept that there is one thing in life that is for certian... no matter how much lsd you take, no matter how many hours of meditation you put in (i have experimented with both profusely to find answeres to these unanswereable questions) you do not know what happens when you die, no one does.

uncertianty in the presence of vivid hopes and fears is so very hard, and even more painful... but must be endured if we humans wish to live life without the support of comforting fairy tales. this is the only way to truly be free from our fear.

i state yet again, nobody knows... and to claim that you do, is by far one of the most arrogent things any human could ever claim. lol

the things people will tell themselves so they arent scared anymore, you must control your fear, or the fear will control your life.


WAKE UP MY FRIENDS!!! your beliefs... hey are just your thoughts, your beliefs... they are just your ideas. keep them that way.