Is Ron Paul The Kucinich of the Republican Party?

it's all or nothing with you, isn't it. you have that same myopic view of reality that we have come to expect from zealots through the ages. what part of compromise don't you understand? why is it so difficult for you to wrap that limited intellect around the concept that states' rights should reign supreme except where they run contrary to the constitution? why the hell do you think it was made so difficult to amend that document in the first place. you so quickly ran out of reasonable arguments that you have found yourself with nowhere to run but the outrageous.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to undertheice again.
it's all or nothing with you, isn't it. you have that same myopic view of reality that we have come to expect from zealots through the ages. what part of compromise don't you understand? why is it so difficult for you to wrap that limited intellect around the concept that states' rights should reign supreme except where they run contrary to the constitution? why the hell do you think it was made so difficult to amend that document in the first place. you so quickly ran out of reasonable arguments that you have found yourself with nowhere to run but the outrageous.

Ron Paul is the One who says its the states that should have the final say not me
So if Montana wants to exclude gays minorities and women from voting
Ron Paul would be OK with that
Ron Paul is the One who says its the states that should have the final say not me
So if Montana wants to exclude gays minorities and women from voting
Ron Paul would be OK with that
you know perfectly well that even states' rights have their limits. no state may enforce a law that is unconstitutional, as excluding women from the polls would be. the idea of banning someone from the polls due to sexual orientation, as ludicrous as it sounds, has never been addressed and would undoubtedly prompt a further amendment to rectify the situation. as usual, you attribute sentiments to ron paul that he has never expressed. once again, you have ventured into the realm of the absurd to justify your own intolerance.
Ron Paul is the One who says its the states that should have the final say not me
So if Montana wants to exclude gays minorities and women from voting
Ron Paul would be OK with that

if my aunt had balls, she would be my uncle.

lemme get to your level.....wait....this is taking longer than i expected.....hold on.....ok, i am we go

if the moon was made of green cheese, and a martian ate the green cheese, would the constitution allow mice to eat the green cheese too or could ron paul denounce this and cause further planets to downgrade the level of cheese they produce?

how did i do?

your hypothetical is ridiculous on all accounts. nobody is suggesting going back to slavery, outlawing gays, banning women from voting. come to think of it, the only people in the WHOLE FUCKING WORLD who think like this are muslims....just saying.

and i dont think ron paul is muslim.
"Is Ron Paul The Kucinich of the Republican Party?"

Is Obama the Bush of the Democratic Party? New species? Obama Bush? It draws in other life with it's promise of abundance and safety but wherever you plant it, it's tentacles infiltrate and invade other viable life forms and suck them dry. It only flourishes by destroying all the life around it.