hps or led


Active Member
Soooooo, I'm on my first grow. I purchased a 250 hps and intend on using throughout veg and flower. After my purchase (and almost 4 weeks {+/- a day) , I read so many promising articles on LED lighting. So here is my question...take it easy and be gentle, for I am a noob...should I invest in the LED lighting over a possible upgrade to 400 hps? I am very very paranoid about thermal imaging, increased light bills, etc. ( I'm in an area of the bible belt that is HEAVILY patroled by chopper, and there have been NUMEROUS grow op busts in my small town)...also, if LED, what wattage, and which manufacturer are recommended? My intentions are to grow strictly for personal use, but I am a HEAVY smoker...about a zip a week. Ideal, 2-3 ladies going at one time. Any input is appreciated, and thanks ahead of time!


Active Member
U work for them or something?? Lol...just kidding, this ad came with my hps, which is what got me interested in researching LEDs


U work for them or something?? Lol...just kidding, this ad came with my hps, which is what got me interested in researching LEDs
Nah haha, its my favorite store though. Theres one local to me and they make it a nice atmosphere when I go there to look and ask about products since I live in such a damn conservative state haha. Some hydro/garden stores around here ask you why you need such specific indoor growing supplies and basically give you the finger and push you out the door when you straight up tell them. I explained my health situation to the owner of my local one and hes always been nice to me so i've always supported his store and products that I actually believe are good value for your dollar and I like supporting local businesses.


So, do the LEDs run cooler? Meaning, do the give off less heat than the hps?
Ya they run much much cooler, lower temp's in the grow room and can be put closer to plants than HPS. Also saves $ on the electricity bill.

ps. I like the quote in your sig :bigjoint:


Active Member
Ya they run much much cooler, lower temp's in the grow room and can be put closer to plants than HPS. Also saves $ on the electricity bill.

ps. I like the quote in your sig :bigjoint:
Thanks for that nugget of info...and yea, I love that quote...motivation for the stoner in all of us.


Active Member
What about the quality of the yield with LEDs? Will the buds be not as condense (like cfl) or will it grow condensed as with hps?

El Superbeasto

Active Member
I use LEDs and HPS, one thing you will find with 95% of companies that sell LEDs, they exaggerate the capabilities of the them.

I still prefer LEDs, because they do run cooler, and require no ballasts, and they last a long time. LEDs do a decent job if you get a good one. I have an HTG LED, and it does not perform worth crap. Not so sure on these newer ones, I have the 300 watt one they have, and I get barely an oz from it. GLH makes some of the best LEDs, a little pricey, but they do perform great, and have a 5 year warranty.

Your electricity savings will be in the heat management. No big fans needed, or no ACs either.

eternal noob

Active Member
I use Both. In my experience using LED's in the first 3 weeks has really cut down on the stretching and gives me better yields because a higher % of the plant is in the optimal growth zone as far as distance from the light goes....I'm on a 3 week rotation with LED's on one end and HPS on the other. First 3 weeks under LED's/harvest the other end of the table/ scoot em down to the middle where they get LED and HPS on them for 3 weeks/harvest end of the table/scoot em down and finish under HPS. I think I could go with all LED and be fine, I already had the HPS's so this is the system I worked out. LED's are a lot cooler, but still produce heat. I use ISIS-170's and Advanced 360w Extreme Flower LEDs. The first time I used this system I grew 1 LSD under the HPS and another under the LED's and the LED one was 20 inches shorter (I think it was pheno related in part). I'm doing same age/size clones next time for a more accurate comparison.



Active Member
Well, that's a very fine lady, indeed...ceramic metal halide...an option i ve not considered...are prices better than LEDs? I yo, does the heat output from hps and cmh make temp hard to control? This is my biggest concern, as per my residence is in a zero tolerance region of the country.


Active Member
wow I like your ladies, as well...how far are you hanging your lights from the plants? When you use the two together, is one light in the way of the other? Theoretically, couldn't I have the LED situated under the plant with the hps over it? Or is this a silly idea?


Well-Known Member
Soooooo, I'm on my first grow. I purchased a 250 hps and intend on using throughout veg and flower. After my purchase (and almost 4 weeks {+/- a day) , I read so many promising articles on LED lighting. So here is my question...take it easy and be gentle, for I am a noob...should I invest in the LED lighting over a possible upgrade to 400 hps? I am very very paranoid about thermal imaging, increased light bills, etc. ( I'm in an area of the bible belt that is HEAVILY patroled by chopper, and there have been NUMEROUS grow op busts in my small town)...also, if LED, what wattage, and which manufacturer are recommended? My intentions are to grow strictly for personal use, but I am a HEAVY smoker...about a zip a week. Ideal, 2-3 ladies going at one time. Any input is appreciated, and thanks ahead of time!
use both to one for top cover and the other to hit the side, you will have much happier plants than with either alone.


Well-Known Member
i would suggest the led to the side because it is the cooler light, the HID up top with the fan creating an air barrier between the light and the tops, i get as close as 4" with my MH before burning, actually today I just split the lights up so i can reveg the pineapple xpress i selected for a mother and keep the rest maturing