Shorter Plants?..

is there a way i can keep my plants shorter? Ive been hearing about "topping" it, but i have no idea what that means..n when i should do it.. its my 1st grow.:confused:


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New Member
you can also supercrop by taking the stem between your index and thumb fingers and crushing the stem. This will make the plant heal a knot that will allow the plant to carry more nutrients. Best done just before you flip to flowering. Make sure you give it healing time before you flower though.


Active Member
Topping and LST (low stress training)

to best get an idea of how to do it watch some youtube vids


Active Member
Read a bit of this thread on topping...Uncle Ben really knows his shit! Follow his advice and you will get multiple colas and a shorter plant, while not hurting your yield. Topping can also leave you with a nice clone of your girl, if you root the part you cut off. I've rooted and grown out everything I've topped, so it's like getting two plants from a seed. If you cut clones from a plant right before you flower, you can keep a perpetual grow going from just that one bean! Saves money, and makes great use of the low tiny branches that wouldn't have given much bud anyway...


Well-Known Member
One of mine I've had at 12/12 from seed is about a foot tall, one momth and a few days old and is flowering/budding. Pics in my signature link :)


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Active Member
Looks like you might be working on starting the third node. The smooth seed leaves don't count, so the first node is the pair of serrated leaves lowest on the stem. Each pair of leaves that grow from the top will count as a new node, so it appears from your pics that you have a third set going. It's best to wait until you have 4-5 nodes before you top, so you're going to want to wait another week or so, until it gets another 2 leaf sets and beefs up a bit.

What are you using for light? It looks like you may want to get the light a little closer to the plant to avoid stretching. If it gets too tall before the stem is able to bulk up more, it may not be able to support the weight of the leaves growing. You can bury that stem up to the smooth seed leaves and give it more stability. If the container you're growing in is totally clear plastic, you're going to need to cover it before the roots grow enough to reach the outer perimeters of the soil. The clear plastic will allow the roots to be exposed to light, and they don't like that! You can put tape around the outside to darken it, or paint it...whatever keeps the light out. Be sure you have good drainage and avoid overwatering - then just give her some time to do her thing...
ok so i did a lil research on it supercropping. n that seems like the way im going to go. but i think i still need to wait a good 2 weeks or so, right? haha thanks guys.
lol see i had no idea about that lol.
n yea i just replanted it, n it was waaayyy outta the soil beforehand...lmao...
n im growing outside during the day so i can get some wind on it, n using 2 CFLs at nite..


Active Member
I grow with CFLs indoors only so I have some experience with them. You can get them to within two inches of that plant without problems. A rare strain may object to it, but most will be happy to have the light nice and close like that so they can make better use of it. I have new sprouts that are only a week from popping the surface, and they're growing like crazy with just a pair of CFLs two inches above them. Every time I check on them it seems like the leaves are getting bigger, and they're sucking water pretty fast for their size. If you can keep an eye on them well enough not to let them grow into the lights, then just get them nice and close to it. If they don't like it, they'll let you know and you can back it off a bit - just don't let them touch the bulb since they WILL get burned if they do.


Active Member
Are you going to keep us up to date with pics and stuff? If so I'm sub'd.

I'm trying to keep my plants short and bushy but its still very early days for me.
haha yea. i try to get on every so often n see whats new, try to find some new info on how to get better with growin.everytime i do i try to upload a couple more pics if the plants grown alot.

im keepin a journal, thats got a few more pics i think.
I grow with CFLs indoors only so I have some experience with them. You can get them to within two inches of that plant without problems. A rare strain may object to it, but most will be happy to have the light nice and close like that so they can make better use of it. I have new sprouts that are only a week from popping the surface, and they're growing like crazy with just a pair of CFLs two inches above them. Every time I check on them it seems like the leaves are getting bigger, and they're sucking water pretty fast for their size. If you can keep an eye on them well enough not to let them grow into the lights, then just get them nice and close to it. If they don't like it, they'll let you know and you can back it off a bit - just don't let them touch the bulb since they WILL get burned if they do.
n manditroy, yea i feel the same way about mine. just about every day theres a new set of leaves coming out, n theyre huge after just a couple days.
ust decided to post some pics. its about time to tell whether its male or female, im thinking its a female. its only been about 4 days since the last pics i posted.\