The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
no aggro for me last night, lots of laughs tho lol people can never just ignore a troll they always have to have the final say there by feeding said troll there favorite scran lol

no fun now tho but would have also been too boring to come back n start again as a total new, so il behave well kinda behave from now lolol


Well-Known Member
ended up with a timer n another small tent to go with the 2x 1.2x1.2mtr tents,400 and 600hps they are all just the ds secret jardin range which is pretty crap and the reflectors on the lights are just budget 1's but still a touch at £160 lol

Thats next on my list of purchases, another tent and another fan n filter oh n a cool hood so if anyones getting rid of any of them items? oh n ive got 2x 400 HPS to get rid of at some point if anyone is in need


Well-Known Member
dunno what ya plans are sae but i been wanting this tent for a while is a good price for the size
well thats the kinda size tent i want then i can leave my 4x4 as a veg tent but im still a stingy bastard at heart ( my scottish heritage maybe?lol) so i will be looking for a 2nd hand one on fleabay as I just cant bring myself to pay jus under £300 for some metal poles n a bit of sackcloth lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i've rented houses n flats for 10 years and never had an inspection. had the landlord in for a chat an a brew and the trust was formed. they just want to know your not a divvy going to wreck the place and pay the rent on time.


Well-Known Member
maybe private rents but council n housing association have a odd random visit that aint needed or repairs that you got no choice but have.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
aye ive had my fair share of unwanted visits, popo came once the landlord for a few dif things and the gas board to change the meter in the house and the line in. luckily enough they were the only ones to twig.


Well-Known Member
I know I am not from the UK so I hope you don't mind me posting here (I still feel British...well Scottish more but lets not get into that).

Anyway, reason for invading your UK Utopia is that I was at the pub the other day and was outside having a cheeky pipe with some nice bubble that I had made. These 3 moroccan guys (I would say around 40ish) where sitting there and one of them turned round and said, "nice smell, weed?", (it was hash made with livers and exo so it was fairly chuffy in the smell depo). Anyway I digress, I passed him the pipe and told him it was hash. Loaded another and passed that to his friends. Next thing I know the second guy has pulled out this half brick of hash and started to give me bits he was scraping off it. All in he gave me about a gram plus. Here's whats left of it, my mates in the UK don't see much of this around their way unfortunately.

Peace, and may yer team win gloriously.


Your allowed here whenever you like DST , your a repected member of the UK growing scene ;)
Apart from beeing\feeling scottish theres not a bad word most can say about you !

where the fcuk are all these mods and yanks comming from lol , theres been loads here in the last week !


Well-Known Member
right , ive decided im gonna stick a journal up later , its 1st week of 12/12 today so ill get some new pics aswell and hopefully update every sunday/monday with a weekly pic update ..... ill post link here once its up :)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I've got a huge attic but the temperatures are intolerable. My flat situation has been great for the past 3 years but it's abobut to change with regular 6 month inspections etc, and well, both walk in wardrobes in my room are stuffed to bursting with cannabis this or that :p So thinking that come the change there is then no reason not to see if there is anywhere else i might like that i can afford. Currently pay £400 a month before any bills but tempted to see if there's not somewhere a little better suited for my growing.