How long does it take in a small box?

Ok this is my first grow i have done alot of research been reading alot of posts for over a year and i finished my pc grow box today i have a bag of 100 seeds and im just gonna start small 4 starting plants and weed out the males and i was just wondering how long does it take on average in a small box from seed to harvest to get a good plant and at about what time should i go from 24 to 12/12 i have 3 27w cfls 3 intake fans and 2 exhaust fans one blowing into a filter one sucking air out of the filter

aussie (OZ) grower

Active Member
from seed to harvest roughly 10 weeks depending on lighting, veg time and the strain. i'd probably veg until the plant has grown to half the size of what you want it to be on 18-6 lighting and then switch to 12-12. the plant will then do some stretching last minute and grow to the size you want.
the fan and filter set up sounds really good


Well-Known Member
I prolly wouldn't run more then 2 plants in a pc box. so once u find some females keep one as mom and leave 2 in pc. By having a mother u wont need to start from seed and worry about males.


Well-Known Member
Just as long as it takes in a big box....just with smaller but its all strain dependent and how long they veg..are they clones? Hydro or soil? Lights?