My first Grow check the progress!! its RAD!!


whatsup guys! this is kinda weird becuase i have several car build threads on other forums, but never a grow one! now its time to get on here and see what i can learn!! :D:D
So i started this about a month ago, i know its late in the outdoor grow season, but im in san diego and theres plenty sun light still..
i started with some seeds from a cousin of mine, i also had a few from my uncles last crop that i wanted to sprout too!
I germinated them and the first 12 that looked good and strong all sprouted good and strong!
I set the seeds in a soil mixture and egg carton convieniently being 12 spots lol..

although the roots started to grow into the egg carton, so i just left the bottom in the roots and moved them into a little bigger spot.
i was short on money so i grouped them in 3s so i had enough soil lol

then i moved them into little bigger containers

and they grew alot more:)

and more

i moved a few to bigger pots even yet! and they grew more!

I really wish i moved all them into big pots to begin with, but being short on money met limited amount of good soil...
i lost crucial grow time, but oh well they are still doing good:)

thats where im at, 4 pots. 3 in each. minor problems, and starting to shoot up
whatcha all think??:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:


well trust me i found that out. the roots all combined together and theres no seperating them really unless i wanna jeopardize harming them by untangling the roots.


Yeah, Those plants are in there for good.. Any attempt at trying to take the plant out of soil with the main rootball still fully intact will result in plant death or major shock.

But hey.. Its your first grow... and you learn from making mistakes.


yeah anyways! this is my first actual grow on my own, so i guess i learn as i go! and all i learn this year will only make next years better!!


yes, Next year id recommend to start them as soon as last frost and get single plant in a rubbermaid container.. lol these things get HUUUUUUUGE and the buds are massive. Study hard... take advantage next year.. I certainly regret only growing 3 plants this summer... but w.e they are in rubbermaids so the yield will be rewarding.

I liked seeing this grow because it reminds me of cannabis you would find growing naturally.


YEP! i already have big plans for next year!!! these are going really well for how late i started them, the one with the more broad leaves is already starting to flower and i can see the little white parts form, its so cool:)
thanks dude! im going to keep this updated like every few days for sure


none actually.. well none yet. thats another reason i started surfing around here. i have no idea what to put in, i wanna stay all natural though for sure..
whats something you guys use??


ALSO!!! big question, so i know somewhat on how to tell the gender. males will form pollen balls while the females develop the white hair kinda things.
now i have one female of 12 for sure i know.. is there any way of telling the others yet?? theres no sign of male or female yet.
some are growing a little taller and more "un filled in" i guess i would call it? is that a sign of them being males??


Well-Known Member
Hey, Nicrod! Great job for your first attempt man, seems like you have a natural green thumb :) Don't top those plants that are sharing a container, it's gonna get crowded in there as it is. I don't grow organically, so some expert will stop in here and advise you. Looking forward to seeing how it turns out, good luck...


Well-Known Member
ALSO!!! big question, so i know somewhat on how to tell the gender. males will form pollen balls while the females develop the white hair kinda things.
now i have one female of 12 for sure i know.. is there any way of telling the others yet?? theres no sign of male or female yet.
some are growing a little taller and more "un filled in" i guess i would call it? is that a sign of them being males??
In my experience, the faster growing plants are usually male. It may be too early to tell the sex on all of them yet, wait until it's obvious. You'll have a couple weeks after you see any pollen sacks develop (if you're checking them daily) before the guys blow their loads all over your girls...


ALSO!!! big question, so i know somewhat on how to tell the gender. males will form pollen balls while the females develop the white hair kinda things.
now i have one female of 12 for sure i know.. is there any way of telling the others yet?? theres no sign of male or female yet.
some are growing a little taller and more "un filled in" i guess i would call it? is that a sign of them being males??
Just wait a bit and they will show.... Just make sure to not let males pollenate the females..... maybe those could be HERMIES because hermies deffs show sex later(from personal experience) . Go get some General Hydroponics Grow Micro Bloom, its good for beginners and its pretty good nutes.
Also, I see that u have some in a clear transparent container... Very bad because light can disturb/damage the roots.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, you'll want to at least cover up those transparent containers with some panda film or something. Also, it'll do you a world of good if you add beneficial bacteria and fungus to your soil: This dude Heisenberg on RUI is a genius with this shit, here's the url:
I've got some DWC buckets going, and it's unreal how better they're growing adding this EWC tea, and it's results are even better in soil. I've even had my roots exposed to light for weeks and no root problems because of these microbes. Super cheap to make, and helps with bugs, too...


Checked on my babies again! now this other taller plant i have looked like it was startin to form a bud?
but now im confused because it looks like this,

thats a male huh....?? and those are pollen balls forming??
i should remove him now huh?? that sucks:(


and thanks for that link tyler.durden ill check that!!
yeah it was in a clear container, not anymore though. it didnt seem to harm the root system at all. ill remember that next time though


another thing, im starting to pick the water leaves and most of the lower leaves, so i can promote good healty growth up top, this is a good idea right??
thanks dudes!!!
thats a male huh....?? and those are pollen balls forming??
i should remove him now huh?? that sucks:([/QUOTE]

Yup that's a Male and dude, get rid of those FAR away. TODAY. The balls will pop any second and spread pollen then turn to flowers. One of my females turned Hermmie(though only on one branch. WTF?) I've got seeds out the yin-yang on 2 plants.