i never thought of that, but he does seem awful neighborly. he doesn't scare me as POTUS though, he has actual had tangible positive effect in my family, although i would not call him my favorite president ever. or even close.
i don't think any populace before has ever doubted that a president who has gotten to where they are through freedom and hard work actually hates such precepts. you might as well hate blowjobs, or apple pie and baseball, or fireworks on the 4th of july.
in other words, i am calling partisan hackery on the fulafel or the fru fru or the farfenugen, whatever his new name is.
through hard work? obama? hard work? now thats funny.
he was a community shit stirrer, thats it. i wouldnt call whipping a group of illiterate govt sucking leeches into a frenzy, work.