hello....day roundin up da brothas.....

i never thought of that, but he does seem awful neighborly. he doesn't scare me as POTUS though, he has actual had tangible positive effect in my family, although i would not call him my favorite president ever. or even close.

i don't think any populace before has ever doubted that a president who has gotten to where they are through freedom and hard work actually hates such precepts. you might as well hate blowjobs, or apple pie and baseball, or fireworks on the 4th of july.

in other words, i am calling partisan hackery on the fulafel or the fru fru or the farfenugen, whatever his new name is.

through hard work? obama? hard work? now thats funny.

he was a community shit stirrer, thats it. i wouldnt call whipping a group of illiterate govt sucking leeches into a frenzy, work.
Is Ghaddafi out of Power?
is Ghaddafi Most likely to die?

/end of discussion
eerily similar to the response given by those on the other side of the aisle after saddam's capture. all concentrated on justifying their favorite adage, the ends justify the means, with the ends they consider never reaching beyond today. strange how those shoes keep on switching from one foot to the other.
through hard work? obama? hard work? now thats funny.

he was a community shit stirrer, thats it. i wouldnt call whipping a group of illiterate govt sucking leeches into a frenzy, work.

i don't think he got to be president of harvard law review by collecting unemployment and throwing hissy fits on pot growing websites, unlike some people in this discussion :razz:
i don't think he got to be president of harvard law review by collecting unemployment and throwing hissy fits on pot growing websites, unlike some people in this discussion :razz:

Do you think being President of Harvard Law Review means this idiot is smart? LOL. He also got a Nobel Peace Prize and then turns around and starts bombing a nation that was no direct threat after promising to never do that. Funny shit, man.
Do you think being President of Harvard Law Review means this idiot is smart? LOL. He also got a Nobel Peace Prize and then turns around and starts bombing a nation that was no direct threat after promising to never do that. Funny shit, man.

perhaps you can't understand what it is to have allies due to your obama derangement syndrome.
through hard work? Obama? Hard work? Now thats funny.

He was a community shit stirrer, thats it. I wouldnt call whipping a group of illiterate govt sucking leeches into a frenzy, work.

bam there it is!!!!!

Everything you need to know about this guy

to him "commmunity organizer" means "stirs up the niggers"
fucking racist 88 azzclown get the fuck out of here
aint no meth section on riu
perhaps you can't understand what it is to have allies due to your obama derangement syndrome.

You mean like your Tea Party derangement syndrome? I can play that game all day.

Perhaps you can show us all how smart this idiot is. Do you have any SAT scores or papers from his college days?
Do you think being President of Harvard Law Review means this idiot is smart? LOL. He also got a Nobel Peace Prize and then turns around and starts bombing a nation that was no direct threat after promising to never do that. Funny shit, man.

ghaddafi has killed more U.S. Citizens than Saddam Hussein ever did
And your willing to forgive that because we have a Black President who finally had the stones to go after him with ZERO loss of American Lives?
bam there it is!!!!!

Everything you need to know about this guy

to him "commmunity organizer" means "stirs up the niggers"
fucking racist 88 azzclown get the fuck out of here
aint no meth section on riu

What does "community organizer" mean to you?
You mean like your Tea Party derangement syndrome. I can play that game all day.

Perhaps you can show us all how smart this idiot is. Do you have any SAT scores or papers from his college days?

i have no beef with the tea party as they state themselves to be.

what i do have a problem with is people like you sucking onto the tea party and pushing your agenda of "islam bad, gays bad, science bad, christians good!".

the tea party would not have lost so much popularity if gay-hating, righteous christians like you had not latched on and made them look so bad.
ghaddafi has killed more U.S. Citizens than Saddam Hussein ever did
And your willing to forgive that because we have a Black President who finally had the stones to go after him with ZERO loss of American Lives?

Killing more US citizens is not what Obama used as an excuse to bomb Libya. He broke his word. Hiding behind the race card is a poor substitute for debating.
What does "community organizer" mean to you?

Some one who advocates for those whose voices arent heard because of money position or geography

I'm sorry you feel left out because Trailer Home Dwellers dont have any champions
But dammit if you didnt turn your bedroom into a meth lab and actually got a full time job you wouldnt be as hateful
ghaddafi has killed more U.S. Citizens than Saddam Hussein ever did
in your infinite wisdom, tell us what exactly is the number of american lives it takes to justify such an incursion. how many of your own people must you eradicate to earn the wrath of the great messiah? either own both iraq and libya, own neither or shut the fuck up. this dancing back and forth is amusing, but it's getting old.
i have no beef with the tea party as they state themselves to be.

what i do have a problem with is people like you sucking onto the tea party and pushing your agenda of "islam bad, gays bad, science bad, christians good!".

the tea party would not have lost so much popularity if gay-hating, righteous christians like you had not latched on and made them look so bad.

What a pile of horse shit. Islam is bad. Man made global warming is a con game, and has nothing to do with science. I have no problem with perverts, I just don't want them pushing their agenda in our schools on impressionable minds. Demonizing decent honest Americans and smearing them because they don't line up with your new age bullshit is lame.

Killing more US citizens is not what Obama used as an excuse to bomb Libya. He broke his word. Hiding behind the race card is a poor substitute for debating.

Let us not forget the Crew of Flight 103. They were victims too.
The Cockpit Crew:

-Captain James Bruce MacQuarrie, 55, from Kensington, New Hampshire, USA (10910 flight hours of experience)

-Captain MacQuarrie had many years experience in flying a 747 for Pan Am. He was an active member of his worker union and participated actively in a series of successive strikes against the company few years earlier.

-First Officer (co-pilot) Raymond Ronald Wagner, 52, from Pennington, new Jersey, USA (11855 flight hours of experience)

-Flight engineer Jerry Don Avritt, 46, from Westminster, California, USA (8068 fh/experience)

The Pursers:

Mary Geraldine Murphy, 51, Twickenham, UK

Milutin Velimirovich, 35, Hounslow, UK (US citizen)

The Flight Attendants:

Elisabeth Nichole Avoyne, 44, Croissy-sur-Seine, France, French

Noelle Lydie Berti, 41, Paris, France, French

Siv Ulla Engstrom, 51, Windsor, UK, Swedish

Stacie Denise Franklin, 20, San Diego, USA

Paul Isaac Garret, 41, Napa, USA

Elke Etha Kuhne, 43, Hannover, BRD, German

Maria Nieves Larracoechea, 39, Madrid, Spain

Lilibeth Tobila Macalolooy, 27, Kelsterbach, BRD, Phillipino

Jocelyn Reina, 26, Isleworth, UK, American

Myra Josephine Royal, 30, Hanwell, UK, Dominican Republic

Irja Syhnove Skabo, 38, Oslo, Norway, Finnish

Passengers of Flight 103

Ahern, John Michael Gerard, bond broker, 26 years, Rockville Center, New York, American

Aicher, Sarah Margaret, playwright, 29 years, American

Akerstrom, John David, 34 years, Medina, Ohio, American

Alexander, Ronald Ely, businessman, 46 years, New York, New York, Swiss

Ammerman, Thomas Joseph, marketing manager, 36 years, Old Tappan, New Jersey, American

Apfelbaum, Martin Lewis, stamp dealer, 59 years, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, American

Asrelsky, Rachel Marie, student, 21 years, New York, New York, American

Atkinson, William Garretson III, engineer, 33 years, American

Atkinson, Judith Ellen, art historian and consultant, 37 years, American

Bacciochi, Clare Louise, hair stylist, 19 years, Warwickshire, England, British

Bainbridge, Harry Michael, attorney, 34 years, Montrose, New York, American

Barclay, Stuart Murray, businessman, 29 years, Canadian

Bell, Jean Mary, 44 years, Berkshire, England, British

Benello, Julian MacBain, student, 25 years, Brookline, Massachusetts, American

Bennett, Lawrence Ray, pharmaceutical chemist, 41 years, Chelsea, Michigan, American

Bergstrom, Philip Vernon, army sergeant, 22 years, Forest Lake, Minnesota, American

Berkley, Alistair David, professor of law, 29 years, American

Bernstein, Michael Stuart, lawyer, U.S. Dept. of Justice, Office of Special Investigation, 36 years, Bethesda, Maryland, American

Berrell, Steven Russell
, student, 2O years, Fargo, North Dakota, American

Bhatia, Surinder Mohan, businessman, 51 years, Los Angeles, California, American

Bissett, Kenneth John, student, 21 years, Hartsdale, New York, American

Boatman-Fuller, Diane Anne, playwright, 37 years, American

Boland, Stephen John
, student, 20 years, Nashua, New Hampshire, American

Bouckley, Glen John, sales, 27 years, British

Bouckley, Paula Marie, sales, 29 years, New York, American

Boulanger, Nicole Elise
, student, 21 years, Shrewsbury, Massachusetts, American

Boyer, Francis, 43 years, Toulosane, France, French

Bright, Nicholas, businessman, 32 years, Brookline, Massachusetts, American

Browner (Bier), Daniel Solomon, 23 years, Parod, Israel, Israeli

Brunner, Colleen Renee, student, 20 years, Hamburg, New York, American

Burman, Timothy Guy, banker, 24 years, London, England, British

Buser, Michael Warren, advertising executive, 34 years, Ridgefield Park, New Jersey, American

Buser, Warren Max, civil engineer, 62 years, Glen Rock, New Jersey, American

Butler, Steven Lee, teacher, 35 years, Denver, Colorado, American

Cadman, William Martin, musician, 32 years, London, England, British

Caffarone, Fabiana, 28 years, London, England, British

Caffarone, Hernan, 28 years, Argentinean

Canady, Valerie, auditor, 25 years, Morgantown, West Virginia, American

Capasso, Gregory, student, 21 years, Brooklyn, New York, American

Cardwell, Timothy Michael,
student, 21 years, Cresco, Pennsylvania, American

Carlsson, Bernt Wilson, Swedish UN-diplomat, 50 years, Swedish

Cawley, Richard Anthony, businessman, 43 years, New York, New York, American

Ciulla, Frank, banker, 45 years, Park Ridge, New Jersey, American

Cohen, Theodora Eugenia
, student, 20 years, Port Jervis, New York, American

Coker, Eric Michael
, student, 20 years, Mendham, New Jersey, American. Eric was traveling with his twin brother Jason.

Coker,Jason Michael
, student, 20 years, Mendham, New Jersey, American. Jason was traveling with his twin brother Eric.

Colasanti, Gary Leonard
, student, 20 years, Melrose, Massachusetts, American

Concannon, Bridget, 53 years, Oxfordshire, England, Irish

Concannon, Sean, 16 years, Oxfordshire, England, British

Concannon, Thomas, 51 years, Oxfordshire, England, Irish

Corner, Tracey Jane, 17 years, Sheffield, England, British

Cory, Scott
, student, 20 years, Old Lyme Court, Connecticut, American

Coursey, Willis Larry, military, 40 years, San Antonio, Texas, American

Coyle, Patricia Mary, student, 20 years, Wallingford, Connecticut, American

Cummock, John Binning, 38 years, Coral Gables, Florida, American

Curry, Joseph Patrick, army captain, 31 years, bFort Devens, Massachusetts, American

Daniels, William, Allen, research chemist, 40 years, Belle Mead, New Jersey, American

Dater, Gretchen Joyce
, student, 20 years, Ramsey, New Jersey, American

Davis, Shannon
, student, 19 years, Shelton, Connecticut, American

Della-Ripa, Gabriel, Pan Am Airlines employee, 46 years, Floral Park, New York, Italian

DiMauro, Joyce Christine, marketing director, 32 years, New York, New York, American

DiNardo, Gianfranca, 26 years, Italian

Dix, Peter Thomas Stanley, management consultant, 35 years, London, England, Irish

Dixit, Om, college professor, 54 years, Fairborn, Ohio, Indian

Dixit, Shanti, 54 years, Fairborn, Ohio, American

Dornstein, David Scott, student, 25 years, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, American

Doyle, Michael Joseph, accountant, 30 years, Voorhees, New Jersey, American

Eggleston, Edgar Howard III, air force sergeant, 24 years, Glens Falls, New York, American

Ergin, Turhan
, student, 22 years, West Hartford, Connecticut, American

Fisher, Charles Thomas IV, banker, 34 years, American

Flick, Clayton Lee, businessman, 25 years, Coventry, England, British

Flynn, John Patrick
, student, 21 years, Montville, New Jersey, American

Fondiler, Arthur, attorney, 33 years, West Armonk, New York, American

Fortune, Robert Gerard, insurance executive, 40 years, Jackson Heights, NY, American

Freeman, Paul Matthew Stephen, 25 years, Canadian

Fuller, James Ralph, corporate vice president, 50 years, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, America

Gabor, Ibolya Robertine, 79 years, Budapest, Hungary, Hungarian

Gallagher, Amy Beth, student, 22 years, American

Gannon, Matthew Kevin, foreign service officer, CIA's deputy station chief in Beirut, 34 years, Los Angeles, Ca., American

Garczynski, Kenneth Raymond, industrial engineer, 37 years, North Brunswick, NJ, American

Gibson, Kenneth James, army specialist four, 20 years, Romulus, Michigan, American

Giebler, William David, bond broker, 29 years, London, England, American

Gordon, Olive Leonora, 25 years, London, England, British

Gordon-Gorgacz, Linda Susan, 39 years, London, England, American

Gorgacz, Anne Madelene, 76 years, Newcastle, Pennsylvania, American

Gorgacz, Loretta Anne, 47 years, Newcastle, Pennsylvania, American

Gould, David, college professor, 45 years, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, American

Guevorgian, Andre Nikolai, businessman, 32 years, Sea Cliff, New York, American

Hall, Nicola Jane, 23 years, Sandton, South Africa, South African

Halsch, Lorraine Frances, special education teacher, 31 years, Fairport, NY, American

Hartunian, Lynne Carol, student, 21 years, Schenectady, New York, American

Hawkins, Anthony Lacey, businessman, 57 years, Brooklyn, New York, British

Herbert, Pamela Elaine
, student, 19 years, Battle Creek, Michigan, American

Hilbert, Rodney Peter, 40 years, Newton, Pennsylvania, American

Hill, Alfred, 29 years, Sonthofen, Germany, German

Hollister, Katherine Augusta, student, 20 years, Rego Park, New York

Hudson, Josephine Lisa, nurse, 22 years, London, England, British

Hudson, Melina Kristina, student, 16 years, Albany, New York, American

Hudson, Sophie Ailette Miriam, 26 years, Paris, France, French

Hunt, Karen Lee
, student, 20 years, Webster, New York, American

Hurst, Roger Elwood, marketing manager, 38 years, Ringwood, New Jersey, American

Ivell, Elizabeth Sophie, dog handler, 19 years, East Sussex, England, British

Jaafar, Khalid Nazir, student, 20 years, Dearborn, Michigan, American

Jeck, Robert van Houten, 57 years, Mountain Lakes, New Jersey, American

Jeffreys, Paul Avron, musician, 36 years, Surrey, England, British

Jeffreys, Rachel, advertising executive, 23, years, Surrey, England, British

Jermyn, Kathleen Mary, student, 20 years, Staten Island, New York, American

Johnson, Beth Ann, student, 21 years, Greensburg, Pennsylvania, American

Johnson, Mary Alice Lincoln, student, 25 years, Wayland, Massachusetts, American

Johnson, Timothy Baron, student, 21 years, Neptune, New Jersey, American

Jones, Christopher Andrew
, student, 20 years, Claverack, New York, American

Kelly, Julianne Frances
, student, 20 years, Dedham, Massachusetts, American

Kingham, Jay Joseph, pharmaceuticals executive, 44 years, Potomac, Maryland, American,

Klein, Patricia Ann, social worker, 35 years, Trenton, New Jersey, American

Kosmowski, Gregory, marketing executive, 40 years, MiIford, Michigan, American

Kulukundis, Minas Christopher, ship brokerage director, 38 years, London, England, British

LaRiviere, Ronald Albert, 33 years, Alexandria, Virginia, American

Leckburg, Robert Milton, engineer, 30 years, Piscataway, New Jersey, American

Leyrer, William Chase, businessman, 46 years, Bay Shore, New York, American

Lincoln, Wendy Anne
, student, 23 years, North Adams, Massachusetts, American

Lowenstein, Alexander Silas
, student, 21 years, Morristown, New Jersey, American

Ludlow, Lloyd David, army sergeant first class, 41 years, Macksville, Kansas, American

Lurbke, Maria Theresia, 25 years, Balve Beckum, Germany, German

Mack, William Edward, puppeteer, 30 years, New York, New York, American

Malicote, Douglas Eugene, army specialist four, 22 years, Lebanon, Ohio, American

Malicote, Wendy Gay, 21 years, Lebanon, Ohio, American

Marek, Elizabeth Lillian, actress and peace activist, 30 years, New York, American

Marengo, Louis Anthony, marketing director, 33 years, Rochester, Michigan, American

Martin, Noel George, 27 years, Clapton, England, Jamaican

Maslowski, Diane Marie, currency trader, 30 years, New York, American

McAllister, William John, 26 years, Middlesex, England, British

McCarthy, Daniel Emmet, banker, 31 years, Brooklyn, New York, American

McCollum, Robert Eugene, university professor, 61 years, Wayne, Pennsylvania, American

McKee, Charles Dennis, army major, head of a US Intelligence Team, 40 years, Arlington, Virginia, American

McLaughlin, Bernard Joseph, marketing manager, 30 years, Cranston, RI, American

Melber, Jane Susan, musician and teacher, 27 years, Middlesex, England, American

Merrill, John, seaman, 35 years, Hertfordshire, England, British

Miazga, Suzanne Marie
, student, 22 years, Marcy, New York, American

Miller, Joseph Kenneth, accounting firm executive, 56 years, Woodmere, NY, American

Mitchell, Jewel Courtney, army second lieutenant, 32 years, Brooklyn, New York, American

Monetti, Richard Paul
, student, 20 years, Cherry Hill, New Jersey, American

Morgan, Jane Ann, attorney, 37 years, London, England, American

Morson, Eva Ingeborg, 48 years, New, York, New York, American

Mosey, Helga Rachael, student, 19 years, West Midlands, England, British

Mulroy, Ingrid Elizabeth, 25 years, Lund, Sweden, Swedish

Mulroy, John, journalist, 59 years, East Northport, New York, American

Mulroy, Sean Kevin, 25 years, American

Noonan, Karen Elizabeth, student, 20 years, Potomac, Maryland, American

O'Connor, Daniel Emmett, U.S. diplomatic service, 31 years, Dorchester, Mass, American

O'Neil, Mary Denice, student, 2l years, Bronx, New York, American

Otenasek, Anne Lindsey
, student, 21 years, Baltimore, Maryland, American

Owen, Bryony Elise, 1 year, Bristol, England, British

Owen, Gwyneth Yvonne Margaret, student, 29 years, Bristol, England, British

Owens, Laura Abigail, 8 years, Cherry Hill, New Jersey, American

Owens, Martha, 44 years, Cherry Hill, New Jersey, American

Owens, Robert Plack, 45 years, Cherry Hill, New Jersey, American

Owens, Sarah Rebecca, 14 years, Cherry Hill, New Jersey, American

Pagnucco, Robert Italo, attorney, 51 years, South Salem, New York, American

Papadopoulos, Christos Michael, 45 years, North Lawrence, New York, American

Peirce, Peter Raymond
, architect and student, 40 years, Perrysburg, Ohio, American

Pescatore, Michael, businessman, 33 years, Solon, Ohio, American

Philipps, Sarah Susannah Buchanan
, student, 20 years, Newtonville, Mass, American

Phillips, Frederick Sandford
, student, 27 years, Little Rock, Arkansas, American

Pitt, James Andrew Campbell, student, 24 years, South Hadley, Massachusetts, American

Platt, David, architect, 33 years, Staten Island, New York, American

Porter, Walter Leonard, musician, 35 years, Brooklyn, New York, American

Posen, Pamela Lynn, student, 20 years, Harrison, New York, American

Pugh, William, businessman, 56 years, Margate, New Jersey, American

Quiguyan, Crisostomo Estrella, hotel cashier, 43 years, London, England, Filipino

Ramses, Rajesh Tarsis Priskel, 35 years, Leicester, England, Indian

Rattan, Anmol, 2 years, Warren, Michigan. American

Rattan, Garima, computer programmer, 29 years, Warren, Michigan, American

Rattan, Suruchi, 3 years, Warren, Michigan, American

Reeves, Anita Lynn, 24 years, Laurel, Maryland, American

Rein, Mark Alan, businessman, 44 years, New York, New York, American

Rencevicz, Diane Marie, student, 21 years, Burlington, New Jersey, American

Rogers, Louise Ann
, student, 20 years, Olney, Maryland, American

Roller, Edina, 5 years, Hungary, Hungarian

Roller, Janos Gabor, 29 years, Hungary, Hungarian

Roller, Zsuzsana, 27 years, Hungary, Hungarian

Root, Hanne Maria, management consultant, 26 years, Toronto, Canada, Canadian

Rosen, Saul Mark, businessman, 35 years, Morris Plains, New Jersey, American

Rosenthal, Andrea Victoria, student, 22 years, New York, New York, American

Rosenthal, Daniel Peter, student, 20 years, Staten Island, New York, American

Rubin, Arnaud David, 28 years, Waterloo, Belgium, Belgian

Saraceni, Elyse Jeanne, student, 20 years, American

Saunders, Scott Christopher, student, 21 years, Macungie, Pennsylvania, American,

Saunders, Theresa Elizabeth Jane, marketing, 28 years, Sunbury-on-Thames, England, British

Schauble, Johannes Otto, 41 years, Kappellenweg, Germany, German

Schlageter, Robert Thomas, student, 20 years, Warwick, Rhode Island, American

Schultz, Thomas Britton
, student, 20, years, Ridgefield, Connecticut, American

Scott, Sally Elizabeth, chef, 22 years, Huntington, New York, British

Shapiro, Amy Elizabeth
, student, 21 years, Stamford, Connecticut, American

Shastri, Mridula, 24 years, Oxford, England, Indian

Sheanshang, Joan, 46 years, New York, New York, American

Sigal, Irving Stanley, research biologist, 35 years, Pennington, New Jersey, American

Simpson, Martin Bernard Christopher, financier, 52 years, Brooklyn, New York, American

Smith, Cynthia Joan
, student, 21 years, Milton, Massachusetts, American

Smith, Ingrid Anita, chiropodist, 31 years, Berkshire, England, British

Smith, James Alvin, 55 years, New York, New York, American

Smith, Mary Edna, army sergeant, 34 years, Kalamazoo, Michigan, American

Stevenson, Geraldine Anne, 37 years, Surrey, England, British

Stevenson, Hannah Louise, 10 years, Surrey, England, British

Stevenson, John Charles, 38 years, Surrey, England, British

Stevenson, Rachael, 8 years, Surrey, England, British

Stinnett, Charlotte Ann, 36 years, Duncanville, Texas, American

Stinnett, Michael Gary, army specialist, 26 years, Duncanville, Texas, American

Stinnett, Stacey Leanne, 9 years, Duncanville, Texas, American

Stow, James Ralph, businessman, 49 years, New York, New York, American

Stratis, Elia G., accountant, 43 years, Montvale, New Jersey, American

Swan, Anthony Selwyn, 29 years, Trinidadian

Swire, Flora MacDonald Margaret
, medical student and researcher, 24 years, London, England, British

Tager, Marc Alex, 22 years, London, England, British

Tanaka, Hidekazu, 26 years London, England, Japanese

Teran, Andrew Alexander, student, 20 years, New Haven, Connecticut, Bolivian

Thomas, Arva Anthony, student, 17 years, Detroit, Michigan, American

Thomas, Jonathan Ryan, 2 months, Southfield, Michigan, American

Thomas, Lawanda, air force sergeant, 21 years, Southfield, Michigan, American

Tobin, Mark Lawrence
, student, 21 years, North Hempstead, New York, American

Trimmer-Smith, David William, publishing executive, 51 years, New York, NY, American,

Tsairis, Alexia Kathryn
, student, 20 years, Franklin Lakes, New Jersey, American

Valentino, Barry Joseph, exhibit designer, 28 years, San Francisco, California, American

Van-Tienhoven, Thomas Floro, 45 years, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Argentinean

Vejdany, Asaad Eidi, 46 years, South Great Neck, New York, American

Vrenios, Nicholas Andreas
, student, 20 years, Washington, DC, American

Vulcu, Peter, stockbroker and student, 21 years, Alliance, Ohio, American

Waido, Janina Jozefa, 61 years, Chicago, Illinois, American

Walker, Thomas Edwin, electronics specialist, 47 years, Quincy, Massachusetts, American

Weedon, Kesha
, student, 20 years, Bronx, New York, American

Weston, Jerome Lee, engineer, 45 years, Baldwin, New York, American

White, Jonathan, accountant, 33 years, North Hollywood, California, American

Williams, Bonnie Leigh, military, 21 years, Crown Point, New York, American

Williams, Brittany Leigh, 2 months, Crown Point, New York

Williams, Eric Jon, army sergeant, 24 years, Crown Point, New York, American

Williams, George Waterson, army first lieutenant, 24 years, Joppa, Maryland, American

Williams, Stephanie Leigh, 1 year, Crown Point, New York, American

Wolfe, Miriam Luby
, student, 20 years, Severna Park, Maryland, American

Woods, Chelsea Marie, 10 months, Willingboro, New Jersey, American

Woods, Dedera Lynn, air force sergeant, 27 years, Willingboro, New Jersey, American

Woods, Joe Nathan, civilian military worker, 28 years, Willingboro, New Jersey, American

Woods, Joe Nathan, Jr., 2 years, Willingboro, New Jersey, American

Wright, Andrew Christopher Gillies, site agent, 24 years, Surrey, England, British

Zwynenburg, Mark James, investment banker, 29 years, West Nyack, New York, American

Residential Victims of Lockerbie Scotland

The Flannigan's

Joanne Flanagan, 10, Kathleen Mary Flannigan, 41, Thomas Brown Flannigan, 44

-Steven Flannigan, their son, was the only one surviving the impact of the engine. He was on his way home, just a half-block away, when Sherwood Crescent exploded in flames.​

The Henry's Dora Henrietta Henry, 56, Maurice Peter Henry, 63

-The Henry's were an elderly couple living in Sherwood Crescent. Their house was hit by the heavy Pratt&Whitney flight engine.

Mary Lancaster, 81
Jean Aitken Murray, 82
John Somerville, 40
Lynsey Ann Somerville,10
Paul Somerville, 13 Rosalind Hanney Somerville, 40

Some one who advocates for those whose voices arent heard because of money position or geography

I'm sorry you feel left out because Trailer Home Dwellers dont have any champions
But dammit if you didnt turn your bedroom into a meth lab and actually got a full time job you wouldnt be as hateful

Everyone who votes has a voice. ACORN was not about that. ACORN was an arm of the left in the Democrat party that was funded by the taxpayers and was corrupt from the inside out.

I don't need champions to wipe up the floor with trash like you. All I need is the truth.
What a pile of horse shit. Islam is bad. Man made global warming is a con game, and has nothing to do with science. I have no problem with perverts, I just don't want them pushing their agenda in our schools on impressionable minds. Demonizing decent honest Americans and smearing them because they don't line up with your new age bullshit is lame.

you fear the gays and their "agenda" and piss yourself when someone mentions sharia law. that's funny.

tell me when i talk to a decent, honest american. no decent american chooses to demonize someone for being born a certain way or choosing to worship a god that is not yours.
you fear the gays and their "agenda" and piss yourself when someone mentions sharia law. that's funny.

tell me when i talk to a decent, honest american. no decent american chooses to demonize someone for being born a certain way or choosing to worship a god that is not yours.

You would have a point if what you say is true. However, it's just more of your indoctrinated bullshit.

There is no sound medical evidence that homosexuals are born gay.

Who Islamists worship is also not the issue.

Rhetoric is a poor substitute for facts.