cheap commercial weed and seed.. What strain is it or could it be.


Well-Known Member
I buy some decent $60 a quarter commercial weed that is just loaded with seeds. My question is what kind of seed did the grower most likely start with and how much better of a product would have been the result if they had sexed their plants. Would these same bag seeds produce good weed if the were sexed and babied????

I also have a bag of really tastey bud that is also loaded with seeds. It simply looks like the grower never took the time to sex his plants or a male snuck though the guantlet.. It smells good and it taste good but the buzz could be better. Surely the same seed babied and sexed would produce a good product.

Also... Why wouldn't even a bulk commercial grower try to sex their plants and start with good seed in the first place. Surely the mexicans coming across the border to grow here in the state forest want to best weed possible for their time and investment.:leaf:

So... What is commercial weed. Is it just a cheap long season Sativa or is it just neglected? TY guys and gals!!!


Well-Known Member
I buy some decent $60 a quarter commercial weed that is just loaded with seeds. My question is what kind of seed did the grower most likely start with and how much better of a product would have been the result if they had sexed their plants. Would these same bag seeds produce good weed if the were sexed and babied????

I also have a bag of really tastey bud that is also loaded with seeds. It simply looks like the grower never took the time to sex his plants or a male snuck though the guantlet.. It smells good and it taste good but the buzz could be better. Surely the same seed babied and sexed would produce a good product.

Also... Why wouldn't even a bulk commercial grower try to sex their plants and start with good seed in the first place. Surely the mexicans coming across the border to grow here in the state forest want to best weed possible for their time and investment.:leaf:

So... What is commercial weed. Is it just a cheap long season Sativa or is it just neglected? TY guys and gals!!!
Comes across the border usually :P They grow it, not bothering with sexing I guess, and compress it and bring it over. You can grow weed that looks good, but still smells and tastes like reggie.


Well-Known Member
Well I sure don't want to test the "commercial" Puff just to keep a journal. I have a few journals that go back to 1985 but I sure don't want to devote an ourdoor season just to grow a bunch mediocre rubbish (which is all the bugets allows right now.) I just thought it might be possible to know what "strain" the commercial south of the border growers are producing.

Why the %#$& would the mexican drug cartels drag growers willingly or not up here to plant and tend good seedless weed only to grow the pressed crap I buy back home. I can't imagine why you would not always grow wallet busting herb. It sure ain't labor cost. """ Please understand that the cartel guys are a cool bunch of dudes and I mean them NO disrespect."""" :clap:

The other part of my question was related to heavily seeded really OK looking budage that by all indications would have been some pretty fine smoke if the males had been removed. I cannot tell by looking at the seeded bud if it was and Indica or a Sativa. Once it's been trimmed and bagged I don't know if there is a way to tell and that is the only major problem I see. Dang I would sure hate to end up with very long season Sativa that did not finish before heavy frosts.:leaf::leaf:

Thanks for the coversation Bwpz and Puff!! :-P I'm just stoned and yaking but there must be a MORE diffinitive answer on what commercial weed from Mexicali is? Is it even all females that they are selling:?: I don't seem to notice any signs of manhood in the bag.

What do you think though Bwpz/???? IF (and who knows) my "commercial" weeds does come from Mexico is it in all likelihood gonna be a Sativa?? Rock ON Budski's and like I said I'm just stoned, babbling and making conversation.:peace:


Active Member
I got an oz from a friend that he payed $20 bucks for. He gave it to me, it was more like a bag full of stems and seeds. 1 seed made it, and it's a girl! What little bit of actual smokeable weed was in that oz fucked my girl up big time. Growing it for her. I figure, since this plant won't be making seeds, and just thc, she will be good smoke! AND, the 2 clones I took from her should be as well. I say try it, you never know......


New Member
Thing with bag seed is you don't know if its from a male pollen or a hermie. So it could appear to be female but down the line it could hermie out.

But bag seed from what I'm told is always better once grown without seeds. I live in Canada so (sadly and gladly) I don't get seeds in my bags