Well-Known Member
How selfish can you be? You live with your parents, they love you, they worry about you, they pay your housing bills.
Do you not think about other people or only yourself. How can you not understand that doors opening and closing late at night bothers (worries) them, it would me. Would you like to hear noises in your home in the middle of the night? I think not, at least not in your neighborhood. Do you not think that they want to go to bed being able to rest with a mind that knows that doors are locked and family is safe and inside? Instead they lay there waiting to here you come back through the doors so they can get GOOD REST. It is pure youthful selfishness on your part.
If your date gets off work late then go out during the day. What are you a vampire only out at night? If you can't follow the rules get the f out. Then YOU can do what YOU want... Have fun paying the bills.
Still glad you got rid of the whale avatar.
EDIT: Sorry, if I sound a little harsh but... the world does not revolve around you. Your parents are more important than any stiff cock on a boy that you only see in the night.-whose name you won't remember in a few years. Am I missing something here?
Still glad you got rid of the whal
hey its completely true what you said, but, i was only wishing that the same rules applied to me and my sister. im sorely tempted to introduce david to my parents, even though he isnt the bf, so that they dont have to worry about who im with