The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
i'd doubt anyone will rob those plants man , there fucking huge, not going to be toooo obvious a bunch of youths walking down the road with those lol


Well-Known Member
Right I don't really know what to do here. Any advice would be great. The landlord says she is coming round for a visit tomorrow coz the guy next door has been complaining about the weeds(lol) in the back garden. I phoned her and said I would take a half day tomorrow and do it. She said fine but she wants to come round for an inspection. Now she can't go in the spare room or Im off to jail. Any ideas??? I might be worring bout nothing coz she might not een go upstairs. Anybody had any experience with this. I thought they had to give u notice for an inspection???
fuck that sbilly with whats in that room, been nice knowing ya m8 send us a letter from Barlinnie lol


Well-Known Member
ive had cuttings of growers on here in the past you big meanies. I'm gay and proud of it. So spank my ass and call me Brucie. I'm gonna call my mommie so just stop it ya big bullies.


Well-Known Member
im no baby and ive got a man so dont need or want your love fat twat ;-) lol lol lol
Shit how the fuck do u expect to get cuttins with a rep like that women !! Im not bein funny but you ve gone about this all wrong i ve read some of your posts and your new to growin i see so why the attitude with the old timers ay these folk are here to help and by the looks of things u need all the help u can get and by fuckin lyin gets u know were imo


Well-Known Member
Fuck me sum are unreal around here this thread is like the new troll section sum cunt just fuck em off ay!! KEVIN MURTHY SORT YOUR SHIT OUT BRO AND DO YOUR JOB!!


Well-Known Member
he started it with his shity post.... what im a women so put up with it...mmmmmmmmmmmm dont think so...... right im chilled lol ;-)


Well-Known Member
he started it with his shity post.... what im a women so put up with it...mmmmmmmmmmmm dont think so...... right im chilled lol ;-)
Chilled lmbo willy nilly just does nt throw cuttings around especailly wen asked as u did lol it takes a little respect and trust to get wot u want out of life and shit i aint feelin either from u man/women/gay/lemon wot ever u want to b pictured as!!