
Fuck paper cuts
Fuck diarrhea
Fuck ugly people
Fuck nose hairs
Fuck socks with holes
Fuck running out of toilet paper while already shitted
did you say jibber stains!? LOL funny term... Fuck.....cock teasin sluts who make me take out my finest game only to learn they scared of tha cock... fuck condoms, fuck sex under water, fuck fat bitches, fuck using forks wit fries, fuck anyone who doesnt like mashed potatoes.... fuck my broken ass leg, some girl fuck my cock... fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck PS3, Fuck hot weather, fuck ugly cars, fuck boots with tha fur....
Fuck waiting
Fuck vegging
Fuck laws
Fuck stupid people
Fuck anyone that fucks around with fucking potheads all the fucking time
Fuck religion
and fuck religion again..
you guys see tha new like 7 sin thing that tha catholic church put out? LOL drug dealing, and polluting the earth will guarentee your ticket to hell.... Give me, "Reasons why i hate religion" for 400.... Religion is a good idea, for faith and to keep people in check, other than that, it is the cause for the most unprovoked deaths in the world.... Thank you God!!!!! :)
Fuck going to the grocery store
Fuck washing the dishes
Fuck vacuming the floor
Fuck doing the laundry
Fuck dusting
Fuck cleaning
Roll a Fuckin joint!!!
Holy fuck there is a fuckin cat in that fuckin hydro grower....That aint fuckin right the dang ol fuckin spider mites gonna fuck up your year.
Holy fuck there is a fuckin cat in that fuckin hydro grower....That aint fuckin right the dang ol fuckin spider mites gonna fuck up your year.
I gave up on the areogarden..for starting plants anyway..because the bitch in the grower eats everything I start there. so I've started them in soil, and i may get a lil use out of the aero lights when the time comes .:mrgreen:
I have a serious question here....why is it that the title of this thread has remained the same, but yet someone took it upon themselves to edit my thread title here:Fu*k it....

Fuck censorship
I have a serious question here....why is it that the title of this thread has remained the same, but yet someone took it upon themselves to edit my thread title here:Fu*k it....

Fuck censorship

HAHAHAHA You fucker..You didnt fuckin use it to neglect woman so it fuckin gets bleeped.

Get your fuckin priority(FUCK) right fuck nut.....J/K
I gave up on the areogarden..for starting plants anyway..because the bitch in the grower eats everything I start there. so I've started them in soil, and i may get a lil use out of the aero lights when the time comes .:mrgreen:

I cured my cat's habit by giving all males to her. Priscilla has her own little garden of males she can eat or destroy whenever she pleases. It's not really a problem anymore. Now if she nibbles on the crop, it's just that, a nibble. I think my putting all the males out for her took the fun out of it.
ok here go's ........
fuck not having a job
fuck the high price for fuel
fuck the asshole who thort of banning pot
fuck this slow internet
fuck this i'm gonna go get baked
fuck you peace out