PS3 Dead Island

probably going to pick it up a week after gears of war 3 comes out.. kill two birds with one stone.

i'm not much of a midnight/same day release kind of guy.
probably going to pick it up a week after gears of war 3 comes out.. kill two birds with one stone.

i'm not much of a midnight/same day release kind of guy.
i didnt even like to play video games ever untill i got a ps3 like 2 weeks ago. the guy at the store talked me into preordering it. i could go get it tomorrow but i really have nothing better to do and have never been to a store at 12am besides walmart so i think it will be interesting. i want to get the cod3 and battlefield 3
i didnt even like to play video games ever untill i got a ps3 like 2 weeks ago. the guy at the store talked me into preordering it. i could go get it tomorrow but i really have nothing better to do and have never been to a store at 12am besides walmart so i think it will be interesting. i want to get the cod3 and battlefield 3

we could have played some dead island together co-op style, but i'm on xbox.
i was a big cod world at war fan when i got my first console, the only cod game that i actually liked. I used to mow down people with the mp40 all day lol.
lets see, i liked killzone 2 - fallout 3 - heavy rain - littlebigplanet (this was whn i had a ps3)

now i'm into halo - gears of war - i'll be getting battlefield 3 - i don't really get around to gaming that much anymore so hopefully with some of the new games coming out (bf3 - dead island - silent hill downpour - gears) i can start playing a little bit more. these days i only use my xbox for netflix.
i was a big cod world at war fan when i got my first console, the only cod game that i actually liked. I used to mow down people with the mp40 all day lol.
lets see, i liked killzone 2 - fallout 3 - heavy rain - littlebigplanet (this was whn i had a ps3)

now i'm into halo - gears of war - i'll be getting battlefield 3 - i don't really get around to gaming that much anymore so hopefully with some of the new games coming out (bf3 - dead island - silent hill downpour - gears) i can start playing a little bit more. these days i only use my xbox for netflix.

I can feel it. the ps3 ended up saving me money in gas cause when im bored and not working now i stay at home and play games instead of driving around and buying hennesy
I can feel it. the ps3 ended up saving me money in gas cause when im bored and not working now i stay at home and play games instead of driving around and buying hennesy

games are the shit, a fun way to waste time when you're bored or just want to take a day and be lazy. i can't wait for bf3 just so i can get back into a good multiplayer.
and fallout 3 and new vegas

Fallout 3 was an amazing game, NV disappointed me. The gameplay in New Vegas was a slight improvement over fallout 3 (the terrible iron sights and hardcore mode being the biggest improvement. Oh and I suppose they improved the party system, but not by much). But the environment of Fallout 3 was so superior to New Vegas, that it is the way better game IMO. New Vegas hardly felt post apocalyptic. I also felt the main quest was much better in FO3 than New Vegas.

Both games had things withing the game that made no sense and that really bugged me, but new vegas was much worse. Actually the only thing that comes to mind in F03 is camp candlelight.

* Spoiler Alert*
How can there be a damn town with all kids 200+ years after the apocalypse if they send all adults away? Does the stork bring them these kids, really wtf? They may get the occasional straggler kid who wanders in, but definitely not enough to fill an entire town. Everyone of childbearing age gets sent to bigtown, yet they have a thriving community of small children... oh well.

I know this post seems to put FO3 in a negative light, but really its one of my fav PS3 titles. It's just so close to my favorite game I nitpick the shit outta it. New Vegas is a solid game, but just didn't hold me like FO3.
Fallout 3 was an amazing game, NV disappointed me. The gameplay in New Vegas was a slight improvement over fallout 3 (the terrible iron sights and hardcore mode being the biggest improvement. Oh and I suppose they improved the party system, but not by much). But the environment of Fallout 3 was so superior to New Vegas, that it is the way better game IMO. New Vegas hardly felt post apocalyptic. I also felt the main quest was much better in FO3 than New Vegas.

Both games had things withing the game that made no sense and that really bugged me, but new vegas was much worse. Actually the only thing that comes to mind in F03 is camp candlelight.

* Spoiler Alert*
How can there be a damn town with all kids 200+ years after the apocalypse if they send all adults away? Does the stork bring them these kids, really wtf? They may get the occasional straggler kid who wanders in, but definitely not enough to fill an entire town. Everyone of childbearing age gets sent to bigtown, yet they have a thriving community of small children... oh well.

I know this post seems to put FO3 in a negative light, but really its one of my fav PS3 titles. It's just so close to my favorite game I nitpick the shit outta it. New Vegas is a solid game, but just didn't hold me like FO3.

I love FO3 and NV but your right new vegas doesnt feel apacolyptic its more western to me. fall out 3 is my favorite game. I think new vegas is fun to tho.